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ThunderCactus July 24th, 2014 18:20

for gen1?
~$500 for an NVMT with riflescope kit
~$160 for an IR laser so you can aim with it

for head mount
$120 for a rhino mount
$90 for a J arm
however much you want to spend on a helmet, real opscore is around $330 after shipping

Kilohotel July 25th, 2014 11:00

I really like a PVS-14 style monocular design

Zack The Ripper July 25th, 2014 11:18

Don't buy Gen1. Save your money and buy Gen3, Gen2+ minimum. Everyone who has ever bought Gen1 and gone Gen3 later on will tell you, including myself. It's just worth it.
You don't want to skimp when it comes to NOD equipment or you will be running around with sub-mediocre head and rifle weight.

Can't say I have ever seen a Class 1 eye safe IR laser for $160. You'll have to give me your source TC.

Kingsix July 25th, 2014 12:04

Takes weird batteries, no pressure pad but hey it's brighter slightly than the Beamshot.

mcguyver July 25th, 2014 14:11

Those are ITAR prohibited. I have tried to get some of those for pistols.

Zack The Ripper July 25th, 2014 15:20

Shit for a couple hundo you may as well spend a couple hundred more for a used PAQ or similar unit that's been long proven in its use and has a good lifespan.

Besides, even if that one wasn't ITAR, "Laser Output: Infrared Laser" doesn't constitute eye safe.

Zack The Ripper July 25th, 2014 17:28

Ahh, fair enough. I just would have though that would be something they'd list in the product info.
Well, that, or just message Deltastone. Home boy has a stack of laser boxes ready for use. Lol

ThunderCactus July 25th, 2014 18:23


Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper (Post 1902910)
Don't buy Gen1. Save your money and buy Gen3, Gen2+ minimum. Everyone who has ever bought Gen1 and gone Gen3 later on will tell you, including myself. It's just worth it.

Coming from a guy that's used both, there's a huge price gap between the best gen1 and what I consider to be fieldable gen2

The high end gen1 boasts amazing clarity, but obviously just doesn't amplify light a whole heck of a lot
The "next step up" $1000-$1400 gen2 units amplify light better, but either have so much noise, or so little resolution (often times less res than yukon gen1) that they actually start being on par with gen1
It's no secret that there are gen3 tubes that are so cheap they're only as good as the high end gen2 tubes. The same is true for gen2 and gen1.
The same is true for low end gen1 tubes and the naked eye LOL

As far as I've seen with my own eyes, there's yukon or other similarly high end gen1 units, and then there's $2000 gen2 units, and nothing really worth getting in between those two.
That's effectively a used ptw in savings.

So, you can have a $2000 NVD, closer to $2500 if you're head mounting it, that you'll use 2-4 times a year

OR, you can have a $500 riflescope that you'll use 2-4 times a year, and a ptw!

Zack The Ripper July 25th, 2014 19:09

Well, like everything in airsoft it's all subjective. I'm personally a bit of a gear whore, so having my Gen1 monocular and looking through a 14 was all it took for me to sell the poop tube and get the green eye. If all you are doing is running night optics on your rifle, then I guess Gen1 could suffice. I have seen/looked through decent setups (unsure of the models though), but for helmet mounting Gen2+ and higher is definitely the way to go.

And, why not just buy a 14 and a PTdub? :p

Kingsix August 21st, 2014 22:46


GSCI Gen 2 rifle scope on Type 89 rifle

Seems like NV works better in rifle scope form. Something about larger lenses gathering more like or it's easier to make larger image intensifier tubes.
Oh and no need for IR laser or NV compatible sight to aim.

I think it's a Russian made commercial gen 1 hunting scope with a gen 2 tube. the shuttered rubber eye-cup from my NSPU sight fits perfectly confirming my suspicious it came from Russia or eastern europe.

I think it's a 30mW IR illuminator on the side.. whatever it is it's really bright with a long throw.... actually puts my surefire vampire to shame T.T

MMatersk December 16th, 2014 21:21

. That is just sex . Wonderful stuff as always

Desmodus December 16th, 2014 22:30

I've never even heard of PVS-21's.....

Those look SWEET.

Canadian Psycho December 16th, 2014 22:31

pure awesome.

How do you find the off-set with the lenses? does it get annoying?

Cobrajr122 December 16th, 2014 22:39


c3sk December 16th, 2014 22:47


Originally Posted by Canadian Psycho (Post 1924659)
pure awesome.

How do you find the off-set with the lenses? does it get annoying?

When it is overlaying the NV image on the HUD in lit areas it does have this weird kinda overlay feel, not enough to get annoying though - it feels more natural vs using tubes oddly enough.

Best way to describe it, you see your normal vision and field of view, with a 40 degree nightvision circle free floating in the middle.

I can now see why these have been the goto CQB NVD.

Only gripe I have is the Wilcox G21, has some kinda useless features on it and doesn't agree with my opscore or my face. However once the wilcox shoe is installed they are apparently good to go for L4G24 or better mounts.

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