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ILLusion July 31st, 2013 16:56

Tokyo Marui M870

Creating an official thread for this

It's beginning to hit the market. Release date is NOW. Companies are taking pre-orders now, and I have access to a few. More information has been made available for this system:

- Retail Price in Japan: ~$395 CAD (once landed in Canada, it will be more than that)

- Fires a selectable 3 rounds OR 6 rounds per shot.

- Gas powered

- Gas Reservoir is stored in the full stock, and can be removed and replaced like a gas cartridge.

- Each gas reservoir is able to fire 100 shots. In other words, if you're shooting 3 rounds, you can put 300 rounds downrange on each tank of gas. These ratings are on duster gas. Unknown performance on propane.

- Can use old Marui shells, or the new ones

- Each shell holds 30 rounds

- Features a patent-pending industry first: Dual hop up system. Each system controls the spin on 3 BB's. With 3 BB's being fired, only one system is engaged. 6BB's engages both systems.

- FULL METAL, where it all should be! Die cast aluminum receiver, and metal outer barrel

- Online videos show Marui reps racking this thing single handed... to prove that there is durability in the cocking mechanism.

I've been looking forward to a GOOD shotgun for airsoft for years. Many companies have tried... all have failed. Durability and performance were always the biggest downfalls. I am expecting good things from this, and am excited to get my hands on one.
Image of the gas reservoir
Image of the hop up unit and 3>6 round selector

Hectic July 31st, 2013 17:26

Looks sweet. Wonder what the fps would be on propane (hopefully above minimum import levels) if it can handel propane.
And 395? I think you need a new suppliers. Echigoya has em for 289 (pre order but i doubt they will bump em up 100 bucks.
Do want for CQB goodness.

uncle_benny12 July 31st, 2013 17:30

Vid of it in action.

2013静岡ホビーショ ー M870TACTICAL 試射 - YouTube

ILLusion July 31st, 2013 17:42


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1820342)
Looks sweet. Wonder what the fps would be on propane (hopefully above minimum import levels) if it can handel propane.
And 395? I think you need a new suppliers. Echigoya has em for 289 (pre order but i doubt they will bump em up 100 bucks.

$395 is not the price from my suppliers. It is definitely less. $395 is just the published RETAIL price under normal conditions. In other words, it's MSRP. It's only the suggestion. How much a supplier sells for, is up to them. The MSRP is only a reference point.

I doubt this gun can shoot 3 rounds of BB's over import levels using propane. If it did, that's a lot of hurt in a single burst. But... you never know. It's always possible, especially if the inner barrel(s?) runs the full length of the outer barrel.

Cliffradical July 31st, 2013 17:53

Sweet mother of God.

coach July 31st, 2013 17:55

I'd be down for one of these. My m500 is fun on CO2 but I don't always want to run the KWA remote.

Would be awesome to game this with a couple of working glocks... :) (still not in a rush, whenever you find time) lol

hattrick July 31st, 2013 17:55

Wow, wow & WOOOOOOW, Don't know how I missed this amazing development!!

Do i wait for reviews, or just take the plunge?

I wonder if there will be multiple versions of it. ie : military/civi/sport etc?


*edit, I'm liking the shell eject feature @ the end :o

Off_kilter July 31st, 2013 18:01

This is so badass!!!

Cobrajr122 July 31st, 2013 18:02

I have already set aside the funds for when it hits Canada.
Can't freaking wait.

HeadlessChicken July 31st, 2013 18:49

Great, another one to save up for...*sigh*

Janus July 31st, 2013 19:05


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1820366)
I have already set aside the funds for when it hits Canada.
Can't freaking wait.

Seconded. The first time I saw this my shotgun love swarmed back to me.

Capt.Spaulding July 31st, 2013 19:49

If it had a no stock option it would finally make the Masterkey a viable option. Too bad! I'd be all over it then.

Hectic July 31st, 2013 19:54

No stock would be possible but it would really reduce the gas capacity.
But i hear that a gas masterkey wouod be alot beter then the trishot i have planed.

Cobrajr122 July 31st, 2013 20:08

Holy crap... I already have HPA rigs for P*

I am totally gonna try to get this rigged up for non perminant HPA

Danke July 31st, 2013 20:11

I've resisted shotgun temptation for years; waiting like a trapdoor spider for the time to be right. This could be it!

ILLusion July 31st, 2013 21:22


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1820360)
Would be awesome to game this with a couple of working glocks... :) (still not in a rush, whenever you find time) lol

They're actually the next items up on my bench.

ILLusion July 31st, 2013 21:25


Originally Posted by hattrick (Post 1820361)
I wonder if there will be multiple versions of it. ie : military/civi/sport etc?

Knowing how Marui's been doing their releases lately, I wouldn't be surprised if this happens. Additionally, the aftermarket will be picking up this platform en force. Expect conversion kits and tons of upgrades to become available.

bean July 31st, 2013 21:30

Wonder if real pumps would fit. Stocks won't work due to the gas system.

GBBR August 1st, 2013 00:32

kinda reminds me of the maruzen except it doesnt eject shells

boren93 August 1st, 2013 01:59

Really hoping they make a SPAS 12 model.

Sequential August 1st, 2013 02:25

これはアップグレードショットガン, すごいね! Maruzen シェルちょっと難し...

Duilin August 1st, 2013 19:11


Originally Posted by bean (Post 1820446)
Wonder if real pumps would fit. Stocks won't work due to the gas system.

I was wondering this also, if so, i'll add to my magpul whore collection.

coach August 1st, 2013 19:22


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1820440)
They're actually the next items up on my bench.


Cobrajr122 August 1st, 2013 19:58


Originally Posted by Sequential (Post 1820495)
これはアップグレードショットガン, すごいね! Maruzen シェルちょっと難し...

Mind making that legible for the rest of us?

aZn_triXta07 August 1st, 2013 20:00


Originally Posted by bean (Post 1820446)
Wonder if real pumps would fit. Stocks won't work due to the gas system.

Make them fit :P could probably rig up an external gas line XD

Cobrajr122 August 1st, 2013 20:16


Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 (Post 1820692)
could probably rig up an external gas line XD

That is my plan :P

Danke August 1st, 2013 20:20


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1820689)
Mind making that legible for the rest of us?

this -- an upgrade shotgun -- it is great! Difficulty is carried out to Maruzen shell ちょっ...

This looks awesome, アップグレードショットガン! Maruzen shell a little difficult.

augherk August 3rd, 2013 00:35

I love that they kept the same magazines from the springer line. I'm pretty excited to see the aftermarket modifications for this thing.

MASAKO August 3rd, 2013 19:07

I hope it would half durable as Remington 870, more or less I would buy one in heart beat.

Cobrajr122 August 3rd, 2013 19:36

Its TM, so its a safe bet that it will be quite durable.
I can't wait to get one of these.

Sequential August 3rd, 2013 20:08


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1821296)
Its TM, so its a safe bet that it will be quite durable.
I can't wait to get one of these.

durable as hell.
TM never let me down :D

BioRage August 4th, 2013 21:42

Wow, this is very pretty.

I would like to add this to my collection.

Long_Bong August 5th, 2013 15:12

Anyone had any hint on the impact on fps when running 6 bbs at a time on propane?

ILLusion August 5th, 2013 15:15

Unknown at this time. Anything quoted at this time, would be based on measurements made with Duster gas.

Cobrajr122 August 5th, 2013 15:16

It comes out on Thursday, (Wednesday afternoon for us :P)

So if anybody here trolls japan forums, they might get some info Wednesday night :P

Long_Bong August 5th, 2013 15:25

Thanks, I m very curious to see how it will "react" to propane!!

coach August 5th, 2013 15:33


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1821730)
Thanks, I m very curious to see how it will "react" to propane!!

Definitely curious. Hopefully nothing a little TLC couldn't fix.

What I do want to see is a break down of the gas system/reservoir. On the ACM m500, it was fairly easy to seal it to eliminate the gas leak. So much so, the gas reservoir now doesn't leak at all and has no issues when running CO2. Gas tank now operates like a CO2 expansion chamber and provides fairly consistent output.

Long_Bong August 5th, 2013 15:38

We should expect aftermarket co2 kit :) the m870 stock is asking for it!!

Cobrajr122 August 5th, 2013 15:42

I plan on tapping a gas res for HPA, probably have to run the line though the bottom of the stock.
Will need to wait till I have one to figure it all out.

I wonder how hard it will be to get extra gas res's for the next year.

Long_Bong August 5th, 2013 15:43

Redwolf had some res on pre order

ILLusion August 5th, 2013 15:44


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1821737)
I plan on tapping a gas res for HPA, probably have to run the line though the bottom of the stock.
Will need to wait till I have one to figure it all out.

I wonder how hard it will be to get extra gas res's for the next year.

Not hard at all. They're being released at the same time as the gun, and most major retailers already have it listed.

Cobrajr122 August 5th, 2013 15:46

@ $40/ea, probably closer to $60 landed if you just buy one.
That is about average price for GBB(R) mags, Not bad. Hopefully they can keep them in stock :P

coach August 5th, 2013 15:47

Sweet! Shotty with CO2 goodness

Long_Bong August 5th, 2013 15:54

C02, full metal, TM and shotgun in the same phrase can only be good!

ILLusion August 5th, 2013 16:03

Realistically, I can't see needing more than one reservoir... maybe one as a spare, but I think that single one is sufficient, at least for a game day. Again, you can get 100 shots out of a single reservoir. The intent isn't to swap them in and out like a magazine (at least, it doesn't seem like it can be easily/quickly done while in the middle of running and gunning. I think the purpose is for extended field ops where you wouldn't have a chance to go back to reload.

Otherwise, for a skirmish, 100 shots with a shotgun should be plenty...

Cobrajr122 August 5th, 2013 16:26

Holy crap, I didn't think it would be able to hold that much gas. That is nuts.

ILLusion August 5th, 2013 16:35

Yeah. Mind you, that quoted value is based on duster usage, so it may be different, with propane.

terrorist one August 5th, 2013 19:44

Illusion, if you are ganna carry some of these, put me on the list.

BioRage August 6th, 2013 11:49


Originally Posted by terrorist one (Post 1821795)
Illusion, if you are ganna carry some of these, put me on the list.

Plus one.

Long_Bong August 6th, 2013 11:58

Anyone planning on doing a review in the near future?

Cobrajr122 August 6th, 2013 12:04


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1822009)
Anyone planning on doing a review in the near future?

as soon as I have one I'll do what I can :P

BioRage August 6th, 2013 12:28


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1822009)
Anyone planning on doing a review in the near future?

Some eye candy video-age.

- Gas in separate chamber (At the back)
- Shoots 3 to 6 shots
- corrected

Still want one.

highny August 6th, 2013 12:52

On redwolf website I see a 'yes' on blowback. Anyone know anything about it being blowback?!?!....

BioRage August 6th, 2013 12:55

- corrected

HeadlessChicken August 6th, 2013 13:50

If anyone is gonna bring these in, sign me up...I got money and cookies.

docholiday August 6th, 2013 13:55

That looks pretty sweet!

DFoxtails August 6th, 2013 14:06

As someone that has owned a TM M3 for going on 3 years, the amount of excitement I feel is unreal. My M3 has been through a LOT of action and aside from a broken tri-nozzle(which easily swapped with a crossman one 2.5 years ago) it's run like the Champ we know TM to be.

Just have to play the waiting game now.

BioRage August 6th, 2013 16:56

$302.00 Pre-Order


MASAKO August 6th, 2013 16:58

True, I will play the waiting game and see which retailer going to bring in there while we're waiting Please excuse me, I'm going to grab a Remington 870 tactical to kill sometime and make this game more existing. Hope some parts will be interchangeable.

Slow August 6th, 2013 17:16


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1822144)

Alot cheaper then the $900 quote that has been given by Canada retailers.

HeadlessChicken August 6th, 2013 18:17

Isn't everyone preordering around that price point?

ILLusion August 7th, 2013 10:51


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1822033)
- From the video, the blow back doesn't look to intensive.

That's because it's an NBB.


Originally Posted by highny (Post 1822039)
On redwolf website I see a 'yes' on blowback. Anyone know anything about it being blowback?!?!....

It's not. Must be an error on their part. The real Remington M870 isn't a semi-auto either, so there's no reason why it would have any form of blowback.


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1822041)
It is "blowback"... That's why we're all excited!

Re-check your facts.

Danke August 7th, 2013 12:52

I thought it was a double barrel pump like on the Simpsons?

Cobrajr122 August 7th, 2013 15:22

Release is today!

Hopefully aqua can get some pics up tonight! :P

Strelok August 7th, 2013 16:07

Any idea who will be starting a preorder here?

N_Force August 7th, 2013 17:53

Someone posted ut up while ago in ASC.

Cobrajr122 August 7th, 2013 17:59


New engine was developed for the “GAS SHOTGUN”. The “Rapid fire” function is installed that enables you to shoot one after another with operating the fore end and keeping the trigger pulled.

Off_kilter August 7th, 2013 22:06

You cant slamfire 870s in real life though

ILLusion August 8th, 2013 11:45


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1822723)
Any idea who will be starting a preorder here?

<<--- This Guy

theshaneler August 8th, 2013 12:09

idea on pricing yet?

Long_Bong August 8th, 2013 12:58

I would expect the 700$ mark since it way below the magic 366 fps :(

coach August 8th, 2013 13:23

Why are you giving Brian ideas? set the bar low to start...

terrorist one August 8th, 2013 21:52

Well, i will be one of those ordering this Boom stick for sure.

Swattiger August 8th, 2013 22:13

Patience is virtual. Wait and watch the price comes down. This is not a "one off" product. TM will keep producing it for years.

Immelmann August 9th, 2013 00:12


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1823183)
Patience is virtual.

Indeed. It exists only in the digital realm.

On a more serious note, this looks fantastic. I'm not really a shotgun person, but if they end up being as good as they sound and I see one for the right price I might just pick one up.

Sequential August 9th, 2013 01:37

So Redwolf just announced they got the Marui today!

EagleDriver August 9th, 2013 01:51


Originally Posted by Off_kilter (Post 1822870)
You cant slamfire 870s in real life though

Yes you can.

Styrak August 9th, 2013 04:29


Originally Posted by EagleDriver (Post 1823232)
Yes you can.

Maybe with some heavy modifications. A stock Rem 870 cannot slamfire.

ecnerual August 9th, 2013 09:52

Tokyo Marui M870 TACTICAL (GAS SHOTGUN) - YouTube WOW ...

Invasian August 9th, 2013 10:03


That six shot blast is I N S A N E !!!

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 10:03

That video made me break! Just ordered one!

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 10:05

The shell are compatible with the clone one? (Crossman)


Hectic August 9th, 2013 10:49

Anyone know the fps on GG/propane yet? Im reluctant to order one till i see its over 366 lol

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 10:55

Hard part is mesuring fps on multi bb shot, i doubt it will be over 366 fps in any case, TM are around 280. I recall a test done on multi shot with gel to measure penetration a while ago.

Found it:

ILLusion August 9th, 2013 11:28

I can think of a way to measure a single BB output from a burst. But... would need the gun in hand to see if it can be done.

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 11:30

Can you shoot only one round with the shell? Ie you load one round only in the 30 rounds shell. Crony could read that

ILLusion August 9th, 2013 11:42


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1823316)
Can you shoot only one round with the shell? Ie you load one round only in the 30 rounds shell. Crony could read that

That wouldn't give a proper reading.

You're better off shielding two of the barrels so that the rounds and gas eject properly, so that the rounds are re-directed. Focus just one barrel through the chrony

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 12:12

Indeed! You would "block" the other barrel?

Hectic August 9th, 2013 12:15

So how is CBSA gonna view these things. How will they test?
Guess ill either have to take a chance or get butt raped with markup

ILLusion August 9th, 2013 12:17


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1823328)
Indeed! You would "block" the other barrel?

No... not a block, because that would affect output to the single open barrel. I would just redirect the shots from those barrels.

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 12:41


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1823333)
No... not a block, because that would affect output to the single open barrel. I would just redirect the shots from those barrels.


Please share your result if you don t mind :)

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 12:42

I still wonder, will it be compatible with crossman / utg shells?

Hectic August 9th, 2013 12:52

Well the old style tm shells work fine in the crossman tri shot so id imagine they should work as the new one says it works with the old shells

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 12:54

Cool!! Thanks :)

Hectic August 9th, 2013 12:56

Redwolf says they loaded 1bb and tested it. Result was 300fps just to get the info out there. Seems not a huge gain by running 1 bb for testing they didnt specify GG or duster tho

Long_Bong August 9th, 2013 15:50

Anyone know what is the inner barrel length? Flush with outer barrel? As is cut the outer barrel for a shorty shotty!!!

Styrak August 9th, 2013 16:31


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1823342)
I still wonder, will it be compatible with crossman / utg shells?

They're clones of the TM shells, so yes.

Drakker August 10th, 2013 10:03

Redwolf hands on video. They confirm that the inner barrels are half length and that its propane compatible. Installing longer inner barrels once upgrades are available will more than likely put the FPS over 366 on propane, with all that it implies... ;)

Long_Bong August 10th, 2013 10:22

The pumping sound is wicked!!

Sequential August 10th, 2013 16:39

I hope the fore grip and cocking mechanism doesn't wear down easy...

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