Originally Posted by Brayden
(Post 1209113)
Since im not 18 i can not play on fields with a lot of people, most my team has ever had is 4 including myself and we do use tactics but semi auto is usually only for suppressing fire.
Full auto is for supressing.. semi or short burst is normal. No offense, but if the people you play with hunker down when someone is shooting at them in semi you're playing with a bunch of pussies. Next time someone starts "supressing" you on semi, switch over to full auto and rush them. See how
that works out.
That's not using logic its using a excuse to belittle players while you exaggerate. First, where I play there is a lot of brush and getting close to some one is not a smart idea.
If you're adapting tactics to a special field situation, it's an exception. Mass coverage by dense brush that only full auto bursts get through is hardly normal on most airsoft fields.
By no means does that resolve in us not trying to advance flank and pin them. If anyone is constantly firing I would assume from my experiences that they would get shot, no? Maybe the people I play with don't heavy fire like some working adults could afford to do but why not just pick up a sniper and take them out?
While I appreciate you're trying to offer your opinion, you're kinda off base. That's not what happens when you do a skirmish with 10-15 people. By your own admisison you haven't played games with large numbers of players (I'm talking 20+). This is a trend I've noticed in games over the past year or two.
Also, assuming by the comments you're making, you actually don't fall into the "using AEG's as support weapons" group I'm bitching about.
I think there is a balance. I do not agree with people throwing massive mags on small guns, and I agree on having a decent ammo restriction keeping in mind that realism isn't having the same amount of bbs as bullets because as you said its true that they are not equal. In basics you are saying your sick of people not using realistic magazines but you want to play like were using bows and arrows. That's how it comes across from me and whats the point of even using a gun if were in throwing distance of them? its not really realism is it then...
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying I'm sick of the "everyone has a machinegun" playing mentality that highcaps inevitably lead too.
I called bullshit on the argument that you need midcaps because BB's aren't equivalent to bullets because it's exactly that -bullshit. Airsoft guns have an effective engagement range, and effective situations, just like real guns.. and the "BB's aren't equivalent to real bullets" argument generally stems from people using airsoft guns outside their effective range or trying to blow through shit a BB generally won't go through. What I'm saying is that people should
move to somewhere their gun IS effective rather than just try and brute force through something hoping to get a lucky shot.
Personally, I don't run realcaps in my SL9. I use standard mags (50 rounds). I'm not a huge fan of realcaps in skirmishes because I think they go too far the other direction.. but in the same vane, 50 round magazines still limit your ammunition enough that you have to mind your tactics and the use of your gun or risk running dry.
Frankly, if people used hicaps or a shitload of midcaps and didn't play like they had unlimited ammo I wouldn't have an issue. The problem is that I'm finiding people
do play like they have unlimited ammo, so they don't bother trying to actually play... games degrade into 'whoever can fling the most BB's at the other team'. Frankly, it's boring.