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any news as to when we will see more of these? and maybe a more reasonable price. under 499.99 would be nice.
picked up my TM870 today from infinityarms.com and only payed $439.99+tax. sorry to everyone who paid $700 =(
Do they ship to Canada, Gear?
Edit: never mind... |
To the folks who installed breacher chokes: how did you install them? Where they threaded? How much work was involved? (or, the digested question: is there an easy way to install one?)
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Can't believe this isn't in here yet. Literally rubbing my hands in anticipation.
Damn, that post with the pistol grip buffer combo has me. Better start saving now
Still waiting for that wood kit.
I wonder if they would ever do a spas12 like this. Metal folding stock with the hook. That's what I call a money maker.
I'd only be interested if it was semi/pump and gas operated.
Is there a link to that pistol grip kit there, Danke?
Ah, thanks you
Is there any gun doc who have experience with it so far?
Anyone else find the stock to be a bit loose, which causes air to leak sometimes?
What are people using to sling the gun in the rear? A keyring?
Uncle Mike's 1" swivels.
I tightened Phillips screw inside stock, that fixed problem for me. |
http://www.unclemikes.com/accessorie...-870-870-youth |
Just a pair of these. http://www.unclemikes.com/accessorie...i-lock-swivels
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Well it's that time of the year;
i've heard of nozzles breaking on these shotguns. How do we get replacement parts?
Did anyone chrono it on propane / green gas ?
https://scontent-a-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/...21385017_n.jpg |
oh great! thank you! Is anyone talking about this yet? [Pulse Japan] Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher Shizuoka Hobby Show 2014 - YouTube
You guys hear about these parts yet? They're M4 stocks for the 870s.
http://www.mlemart.com/index.php?rou...roduct_id=3371 http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwol...Marui_M870.htm |
I'm still a Japanese version airsoft hard core fans. So pick up one today. No bad, a bit light and body is just okay since it is the first full metal(could be better), metal barrel finishing is not as good as APS. But I like the racking sound and the way it shoots, clear and loud tho, its fun and really good for cqb. May spend some time to play around with this and maruzen one, swap some of the parts or stock and even gas tank too if possible! Of cause, if I would have the time and money, add on g&p accy to make it look cool, ha!
need to spend some more money to make the Marui looks better, now still original...
top: APS CAM870 bottom: TM M870 http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps76a99379.jpg |
So, TM or APS?
Uncle. I need to visit your gun armory in unionville. :)
Yes, anytime my friend, here is my gun room.
http://airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=155773&page=2 In Unionville, only has pet soldiers there. Be aware of some friendly giant pet killing you with big hug and wet kiss, lol! TM, good for outdoor(3 bbs mod in 75' range) and cqb(6 bbs mod in close range). APS, may not suitable for outdoor game since the engagement range is less than 50' that I fell like, the bb's spread out nice, but good for cqb(may load 10-12 6mm or 4 8mm combinations), collection and practical shooting, it's fun and realistic! |
http://www.tokyo-model.com.hk/shop/b...ge.340x283.jpg http://www.tokyo-model.com.hk/shop/n...ml?cPath=1_143 |
spent some time to fix the flex issue on two gas tanks. now they fit better in the stock once full charge in propane. but then found out slow leaking sound inside stock. opened the stock and resealed o-ring seems better now....
http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps13c6e337.jpg http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps8a66632a.jpg |
still leaking between body and stock, add one large and one small o-rings inside stock side and seal properly now, no more leak!
http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps24688996.jpg after added 2 screws on the side of the tank, you still see the flex issue a bit, is the propane pressure too high or the port metal too weak?? http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps275a015a.jpg shorten the mag release to prevent accidental release the mag cover and get damage when gaming. http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps4f04b15f.jpg |
Tried it in Arms airsoft Festival, it was amazing, three internal barrels with hop up, 75' range has no issues, easy hit. very good for outdoor in 3 bb's. In close range, 6 bb's is good tho.
This parts just arrived and make it a bit new look. http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...pse02daab7.jpg http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps2fe3c2e6.jpg |
Angry gun is cheaper, it wins my vote :P
That could be a silly question, anyone opens or breaks the original stock for modifications? Any pictures can be shared? Thanks!
You are also the first to do some serious work on both the APS and TM :) |
if the one you're looking for is for cqb, waiting for the new Marui M870 cqb version coming out next year. I'm pretty sure that would be a very hot item. 8"receiver and 8"short barrel with short forend, wooh hoo! For sure I love to have one.
regarding the magpul sga stock, I'm trying my best to take a deep look inside the original stock, compare the size with them by picture, see if there is a high probability to get it modify, before I open it up to waste it. Let's see..... I don't expect too much tho! Quote:
http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/eac-marui...l#.U8WOTPldWls Hope this helps a bit. |
thanks. I did read this, and I think they modified with one of the cylinder gas tank in it. that would be so expensive to buy try. What I wanted is mod the Marui internal into magpul. Thanks anyway!
just to confirm, the shells for the Gas M870 is exactly the same as the springer ones right? meaning i can cheap out and use the ACM clone shells with this?
I've used the old red TM shells and china copies in mine at games from an ammo handoff.
They need to start making more stocks for this baby, I would like to get the old school pistol grip with metal folding stock that folds to the top. Similar to my G&P 870.
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/i...iLkQx0JtqfxsaG |
Any canadian retailers stocking/have incoming of the TM 870 breacher?
InfinityArms ETA is late aug early seept. |
Here you go: About that lever, forgot what post I put it in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkKxl5GZR3M |
Has anyone heard in from Illusion lately? I'm sure he is busy but I've had my pre-order through him for an M870 for some time but I need the money back badly.
Knock Knock.
http://i.imgur.com/tl91NrN.jpg?1 |
Holy! That looks awesome. In fact, that is exactly was I was just thinking I would impulse buy this evening.
sorry if this has been answered prior, but where did you get the angry gun gas stock? the other parts too? I am seriously considering my own TM M870 right now. |
I got the Angry Gun gas kit and the flashlight grip from ehobby. They were both in stock there last week.
Right on man, thank you. I wasn't sure ehobby was able to ship stuff here. I'm a noob haha. How long did you have to wait for it? If you don't mind my asking, what was the price? I have never brought anything in from Asia. |
Ordered on the 16th, here today. Under $30 to get here.
From what I have come by so far, the angry gun gas stock doesn't fit all pistol grips, is that correct? What kind of grip/stock did you throw on yours?
PS: Prancercise. awesome haha. |
Just an old WE GBBR stock and grip. So RS should be good to go.
Is it the G&P flashlight grip? I was looking to install that style on my M870 also but wasn't sure if would work. Did duty took more money out of your pocket when at door? (Needed to pay same amount of duty then shipping from Redworlf)
Yes G&P this is the one right here (out of stock right now).
http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/g-p-tacti...0-shotgun.html Went on with no hassle. No duty on the shipment; the only time I've been charged was on stuff over $500. |
Been on the fence about getting one. If any owners can chime in -
1) Is it skirmishable outdoors? Some long sight-lines at my local field, most engagements 100-150 feet. Some CQB when the grass is particularly long. 2) Is it unwieldy for indoor CQB? Would the breacher (with the angry gun gas stock) be a better option inside? |
I believe the angry gun stock kit is the one holding the highest volume of gas design since it has no internal detachable gas tank, not like the g&g with internal tank. Means without it , the inside storage is higher volume and shoots more bbs. There is a video shows the angry gun one could shot 80 + pumps. That is 8 shells or more. If I would like to add a stock for longer lasting gas storage in Breacher, absolutely go for angry gun one. Keep minimize the length for CQB use and good for room clearing. Or get extra mags, I have ordered three of them but still waiting for the Breacher arrived this Friday if on schedule.
I have a 150' range. I'll check out later on.
Unwieldy is a bit of a variable. It's bigger than a MP5 for sure but if you're 6'8" that may not be an issue. |
I reach also long shots. Mostly just to see how far it can reach.
I played in a CQB environment also and it was amazing. It's long, it's scary but bring a pistol if you think being the first in a room. It scare the shit of people turning a corner and having pointing at their face though. @ Danke, Wow.. I'll for sure make my purchase from eHobby next time since my teeth grinded a lot on receiving. |
So on low gas (2 shells worth) it will throw .28s and .30s 150'. Had to give it a bit of elevation but that could have been down to low gas.
From what I remember reading, I believe the breacher and the full sized 870 have the same inner barrel length so asides from appearance and the difference in gas reservoirs, the performance should be very similar.
I'm rather fond of the breacher w/ the AngryGun stock, but performance wise, I'd like to see if it can reach out to at least 200ft accurately. @Danke, how's the bb spread out at 150'? I'm curious to see if its a viable outdoor gun for my field. |
What other upgrades or mod parts did you put on there? I can see the obvious AG gas tube and G&P forearm. What did you use for your shell holder? Also, did you have to modify your magazine tube at all? |
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Beta.. a guy on youtube did a firing test on a range and let say it's not the most accurate at 150 feet. On the 3 shots.. he got 1 on the panel (human size) but with the 6 shots.. he got 4. But 100 feet and under.. it's practically 100% hit.
@warwick88 . It could be an angrygun side saddle. I've one on mine too. And the G&P forearm. I found an alternative for the flashlight.. one bummer, it's a bit too far. |
I use these for shell holders. http://www.dstactical.com/product_in...oducts_id=2915 |
RW has a SAT Performance Output Valve for this m870, use with original stock only.
just received the AG choke tube, this is the closest design as RS one, looks very nice after attached on M870, seems like works with Breacher. will see if I could received the Breacher this week?
http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...psc17f1618.jpg http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps456ff5e8.jpg |
Finally, Both M870 and Breacher are here.....
http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...psb70af85f.jpg http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...psff4d0743.jpg |
Very nice! Now you need to mod the G&P Front Flash light to the breacher! haha
Yeah, tried to completely disassemble the breacher and found that was sooooo complicated. Even the pistol grip is red thread locked that took me an hour to get it out. The internal, I think I need a whole day to learn about it and make sure nothing missing. What a Japanese engineering! Love it so much. After that, I can see if possible to have the g&p flash light hand grip modify in it?? A lot of fun and drive me crazy.....
Uhm.. I plan to order the G&P flashlight grip this winter and maybe CNC nozzle to avoid breaking in future but now you're scaring me to change both parts. Ahaha!
please don't get it wrong. I'm just enjoying this Japanese engineering for taking it apart. It's a complicated design, but if you do it step by step, with a clean working table, you'll be fine. Make sure you have all the little parts and screws line up one by one, then reverse them back, not too hard. For the cnc nozzle, you have to almost completely taken all apart to replace it. If you have it worn out, you have to have it replace. But the g&p flash light front grip, just have to drop in, need no modify.
REPLACE PARTS WHEN IT NEEDED, I DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTIL AFTER CERTAIN TIME OF USED GOT WORN OUT. I take it apart is just for my own study and having fun with this awesome Japanese design. there is a guy in YouTube posted how to disassemble the m870. Check it out. He is so good tho. Quote:
This guy has done a very solid series of how-to videos. GSO Gecko on Arnie's Airsoft.
http://arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/in...tuning-thread/ Disassemble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3zD8GL9VBs Reassemble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNsdjilxly0 Trouble Spots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7u4qRz4-Zo |
Taking it apart is not that hard, as long as you get the right way and step by step.
The G&P foregrip with flash light, if I want to install into the breacher, will take heavy modify to get it done, so I give it up for now. Finally it still installs back to M870, Looking good tho. http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps5e745255.jpg http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps12183033.jpg http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps27c2766e.jpg |
Really want to see the angry gun stock on the breacher. All the pics, videos and info that's the one thing missing...
Like this g&p foregrip, it's adding more weight in the front, not only having a better balancing and also make the cocking easier with this heavier weight on it. Nice....
I try to find a place where I can get a M4 pistol grip and a crane stock to fit on the AG gas chamber. Anyone have an idea? Airsoftparts and airsoftstore don't have both of them. Thanks for your help!
does anyone know where we can get replacement parts for the TM breacher?
What parts you're looking for??
I'm looking for a tm breacher pistol grip. |
looking for info on the 2 orings for the inlet valve in the stock, that the gas resevoir valve pushes into
can't find it on the parts diagram sadly 1 of mine had shredded and the gas dumps with only 1 in can anyone help me save $200 on an AG m4 resevoir purchase by helping me with a $2 oring also looking for a replacement butt pad unit |
I only have 870T-56, the one you need looks a bit thinner, not sure if they are the same.
If you do still have it in hand (oring), bring it to a local hardware store but with clerk behind a counter. I destroyed my AG oring and he found me some. Picked up 3 for 2.75$. If you can remove your part, bring it with you to test it.
Any idea of the 870's compatibility with real steel as far as the pump/handguard goes? I hate how skinny the stock one is D: How much modification would it take to put a RS, or perhaps a maruzen pump on?
Went with the Angry gun stock adaptor..it was great.. for a day..
I seem to now have developed a major leak from the front of the gun. I have removed the stock, and lubed the o ring to the resevoir and oring around the mounting screw but I still get all the gas just escaping out the loading area as if there is a seal missing, as it blows out just as fast as I fill..or something is stuck in an open position the day before I had taken a few test shots when I first installed the AG stock and had great fun shooting but found the gas empty the next day, figured it just needed some rings lubed but now its gone all to shit |
Do you think the gas leak is coming from between stock and receiver? Check above post, "fixing gas leak between stock and receiver". That possible after you changed the stock and leave some space on between. Get extra one more o-ring from dollar store, hope that is it, good luck. |
Sadly no,
its definitely near the loading area around the brass tube and spring..somewhere inside around there |
the brass tube and the spring? I try to find it and cant see it. I did test mine and it kept the propane in for 1 week in the tube without leaking (it sit about 1 meter from my bed, I would smell it). I can only see it's an oring snapped or the valve is not tight enough/oring snapped.
One of the reason I would like to keep both of my Marui M870 and breacher with original external gas tank, is that when I'm done gaming, I just remove the gas tank, without keeping the gas pressure in internal parts, it might reduce the life of use. Keep it healthier. Marui design for 134c mainly. Green gas and propane have excessive pressure to shorten life of use. Also can carry more extra tank for gaming. I have five tanks for breaher.
I suggest empty your AG gas tank after game use. |
I'm sadly going to break it down Thanks for the help |
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