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NoGear April 12th, 2010 18:52


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1210017)
well we could all play a game with high caps but I'd buy this if it was a 'high cap' only type of game.

I can see their faces already, "Hey no fair! We've got to wind our mags with our fingers. That's cheating!".

lol, yes this is blatant sarcasm!

Its set in stone now 0-0

but carrying a *emergancy highcap* when all else fails is alright.

don't forget that its easyer to *Test* things with a highcap then loading a mag every time.

don't get me wrong im PRO low-mid cap but highcaps have there +'s 2

BoGrain April 12th, 2010 19:31

I personally don't like high caps; but when all else fails better to have an high cap than ending the game early because your low-cap/mid-cap happen to not feed properly.
(I have 3 low cap and 1 high cap for my loaner AK)

Considering the typical bunker noob user, just wait for them to wind their high cap and charge them :). Winding an high cap in the middle of a firefight, ended up teaching me the value of low cap and mid cap at my first milsim :) (I learned the hard way).

kalnaren April 12th, 2010 19:40


Originally Posted by BoGrain (Post 1210202)
Considering the typical bunker noob user, just wait for them to wind their high cap and charge them :). Winding an high cap in the middle of a firefight, ended up teaching me the value of low cap and mid cap at my first milsim :) (I learned the hard way).

The thing is if it's only a couple of people, who cares. I'm finding it's actually tipping to the majority of players.

Rugger_can April 12th, 2010 19:52

People need to recognize that learning and changing the way we play is integral to the development of games.

Its been said before but shaping behavior can only be done practically and through willingness to learn. Trying to hammer in these idea's over the internets is next to impossible.

Drake April 12th, 2010 20:02


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1210224)
People need to recognize that learning and changing the way we play is integral to the development of games.

Its been said before but shaping behavior can only be done practically and through willingness to learn. Trying to hammer in these idea's over the internets is next to impossible.

But that's also why there's so many games going private now.

People get fed up and figure "fine, you don't wanna learn then I don't wanna play with you." And while that may work in the short them, it also leaves large pools of new players with hicaps, clear guns and little guidance that will eventually water down airsoft to the state of paintball (which simultaneously drives away those new players who come to airsoft for something more realistic).

Hicaps have always been frowned upon. Cheap guns and [repro] gear, combined with the strong dollar, make for some of the lowest entry costs into airsoft EVER. Are mags really that expensive? [rhetorical question]

coach April 12th, 2010 20:08


Originally Posted by NoGear (Post 1210173)
Its set in stone now 0-0

but carrying a *emergancy highcap* when all else fails is alright.

don't forget that its easyer to *Test* things with a highcap then loading a mag every time.

don't get me wrong im PRO low-mid cap but highcaps have there +'s 2

lol. I don't agree with carrying them around as emergency either. but that's just my opinion.

they are great for testing. period.


Originally Posted by BoGrain (Post 1210202)
I personally don't like high caps; but when all else fails better to have an high cap than ending the game early because your low-cap/mid-cap happen to not feed properly.
(I have 3 low cap and 1 high cap for my loaner AK)

Considering the typical bunker noob user, just wait for them to wind their high cap and charge them :). Winding an high cap in the middle of a firefight, ended up teaching me the value of low cap and mid cap at my first milsim :) (I learned the hard way).

sort your gear out before you hit a game thus not having mags misfeed. move to secondary weapon or a rubber knife. switch roles and be someones spotter...lots of things you can do instead of ending your game early due to a mag failure.

if a noob uses a hicap as mentioned, remove mag when dry, wind, reinsert, then it's a non issue. as long as the gun is never fired while winding! exhaust a full wind, then wind it up again.

lt_poncho April 12th, 2010 20:34

Coach seems so wound up these it just me?

lt_poncho April 12th, 2010 20:36


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1210131)
And show them we did remember the good ol 10.8V monster Gary an I created ??

Hahaha yeah I never saw a M4 blow mechabox parts out the barrel that time at Wasaga...

wildcard April 12th, 2010 20:48


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 1210280)
Coach seems so wound up these it just me?

it's his time of the month

Rugger_can April 12th, 2010 20:51


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1210242)
But that's also why there's so many games going private now.

People get fed up and figure "fine, you don't wanna learn then I don't wanna play with you." And while that may work in the short them, it also leaves large pools of new players with hicaps, clear guns and little guidance that will eventually water down airsoft to the state of paintball (which simultaneously drives away those new players who come to airsoft for something more realistic).

Hicaps have always been frowned upon. Cheap guns and [repro] gear, combined with the strong dollar, make for some of the lowest entry costs into airsoft EVER. Are mags really that expensive? [rhetorical question]

Agreed, BUUutttttTt..

I think this has less to do with what kind of cap you use and how many bb's one carries on their person and more to do with learning proper fire control and restraint.

Anyone that started playing before to 2003-04 realizes that mags are dirt cheap compared to what we used to pay for them.

coach April 12th, 2010 21:26

Re: Anyone still use standard mags?

Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Coach seems so wound up these it just me?

Jay stole my rag, so I'm leaving a mess all over these boards. Lol

swatt13 April 13th, 2010 13:33

i agree with brian as well, hi caps and mid caps are acceptable if used in moderation;
one hicap or a few midcaps. but irregarldes, you should strive to get locaps, in the case of the scar where you only have hicaps and midcaps a few mids half loaded is a perfect comprimise.

at our field new players always have hicap of course and guests in thats case we make an acception but if your a regular club member you should have mags within a month or so and if you chose not too, your stuck on semi untill you get locaps. most guys see that as fair and go along with it. this pushes them to get mags and if they dont and dont like the exemption then they can stop coming out, that is a clear indication that they are not the type of player we would like to have out at our field.

kalnaren April 13th, 2010 14:30


Originally Posted by swatt13 (Post 1210833)
i agree with brian as well, hi caps and mid caps are acceptable if used in moderation;
one hicap or a few midcaps. but irregarldes, you should strive to get locaps, in the case of the scar where you only have hicaps and midcaps a few mids half loaded is a perfect comprimise.

Agreed.. like I said I don't have an issue with them in principle. My issue is with the type of "run and gun" (or rather sit on you ass and gun) gameplay they seem to easily allow and n00bs are very hesitent to move away from.

Even removing the mag to wind I think is only a partial compromise. I believe part of the issue stems from simply having that much ammo on you. Who cares if you have to remove the mag to wind if you're bunkered down so tight noone can hit you while you do it.

This is why I'm a real fan of standard mags. Because of their lower ammo capacity there's a real physical limit on how much you can practically carry. If someone wants 1,000 round on them they need to have the ability to carry 15-20 magazines (which I'm sure would give said player a health respect for the amount of rounds they have), rather than just 2 hicaps or 6-8 midcaps, which is well within the bounds of practical.

Kuro_Neko April 13th, 2010 15:23


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 1209644)
Are real cap 30 or 34? I'm just wondering, like can you get all 30 rounds off without turning upside down.

I use Star realcaps, which are 30 rounds, in my CA M4 and every round fires in my gun.


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1209671)
So who else short loads their sidearm mags to reflect real capacities?

I always realcap my sidearm mags, which leaves me fairly short, since I use a 1911, but I got into airsoft for the realism.

jpr363 May 9th, 2010 20:32

low caps all the way!!! if my kjw ggbr m4 's mags werent so damm expensive, (75 in canada, 65 in us including customs and shipping) id have like 20 lol

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