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BenG February 23rd, 2017 22:36

2 Attachment(s)
Rhino arms for days #savetherhinos

Attachment 54134

Attachment 54133

ThunderCactus February 23rd, 2017 23:30

So after getting a norotos US issue rhino and J-arm, HOLY SHIT ARE THOSE THINGS EVER GOD DAMN WOBBLY.
Might as well mount your NV with an interwoven structure composed of wet spaghetti.
Apparently the commonwealth arms have way better tolerances.

Gato February 24th, 2017 03:36


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1999658)
So after getting a norotos US issue rhino and J-arm, HOLY SHIT ARE THOSE THINGS EVER GOD DAMN WOBBLY.
Might as well mount your NV with an interwoven structure composed of wet spaghetti.

Bootbands my dude......

Derpystronk February 24th, 2017 19:35


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1999658)
So after getting a norotos US issue rhino and J-arm, HOLY SHIT ARE THOSE THINGS EVER GOD DAMN WOBBLY.
Might as well mount your NV with an interwoven structure composed of wet spaghetti.
Apparently the commonwealth arms have way better tolerances.

Use E-Tape on the connection point between the j-arm and the rhino

Then use elastic bands / cords / whatever to lock that bitch up.

ThunderCactus February 24th, 2017 20:53

I'm running a commonwealth rhino, the norotos one is just for renting out.

BenG February 25th, 2017 16:38

The GSCI hub-14 or whatever their proprietary mount is for their systems, although obscenely expensive for a horn mount does have no wobble and is extremely stable because 1) the entire thing is spring loaded and you can vary the angle and tension in it 2) its CNC aluminum and it fits nice and snug in the rhino arm
I was bothered about switching to dovetail when I was using the DVS-8 and its plastic horn but with the GSCI im not bothered as much, its very stable, its just not as low profile as a dovetail by any means, and it doesnt stow as nicely as a dove does, but hey when do you ever have your nods up in an airsoft game

ericwilliam June 9th, 2017 17:07

AI Sentinels
MX-10160C Tubes
Ball Detent Connectec ANVIS Mounting

Derpystronk June 9th, 2017 17:55

Sexy lid my man

AnthonyG October 20th, 2017 19:21

Been waiting a long time to post in this thread. Finally got my mount, so figured now is as good a time as any.

Please excuse my ghetto'd counterweight pouch. Need to get one in either Coyote or Black.

pestobanana October 27th, 2017 16:52


Amoki March 13th, 2018 05:02

Gentlemen, need your advice.

Don't have much luck finding an affordable Dual Dovetail mount. Ended up chopping a FMA PVS-18 and affix a screw. Seems to work, BUT does anyone know how to reinforce ABS?

ThunderCactus March 13th, 2018 19:39

By "affordable" you mean "an FMA replica"?

Only thing you can do is add more glue, but like.....if this is for anything other than a gen1 tube, you are going about this all wrong lol

Amoki March 14th, 2018 03:20


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 2019191)
By "affordable" you mean "an FMA replica"?

Only thing you can do is add more glue, but like.....if this is for anything other than a gen1 tube, you are going about this all wrong lol

By affordable, I mean not paying 250-300 Euros for a DDA/Wilcox mount (which is what people outside of USA and Canada are willing to pay for, it seems).

But then, I've been running with a FMA TATM + Korean J-arm for ~2 years with no failure, and the J-arm wobble drives me nuts. Replacing it with a DDA + a Chinese INVG mount makes it insanely comfy.

At first glance, this may appear stupid, but from the engineering side of things:
- the FMA horseshoe is screwed into a threaded brass that is hot-pressed into the plastic with decent depth - about 4mm.
- Since a PVS-14 should exert less than 10N, it is well within the stress-strain tolerance of ABS at a M6 screw + 8mm washer X 2mm thickness (which would be roughly 10mm2?)

While the numbers check out and I will run my PVS-14 with a lanyard on my helmet/nightcap just in case, I'll like to anti-murphy my idea a bit.

The better idea is to find someone to machine this out of Delrin, though I am not having much luck.

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