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Here ya go brian. http://www.tokyo-marui.co.jp/news/m870/ right off their homepage
But I'm sure they'll fix it, even the "legendary" tm 5.1 had a problem upon first release iirc (propane blowing out the bbu or something i don't remember) |
I do not contest there are some group of hard-core TM fans, who will never buy any other product, but TM. But I do not think this group is dominant. Otherwise cloners like WE, KJW and others will never exist.
A lot of people will buy cheaper alternative if available. We dont need to flame is it good or bad [for them], but its just a fact. You always loose some profit if there is someone else on the market with comparable but cheaper product. And my opinion about TM pistols: stock one - maybe they are better. They are definitely better after upgrades, but this makes their price 3x of stock WE. It makes sense only for competitive shooting or if you have a lot of free money. None of this is applicable to me and most others. Quote:
I don't see the problem honestly. You can buy a TM pistol for 280 bucks now. Sure, its plastic. But the thing lasts, and shoots great.
Buy a WE pistol. How long until it breaks? How well does it perform? Is the hundred bucks you're saving really worth it? The repairs that follow will eventually lead, and exceed the cost of what you're paying for a TM gun. I've used WE pistols, I've used KJW and multiple other 'cheap' brands because I couldn't be bothered to pay that extra amount, and I end up wasting money down the line just to repair the damn things. I wouldn't say they're comparable unless you get one of those rare lemon-immune guns that somehow last forever. I wouldn't even classify them as comparable. And whenever we get pistols on the workbench here... it always turns up to be a 'cheap alternative'. I stick to TM and KWA/KSC for my sidearms now, You pay extra, but you pay for peace of mind and durability. I haven't regretted it. |
Tanio Koba was pretty quick to respond to that first issue, by releasing an aftermarket piston cup, which didn't really hold up well to propane use either. I have a number of torn TK Piston Cups here, but they did work better than the original piston heads, and was a decent band-aid solution till the H-43-26~27 piston cup design came out. In regards to the "recall", thanks for the link. Reading through it, there is no mention of a recall at all, and it looks more like a troubleshooting QA that claims most of the problems encountered are due to user error. In almost all instances of problems, their answer pretty much looks to be a generic "RTFM". As for the discussion about cheaper clones... they can go right ahead and clone the Marui M870 in its current state, but if there is in fact an engineering flaw in the design, then these clone companies will do exactly that: Clone the problems. Keep in mind, that R&D budgets for clone companies are literally $0. If there's a problem, they won't immediately look in to fixing it. Also, I doubt they'll be able to clone and release a product within a 4 month time span. 8 year old Chinese child labour is fast, but it's not THAT fast.... or maybe it is. Get an entire village of children working in a sweatshop... I'm sure their nimble little fingers can move quickly. They move quicker when you threaten denial of a bowl of rice, or just plain whip them harder. LOL |
The reality is that the cheaper alternatives don't tend to innovate.
If they did there would have been a host of gas shottys out there ahead of this one. While TM might not crack out new stuff at a rate that keeps everyone happy they still crack out new and different stuff. Sitting back and casting scorn at what they do and saying everyone would be better served by buying the cheaper copies of their stuff doesn't seem to be fully thought out. |
I love Japanese toys and electronics engineering, but I couldn't afford it much. I love the clone version just because it's cheaper and if I broke it I wouldn't feel regret, most of the time I have to even spend more money to fix it and make it back alive! I would rather stick with Japanese version if I could the choice.
The callback seems true, my hongkong supplier can't get them until TM resolves the faulty O-ring.
I had heard a hop up issue was causing jams.
TM M870 clone will be ready soon in a couple weeks
Bad news everyone, The 870 gas tank is showing expansion and flex (very similar to the tanaka m700 gas mags) when used with propane....Very dangerous.
further results pending - alex Pic jacked from arnies http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/7kno.jpg |
Suddenly I dont trust RD department of TM anymore. They did not implement 5x safety then developing a compressed gas reservoir? Even kids can do better! |
Looks like the exact same issue as the Tanaka M700 series, as Alex mentioned. I've already replaced all my M700 magazine inserts with (discontinued) billet aluminum replacements. I've caught wind that CNC machined billet aluminum parts are being made for the Marui M870 gas tanks. No word on ETA or who will be branding it. |
Lots of TM870's out there actually just that these stores have pretty much done them up and are selling them as "custom" guns.
Im very interested as to know how Hero Arms did the M870 In the picture below. it does not use the original Gas tank at all as you can see. They used another alternative to the bulky m700 type gas tank. the other pic shows alot of G&P accessories on them. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.n...46330806_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...24903977_n.jpg |
Anyone has more data / input on the issue with propane??
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