Airsoft Canada

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666 February 17th, 2021 19:04

I was taling about my comment on a post. There were people who were giving ideas and messages we added. I was jumping between FB and ASC. There were people who were talking about bad things on FB and I spoke with them...

bobotea February 17th, 2021 20:43


Originally Posted by scottyfox (Post 1853447872)
I?m going to call bullshit on this. There is no way that is a GC slide. Replete with grammatical errors and as the completely wrong GC wordmark.
Misinformation helps nobody.

sorry its just an auto translate of the other guys photo, since he didnt post the powerpoint i just used photo translate of the slide, the info matches up with the GC website anyway so not sure why it matters. Just thought it was obvious that it was auto translated, not trying to spread missinfo.

*Here i found the English slide on CGN happy now?

Snowstorm45 February 17th, 2021 21:44

Oh goddammit. Figures they'd go and try to sneak something in like this. We already went through this crap not even a decade ago, just leave us alone. :(

Metalsynth February 17th, 2021 22:23

I don't speak often here but right now seems like a good time to get this ball going.

Where are you at in the rest of canada on legally registered associations and/or federations?

We have 3 legal bodies in Quebec right now.

Association des joueurs de paintball et airsoft du Quebec
Federations airsoft du quebec
Federation airsoft sportive du quebec

I am the vice president of the association.

If we ever want some sort of legal traction, we will need to get better organised than the way we are now as a country.

Let me be blunt, right now the situation in QC regarding the federations is really wonky and in my opinion not what we need right now.

The only viable option in my opinion is the ccfr to get this C-21 crap out of the way and get our shit together.

We are currently doing this very thing through our paintball counterpart but we need to also have airsoft on this ball.

So.... where are you at with this?

If you are interested in this option, reach me on fb so I can hook you up with the prez

tvw February 18th, 2021 00:58

666 February 18th, 2021 14:45

Lawyer is explaining how C-21 will affect airsoft and it's not looking good. Apparently in order to keep whatever we already have we would need to have a license to possess prohibited device. License that simply does not exist.

Sash February 18th, 2021 15:24

Think who you are voting for next time the election comes up!

Sash February 18th, 2021 17:28

I second what @666 and @Metalsynth are saying.

Organizing airsofters into a federation of some sort is going to produce only a fart into a puddle of water.

Instead of passing the responsibility to businesses, fields, god, whoever.... everyone who cares about the sport must do the following:
1. Pick up your wallet,
2. go to CCFR web site:
3. become a member.

It is $40 that will be spent by an organization that had already shown its teeth to the government by launching a massive lawsuit against the OIC. They already have experience dealing with this issue, and if they fail all others will follow with the highest degree of probability.

It is only $40. Each one of us buys crazy expensive upgrades to our guns that cost a number of times more. If we do not win this battle, we'll not be able to use those expensive upgrades at all, besides shooting raccoons and squirrels in the backyard. (even then you risk losing your toy and not get compensated)

tvw February 18th, 2021 17:59

Joined the fight today. In the pic there is the pricing info for the CCFR.


Student memberships are $20 / HALF PRICE.

Family memberships are $60 which includes your spouse and up to 4 children.

TheToastmaster February 18th, 2021 18:09

I really didn't think it would take something like this bill to drag me back to feeling passionate about the sport, after so long away.

For those who are interested, there is a petition you can sign, as well as other discussed actions.

Ivanov February 18th, 2021 18:16

Ian Runkle posted his legal analysis of the bill as it pertains to air Airsoft.
Also here is the web page for the CCFR I strongly advise joining and donating.

ValaskaAirsoft February 18th, 2021 19:24


Originally Posted by Pockets (Post 1853447812)
I guess we are just going to have to do FlintLock airsoft...

There will be big demand for Redcoat outfits now.

Flintlocks shoot too fast, so they too are banned..

Dayton put up a video on House Gamers.

tvw February 18th, 2021 19:26

Ian Runkle Airsoft specific video.


ValaskaAirsoft February 18th, 2021 19:33


Originally Posted by 666 (Post 1853447868)
Dude, I already said, try emailing them and see what happens because they all got bombarded over the years. I highly suspect emails with anything to do with our current words in them will get filtered out. Somebody tried sending out 2 today. Both bounced back. Politicians get tons of daily emails from gun owners. They just got used to it over the years and took measures.

I e-mailed every single member of the NDP caucus today, none were bounced back. Tomorrow I will be writing the Block, and then over the next week I will do 20-25 Liberal MP's a day, and then I will begin calling offices. The worst thing is to do nothing as a player.

666 February 19th, 2021 05:57

Sun posted an article.

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