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Griffin October 18th, 2007 05:48

As I said earlier mark me down for +1, just give me a price and and email address to send EMT to.

huang October 18th, 2007 09:59


Originally Posted by Wangstang (Post 557090)
If the one that shows up at my door is as impressive as that looks, I'll be putting in an order for another one with the flip mount once it's ready for production.

This is the one that was shipped to you. Flip mount is under development.

Kokanee October 18th, 2007 10:13


Originally Posted by huang (Post 557129)
...Flip mount is under development.

And once that happens, I'm sure you will be flooded with orders from Canadian airsofters! Myself included.

DuffMan October 18th, 2007 12:19

Would I be able to purchase it now, and the flip mount seperately after?

huang October 18th, 2007 16:45


Originally Posted by Wangstang (Post 557234)
It's my impression for Mr. Huang's earlier postings that the answer to that is yes.


Wes is right. The flip mount will be sold seperately since it is not the product from the Ampoint3x manufacturer, but my own project. Me and my partner(not DragonRed) is working to anaylsis the mount, decide what kind of material should be used, CNC or casting etc. We should come out a couple of samples very soon.

huang October 19th, 2007 18:16

Ok, aluminum, CNC, I can do that. Class III Hard Anodize, I can't. Anyway I am not building a milspec mount at this moment but for airsoft only. By the way, how much money you guys like to put in this flip mount provided it is aluminum, CNC?

DesertF0x9 October 22nd, 2007 04:05
much cheaper and comes with the twist mount. Now is this the same as yours?

Kimbo October 22nd, 2007 09:32

Huangs 3x comes with the twist mount as well.

huang October 22nd, 2007 11:59


Originally Posted by DesertF0x9 (Post 559845)
much cheaper and comes with the twist mount. Now is this the same as yours?

OK. It is from a different manufacturer. But what the heck, I will match the price. If you bought other things togeter with the magnifier, you get extra $5 off. Let the price rotten!!

That's why Phantom registered their brand in Canada and sell as another brand in china .

MilanoRex October 22nd, 2007 21:25

so you're matching his price? US$72+shipping?($20?) if so, i'll take one at that price!

huang October 22nd, 2007 21:43


Originally Posted by MilanoRex (Post 560286)
so you're matching his price? US$72+shipping?($20?) if so, i'll take one at that price!

CAD70 + CAD(20) shipping
or US71 + US20.5 shipping.

If you buy anything else together, it is CAD65 or USD66.

wey ferro October 23rd, 2007 13:15

so 90 bucks shipped for a 3x?

ILLusion October 24th, 2007 18:03

How does this "twist" mount work?

Ace of SpadesĀ© October 24th, 2007 18:09

Their is a base part that attaches to the rails and the ring itself that attach via a "twisting" method to the base. With RS you just zero in the magnifier then just detach the actual mag and store it in your gear until you need it.

MilanoRex October 25th, 2007 01:14

Thanks for the update Wes! Any chance on posting some pictures with it mounted with your AimPoint?

huang October 27th, 2007 11:31


Originally Posted by leblanc74 (Post 563146)
I want this set up....8-)

Working on it. The clone's diameter is bigger than the real aimpoint 3x.:(. The Larue mount can't fit the clone.

SuperSet72 October 27th, 2007 15:09

LaRue Mount with AimPoint mag clone

Originally Posted by huang (Post 563159)
Working on it. The clone's diameter is bigger than the real aimpoint 3x.:(. The Larue mount can't fit the clone.

Huh? Maybe I'm missing something here but doesn't the included mount measure 30mm? If yes, that's the same as the LaRue pivot mount.

Topsy October 27th, 2007 16:21


Originally Posted by SuperSet72 (Post 563250)
Huh? Maybe I'm missing something here but doesn't the included mount measure 30mm? If yes, that's the same as the LaRue pivot mount.

It's probably because the LaRue isn't two pieces like most mounts. You need to slip in the Aimpoint magnifier, so you don't have much play like you would on a two part screw down mount... The clone is most likely just a bit bigger...

SuperSet72 October 27th, 2007 17:33


Originally Posted by Topsy (Post 563274)
It's probably because the LaRue isn't two pieces like most mounts. You need to slip in the Aimpoint magnifier, so you don't have much play like you would on a two part screw down mount... The clone is most likely just a bit bigger...

That's what makes it confusing. The Laure pivot mount comes as a 30mm mount with a 1" converter sleeve for the Hensoldt 2.5X magnifier. The magnifier clone comes with a manual that states that it fits 30mm rings. Something is out of synch or maybe huang is saying that the magnifier is not made per spec.

huang October 28th, 2007 18:05


Originally Posted by Wangstang (Post 563657)
My clone didn't come with a manual but a quick check with a good set of calipers showed it right at 30mm.


Have you tried the clone on a Larue flip mount? The factory told me the clone is like 1mm-2mm bigger and just can't squeeze in the Larue mount.

richm2004 October 30th, 2007 10:08

Will this work with the Samson FTS mount?

How do I order with the "twist mount"?


leblanc74 November 5th, 2007 14:18

count me in....

freewheelin4eva November 5th, 2007 16:12

well I just got mine in the mail the other day, great product, even came w/t a good reproduction of the aimpiont destructions. only problem I see so far is in the mount, two little springs under that lever, if you leave the 3x off, those springs can fall off, I am going to drill a small hole and put a small split pin in to stop the lever from flipping all the way up. but overall It is pretty cool.

MilanoRex November 6th, 2007 20:03


Originally Posted by freewheelin4eva (Post 568413)
well I just got mine in the mail the other day, great product, even came w/t a good reproduction of the aimpiont destructions. only problem I see so far is in the mount, two little springs under that lever, if you leave the 3x off, those springs can fall off, I am going to drill a small hole and put a small split pin in to stop the lever from flipping all the way up. but overall It is pretty cool.

I have the same problem, the 3x mag works great - but the twist mount springs just fall out

medhatboy November 6th, 2007 20:05

I stripped the screws just trying to get the mag in, they almost look like they aren't long enough. With out the mag in they tighten just fine, ended up putting into a different 30mm ring set.

Griffin November 6th, 2007 20:19

Apart from the front spring falling out which I solved with a drop of fishin glue in the hole it sits in, the mount fit the mag just fine.

freewheelin4eva November 6th, 2007 22:25

on mine the scope was a little tight, had to press it into the lower portion of the mount and then I was able to start the screws, once they were all started, everything pulled down nicely. also two pieces of electrical tape between the mount and the scope took out the very slight wobble.
The glue would work, quick fix I guess, still want to make it so the lever does not just flip all the way up and flop around.

Griffin November 6th, 2007 22:30

I have used Fishin glue when I modified my sons Nerf Longshot, to hold a brass breach system. Basically glue a plastic nub to the brass with glue and 1000shots later is still holding strong.

stag6.8 November 15th, 2007 18:19

My aimpoint magnifier came in the mail today. I must say im very impressed. The build is top notch quality all around(real steel quality in a matter of fact). the mount is pretty decent too. the only drawback is the ring screws are a little short, but you can go to a hardware store , buy some longer allen head screws, and easily fix that problem. I used my A.R.M.S QD mount setup for the aimpoint instead. This is a great product for the price.

dodger_me November 15th, 2007 19:46

That is like the real one, When you put the mount on it covers that up.... you cant mount to the rubber....

stag6.8 November 15th, 2007 20:33

wangstang, mine was exposed just like in the picture....

stag6.8 November 15th, 2007 20:40

Just to let every body know, this aimpoint is going on a real steel rifle (stag arms 6.8 spc caliber AR-15). I`ll post a review on how the magnifier performs as well as pics very soon.

Hk-GUY November 16th, 2007 04:29

All of the Aimpoint replicas have the foward portion exposed. Only the real ones have the rubber on the ends.

huang November 16th, 2007 22:46

The flip mount should be available before Christmas. However I have to made a decsion about the diameter of the replica mount. Either we make the mount 2mm bigger than the real one to fit the magnifier clone or people have to trim the rubber cover which seems not easy. Any suggestion?

stag6.8 November 17th, 2007 00:15

I assume you`re referring to the larue mount go with trimming the rubber for the real ones and hopefully after the rubber has been trimmed...It`ll fit the clone.....or better yet make a samson mount where you use the 4 screws on the bottom of the aimpoint eliminating the problem of the diameter of the tube fitting in the mount. Build the riser samson mount version so it can rise equal to both a aimpoint (using a cantilever mount or riser mount) or eotech scope.

trevor November 17th, 2007 00:23

I'd say make it fit the clone

stag6.8 November 17th, 2007 00:34

after thinking about it trimming the rubber wouldn`t be good either...will you build just a larue setup .....or both a larue and samson setup so we can choose?

huang November 17th, 2007 09:17


Originally Posted by stag6.8 (Post 576015)
after thinking about it trimming the rubber wouldn`t be good either...will you build just a larue setup .....or both a larue and samson setup so we can choose?

Larue only so far.

Rookie Ab November 17th, 2007 10:26

Just a thought ,but what about making it the 2mm bigger,and include a ring insert to reduce it back down if needed. Just like scope rings (25mm to 30mm) . Pretty simple fix,maybe something like that?

Kokanee November 17th, 2007 11:00

Keep it just like the realsteel item. If the real mount requires the rubber to be trimmed on the magnifier, then that's the way it should be on the replica.

alpha54 November 17th, 2007 17:53

Definitely make it fit the clone - I'm sure I'm not the only one that wouldn't want to bother with cutting down the rubber. I think people will almost exclusively be using the clone mount for the clone magnifier, so making the mount fit the clone perfectly seems like the best solution. :)

Tankdude November 17th, 2007 18:11

I'm with Alpha on this one. Keep it simple.

ILLusion November 17th, 2007 23:46

I also vote for replicating real steel dimensions.

I have no qualms about trimming off the rubber, although Kody_1's idea of making the mount fit the clone with shims to fill up the extra 2mm sounds like a good compromise.

huang November 19th, 2007 00:28


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 576492)
I also vote for replicating real steel dimensions.

I have no qualms about trimming off the rubber, although Kody_1's idea of making the mount fit the clone with shims to fill up the extra 2mm sounds like a good compromise.

OK, Kody_'s idea is what I have in mind. BTW, Eotech 3x is also in progress.

Hk-GUY November 19th, 2007 07:56


Originally Posted by huang (Post 577076)
OK, Kody_'s idea is what I have in mind. BTW, Eotech 3x is also in progress.

YESSS!!! I have been wanting that for myself, to go with the 553 when it comes out. Any aproximate date or pricew on the EOTech 3x ? Hopefuly we can expext the 557 and 4X Eotech Replica's to make the EOTech MPO later next year... I sure hope.

huang November 19th, 2007 09:54

eotech3x is something for mid 2008.

stag6.8 November 25th, 2007 21:29

I went to the real steel range to try out the worked great...I shot a quick 100 rounds at 75 yards to start and no recoil damage and held its zero...shooting prone(which is my first time trying)it was a little high and to the left(25 rounds and 50 yards)..dailed the aimpoint the the direction of the bullet travel and got right over the target....pulled target back to 75 yards ....did another 25 rounds prone...and still got right over the target....I did the remaining 50 rounds from the bench...In which im used to inch over the target....I did 100 rounds in which thats all I had time to shoot....the magnifier performed recoil damage...and 6.8 spc caliber has double power and kick than a .223 and 20% less power than a .308...and kept its zero....thank you for offering a great product for such a great price...BTW...the ammo I was shooting was remington 6.8spc caliber 115gr going back to the range in a couple of weeks or so tune it in for 100 yards+ ...enjoy the pics

Hk-GUY November 25th, 2007 21:47

Wow thats great to here.
What kind of stock set is that you got there? I like that.

stag6.8 November 25th, 2007 22:11

thanks HK....Its a california rifles U-15 stock....

peacekeeper October 19th, 2009 18:48

how do you like that 6.8 round ? quite a zippy bullet eh?

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