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siggypoo January 21st, 2015 10:12

Agreed. I'm comfy with vest cross draw, but if I could get a spacer for my hip holsters to clear my vest mag pouches, I'd employ that instead.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280

Ricochet January 21st, 2015 16:15

I simply do not have the space or weight dispersement available to want mine up on my rig. I got a HSGI single strap panel, set high against my battle belt, and then my holster is mounted through both. It doesn't interupt my ability to run like the full sized drop legs used to, and it is much lighter. If you don't want even the small strap, you can get straight up molle extensions for your battle belt as well. It'll sit nicely, just won't be as secure.

- HSGI Suregrip battle belt
- HSGI Costa leg panel
- Blade-Tech Level III Duty holster

It's nice, lightweight, comfortable and at the perfect height.

gogojuice January 21st, 2015 20:37

Interesting thoughts so far on what people are discussing. I can see how some of each style has there pros and cons.

The battle belt looked neat.... but by the time you add it up.. it gets pretty expensive for what I need. (just a holster) unless I am looking at it wrong. I have a plate carrier that I keep my mags on.

I have the TM M&P, which isn't a small compact pistol so I will have to see if it is to awkward on my vest. At least it is light lol.

I'm also going to try a leg rig out just to see if I like it or not. This way I can say that I have at least tried them out before commenting what I like or don't like.

As a side note... Is this stuff + other accessories at the toronto airsoft conference on 21 March 2015?

I have never been before and when I looked on facebook there really wasn't much info / pictures from 2014.

Thanks for the thoughts.....Keep posting :)

ThunderCactus January 21st, 2015 21:06

Just get a blade tech d/os with tek lok and a serpa holster, costs like $80.
Suregrip is expensive but it does other things too lol

Brengun January 21st, 2015 22:23


Originally Posted by Rossco66 (Post 1929499)
TBH I'm not sure that I've had to draw my pistol while prone. Have to think about that one.

I was right beside you when you were lying in the grass... drew your pistol and dove through 3 meters of new-growth forest to shoot and tag a guy. :)

It was awesome. And saved our squad (pinned down).

daishi January 22nd, 2015 16:19

All I can say is a proper duty belt paired with a good RS drop leg holster is amazing.

Personally, Im a gbbr user. So I have 6 m4 mags on my lower vest, two pistol mags on the upper left, and my PTT and a the hilt of my knife in the upper right. In CQB my rifle sits snugly on my left side in a weapons catch and my right side near the back is my radio pouch and future space for an extra amount of m4 mags. I have ZERO room for a pistol even a compact one.

Reachign a pistol on my waist makes me feel akward especially since I have long arms.

I currently run a GCode XST RTI Kydex Holster mounted to a RTI drop leg panel with a single strap and REAC clip:

The inside of the drop leg panel is smooth and slick, and the straps on either side have this strange rubber clingy material woven into them so the panel does NOT move. Its adjustable up and down and for the past three years that Ive used it its been great.

I JUST got in the GCode 1.75 Active Response belt and paired with it it feels just right. I can now take the belt off and undo the thigh buckle and the whole systems comes off in one piece. Don't have to thread the belt through pant loops.

In all, I can run, prone, kneel, dive do tacti-cool summersault room entries if I want to...this holster is not moving or letting go of my pistol. The only problem is cost. Ive spent a bit over 200 bucks on a belt and holster system. The one good thing is if I get a new pistol I only have to buy a $45 kydex holster and I can clip it onto my already existing drop leg panel since they are all interchangeable. Which saves me some money in the future when I plan to upgrade. They also have other mounting systems like for vests, belts and the like. I REALLLLY like the rotating molle wheel. I used to have a smaller pistol mounted at a canted angle on my vest.

My experience with other drop leg holsters has been negative and after going through many drop leg holster clones from china, and even a safari land one, this GCode has held up to everything and I highly recommend them.

TL;DR GCode shit is fuckin' sweet. I like em alot, buy it noai!

waylander January 22nd, 2015 17:21

Hmmm might have to try gcode myself then. I haven't had any issues with either my imi or serpa clone ones. I still run faster than anyone on my team in most cases. Helps that my vest is very minimalist and my current go to pistol is a plastic TM.

lurkingknight January 22nd, 2015 17:42

if you are going leg rig for pistol, don't fuck around and spend the coin for a real steel hard leg panel. It won't move/wobble as much as a shitty nylon holster, and it won't break like a shitty acm clone one. lol.

A holster is worth investing in, you're hanging a 300$ pistol off of it.

Everyone prefers different setups given their preferences and body type for ergonomics, you can ask and get opinions until the cows come home, to find out if it's for you, you will need to try it yourself and decide whether you like it or not.

I have personally never had issues with the real serpa leg rig aside from it getting in the way of my knee pad. I've crawled through bush and muck and not had snagging issues. THose that say putting the holster on your chest rig belt or carrier, I've done that too... and found my sling snags on it at some point or other.

All the setups have pros and cons, weight them against each other after trying for yourself and figure it out. That's part of the fun.

brock0 February 22nd, 2015 22:41

I was in this same boat not long ago. Had a sidearm and nowhere to put it, so I ordered this cheap POS -

I learned very fast that as a drop leg it was absolutely terrible (gun flopping everywhere and its $20) but by sinching it tight tight tight vertically right below my belt and then around my leg I actually got a seasons use out of it and it worked well. Sort of a slightly lower than belt mounted, not quite drop leg sort of setup.

Now I'm waiting for my g-code kydex order :P but for next to nothing you can try this and see for yourself.

R711 February 25th, 2015 03:48

Loose the drop leg holster. When, I did this in real life, a drop leg holster no matter how tight or high was always prone to hitting you in the junk. Place your holster on a belt or mount it on your BA/chest rig/plate carrier and practice, make muscle memory. Because, in the end it's the practice that will pay off. Know your equipment and it will treat you well. Treat your equipment badly and it will treat you the same.
R711 OUT

daishi February 25th, 2015 09:05


Originally Posted by R711 (Post 1935698)
Loose the drop leg holster. When, I did this in real life, a drop leg holster no matter how tight or high was always prone to hitting you in the junk. Place your holster on a belt or mount it on your BA/chest rig/plate carrier and practice, make muscle memory. Because, in the end it's the practice that will pay off. Know your equipment and it will treat you well. Treat your equipment badly and it will treat you the same.
R711 OUT

How the hell did your drop leg manage to twist around far enough to hit you in the junk?

My gcode has NEVER moved from where I put it. Maybe your cheap 20 dollar cloth drop leg did.... real, quality drop legs dont move.

GR February 25th, 2015 15:19

Have a simple 1-strap drop leg holster from China (similar to brock0's) for a WE Glock 17.

At first, it flopped around everywhere (especially while running), and I hated that fact. Then I saw some tutorials online, and actually removed part of the strap, so that the holster would now sit on the upper thigh, and is tightly secured to the leg.

This was a world of difference: no more twisting and flopping, works like a charm.

Personally I like it more than vest type for 2 reasons:
1) More space for other stuff on the vest, and

2) To access the pistol, all I have to do is drop my arm and the hand is already on the grip, all that's left is to pull it out (hehe). Quick and efficient.

FirestormX February 25th, 2015 16:26

GR: As you've found out, and as most people have pointed out, it's important to have your drop leg so high that it separates your testicles in their sack.

The thing I want to point out, though, is that when you drop your hand down to your pistol, you want to push your hand forward a little, and really get the webbing of your thumb into the beaver tail. Otherwise you'll have a pretty crappy grip when you draw the gun. So don't just drop your hand and limply pull out your gun - make sure you get a good grip on it.

For what it's worth, I'm one more vote for a hip mounted holster whenever possible. The only common reason I would wear a drop leg, is to clear my vest.

waylander February 25th, 2015 16:48

I use a lbx armatus PC and have no room on my PC for a pistol. I also have long arms and drawing a pistol from my waist is uncomfortable. So I use a drop leg... not the best for everyone but the best for me.

SuperHog February 25th, 2015 19:31

I would think it it would be personal preference, like asking which is the best chest rig.

Tried, it, didn't like the weight of the pistol flopping around. If I strapped it too tight, it felt even more uncomfortable.

Ended up using a battle belt.

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