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Eotech 3 x Magnifiers, any interests?
One of my friend may like build a replica of this scope. I would like to help do a survey.
http://www.eguns.com/sPearCat/1-4.wo.../EO-3X-FTS.jpg http://www.militarytimes.com/xml/off...ice_story5.JPG |
I'll take one... will it come with a mount?
Will it be an exact replica or will it look like the star one? |
If it's the mount that folds to the side, then I would be in for x1
yes i will buy one
Im in for one for sure!
If you build it...we will buy!
my interest is piqued.
I want!
Have to get an Eotech clone first, but ya, I've been looking for a 3x mag for a RDS without paying $400+US for one. |
I'd LOVE to get a replica of that, complete with the spring-loaded flip mount.
I've been trying to acquire the existing replica of that magnifier for a while, but have had a hard time with that and didn't want to pay out the ass for the real-steel flip mount. Get it built, and I'd buy for sure. It'd be gravy if you could even get the EOTech markings on it. |
I would love one for my rifle! I keep watching Redwolf and Uncompany to see if they have gotten stock back in, but never appears! I would fork out the $150.00 for a laRue side flip moint (if I could ever find the Star magnifier clone in stock also), but I WOULD LOVE to see a full clone deal set (mount and mag). I would gladly pay a good price for one! Edit: This is the 150.00 USD LaRue mount for those who haven't seen it. http://i16.tinypic.com/4kn5d07.gif |
I would be in as long as the price was inline but so far no complaints.
i am interested
Another +1 if it flips to the side
"Another +1 if it flips to the side"
+1 here that flips. Now I just have to get the 552 from you :)
Stop making stuff that I want to buy. My bank account really doesn't like it.:S |
I'm going to be broke again +1!
awsome sight,im in
been looking at the real steel, but can't make the leap. If you make a knockoff with your usual reasonable pricing, I'll definately get one.
I am interested too !
Let me know when its done |
In for x1
I'll be taking one, and dime to a dollar says Hazard swings him for one too. |
i would take one too
i'd also be in for one :D
mmm that would be a nice touch for my rifle count me in
holy f**k. A contact of mine who is the manager of an optics factory just told me that they have the AIMPOINT 3X !!. I looked at the picture and it is much much better than the Star 3x. My question is if the AMPOING 3X only works with AIMPOINT Red-dot or it works with Eotech too?
Real aimpoint 3x http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/v/vsp...203XMag-2T.jpg |
Available from 15 of this month. Price? around 1/3 of the real one.
I have a aimpoint and would like to order the aimpoint X3
so this will be aimpoint now not EOTech?
very nice
Just did some google, it seems aimpoint 3x works with Eotech 551/552. ok,what's left is the flip mount then. |
no OETech, no swing mount, no sale. If you do make an OETech with swing I'd be in. I am sure others will buy an aimpoint though.
folding & quick detach mount and I'll take one !!
Side folding mount for Eotech and I'll take one.
Interested! I would personally rather wait for the swing mount.
Complete package is better then without the mount... +1 one for the wait... do you have any pics of this replica?
will the mount be able to compensate for the different heights for different aimpoint mounts?
I also like the simplicity of the larue mount
The manufacturer of the Ampoint 3x clone doens't have the flip mount. I may build the flip mount first then. It seems I can't order a Larue mount from Canada.
Just found this one: http://www.samson-mfg.com/mm5/graphi...ick_Flip-R.jpg Looks better to me. Any good of this mount? |
If it flips and keeps the height in line with the optics, I'd be interested.
Still preferring an optic/mount designed for an EOTech height |
After discussed with the factory, we may build the Larues mount for aimpoint 3x first. Is it ok we build the lever a bit different from the real one, similar to the samson?
Awesome. Tell them to work nights, I need one ASAP. Heh ;)
This is very exciting heheh. As long as the mount locks on the side position, do what you gotta do! Please, build it to line up with an Aimpoint on a cantilever mount cause it looks like that's the same height as an Eotech anyhow. Then we can use the magnifier/mount on iether sight w/o a riser etc. Nice thing about the Larue is it looks like there is a lot of room for a buis there. Will you sell the mount seperately? Cause I would rather buy it, and a Star Eotech replica magnifier to match my Eotech 551. I'm not sure I want aimpoint mag w/Eotech sight... http://i7.tinypic.com/6csp2cm.jpg Aimpoint mag http://i6.tinypic.com/66b1lb5.jpg Eotech mag (I like the covers too) |
Can anyone give me a dimension of the Eotech logo? I need the dimension of the squre logo and the dimension of the "Eotech". Great thanks in advance.
+1 ill def get one.
Put me Down, for at least one of the EOTech 3x magnifier's. I just got my 551last week and am loving it.
Also those of you wanting the EOTech trades on your replicas. I have stencils to add your own Eotech trade. I found some Hi Res EOTech logos and had a local print shop make me laser cut viynls to stencil with. The only reason I told them to use vinyls is because its the only thing I saw there that sticks on in reverse. Once I lined it up and stuck it on all I had to do was a quick coat of airbrushing, let dry and my nice EOtech replice went from great to perfect. I had them cut me negitives of the new and old EOTech trades as I was not sure at the time which I would prefer. I went with the new "L3 EOTech" look insted of the old logo design. If anyone is interested or if enough people are I could make some more copies and sell a few I guess. It does sure makes it look nicer. I wish I had a pic to show you. |
I realy enjoying mine.... as efficiant as my ACOG, for less money. The only downside is that the eye relief is a bit short and it add a hefty chunk of weight to the rifle
Well, I finally received an "In stock" notice from Redwolf today regarding their Star Eotech 3x magnifier clone... I couldn't wait and jumped on it. I ordered an adjustable height QD mount to go with it for now. I will let you guys know how it is, and post some pics when I get it...
Huang, I hope you plan to sell the mount seperate :D !? BTW, it's 69.00 USD: http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwol...l?prodID=22950 |
I will try to convince the manufacturer of the 3x aimpoint replica to build a new eotech 3x look for the 3x scope. Aimpoint 3x replica will come next week. I should get a sample this weekend or early next week.
Cant wait for the pictures, especially if it has a flip to side samson mount.
If you make Eotech replica... why don't you stick with eotech 3X magnifier?
Pros: 1) the only eotech 3X magnifier replica 2) you will be able to sell them as set (with eotech replica) 3) you satisfy freaks and any regular airsofter oh i want flip mount too :) |
Even with aimpoint 3x replica, there are alreay bulk orders line up. I will not do the Eotech3x anymore but try to convince the manufaturer that builds the aimpoint3x to envolve to eotech 3x. I may still do the mount.
I just received my star 3x magnifier from Redwolf. Works really well, but I need a good flip to side mount.
Huang, is the mount finished yet? Can youn sell me one? And yes, the gun is heavy... hehehehhehehe :D http://i20.tinypic.com/wloqr http://i23.tinypic.com/oiw27b.jpg http://i22.tinypic.com/wrgx90.jpg |
Hows the eye relief on that thing
http://i23.tinypic.com/oiw27b.jpg http://i22.tinypic.com/wrgx90.jpg[/QUOTE] GOOD GOD ...topsy ...your GUN issssss SSSEEEEXXXXXX :P *drool* |
Tell him not to cheap out on the quality of the unit, I'll buy one to use with my real EOTech to use on my real M4 lol.
YEP, it is there. The factory is super busy packing the scopes. Since next week is National day holiday week in china, everything will slow down until Oct 8. So we will start shipping the aimpoint 3x clone from Oct 8. Pictures will be available this weekend.
And another hot stuff is also around the conner. TASC Headset. Quote:
will the aimpoint one work with an eotech and vise versa?
are these the pics OMG I want one
Is the mount flip-up?
any hint on price range? sorry if you listed it before...
what about a flip mount? I know I would get a few with the flip but it does not work as well with me setup fixed.
I woudl take the package as well, but the mag only i salso fine with me.
I woudl get the LaRue RS mount to use with an RDS instead. I don't run EOtech hollow sights, but I need a higher mount to match my RDS. |
Dang - no flip mount? I thought the consensus was everyone wanted a flip-to-side mount!? Oh well...
Hellranger: Are you in Canada? I tried to buy a LaRue FTS mount, and they won't ship to Canada. I contacted LaRue directly, and was told there is no Canadian distributer. Unfortunately, LaRue, does not sell their products to Canadians. Even if you have a friend to ship too in the states, your payment (visa etc) has to be an American address too :( |
do you guys notice that withthe larue mount you also need to get a eotech riser peep the pics
http://i23.tinypic.com/2vuk6lx.jpg |
any pics yet
yes yes and
any word on buying one of these maginfiers
any news?
Oh I am down for +1
How much shipped to California? Zip 90505
so you have the aimpoint ones?
looks great, how much??
I think if we do a bulk order of 5 or more we get a bit of a break. Is that so Huang? If so I'll be down for one.
I would like one too.
theres three
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