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mike909 April 13th, 2008 19:43

Thats good to know

surebet April 13th, 2008 19:51

Besides you'd probably have them seized coming back in.

Dusti69 April 13th, 2008 19:57

you could always stick an m80 in a ziplock full of bbs haha

surebet April 13th, 2008 20:10


Originally Posted by Dusti69 (Post 693797)
you could always stick an m80 in a ziplock full of bbs haha

... or not...

mike909 April 13th, 2008 20:10

thats what I what thinking

Dusti69 April 13th, 2008 20:13

i imagine that would work whether or not it would have a good or bad outcome haha
i was only joking. dont take it too seriously

mike909 April 13th, 2008 20:14

I know hhaha

Dusti69 April 13th, 2008 20:18

i cant find the vid of the kids with their little packets that i saw months ago
but my joking reasoning is that if some 7 or 8 year olds can manage to create this and it works then just imagine what we could do.
hello airsoft nukes

actually i just did find it. i think they might be using gumball machine containers or simply wrapped in plastic, you can see the wide spray of bbs clearly at the very end. i find this rather innovative for kids of this age

this one looks like its in a bottle
but you get the point. theres no need to keep posting vids when you can watch them on your own by following the related vids.
youd probly save a lot of money making your own. these home made ones do seem rather effective

Pip April 13th, 2008 22:39

Just keep a bag of bb's in your pocket, or in a misc pouch on your rig, and when you want to nade someone, just grab a handful and pitch 'er...

Of course that could have been sarcasm....or was'll never know..

The Saint April 13th, 2008 22:48

Strictly speaking, there is no law prohibiting the importation or transfer of replica explosive devices. However, you'd need to be competent (and old) enough to defend that against a tribuneral full of rather stubborn people in the event of a seizure.

Besides, the Tornado is way better.

mcguyver April 13th, 2008 22:54

The only law you need to worry about is the shipping of replica or deactivated munitions via Canada Post. It's an offence to do so.

Hell, you can buy a field gun and blank rounds for it, legally, with no license required.

Torque April 14th, 2008 01:15

I heard the tornado had problems spinning during out door use? anyone know if this is true?

Dusti69 April 14th, 2008 01:33




they keep showing it sitting up perfectly spinning in a fixed position but when you throw it in the field its not gonna do that so i wonder how effective it really is when it lands on its side on a flat floor or in the woods
i would think that going off while laying on its side outdoors at least half its bbs would be shot straight into the dirt without the richochet effect of being indoors on a hard floor

TokyoSeven April 14th, 2008 02:00

The AI grenade will be great for indoor.
I will always prefer my customs for outdoor. Although mine make people fall down and go deaf and leave small craters the size of fridge in the ground, oh wait are we talking about airsoft?

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