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Spa April 28th, 2008 22:40

What Gun series do you use?

I am simply running a poll to see the most common gun type. The whole point is that I was requested to do a sampling on which guns are more common to determine which parts to keep in stock for AEG repairs.

I do know some series will not be listed as there is a max to 10 poll options, so i will put up the most common AEG series.

If you can, please post your gearbox version if you know it.

AEG types, not the manufacturer will be considered at this time. But fell free to post anything if you feel that an AEG manufacturer has a strong connection with its product.

Thank you for your input,


tjfast55 April 28th, 2008 22:42

mp5 sd5
v.2 mechbox

upgraded spring and bushings I believe...

TrueTGN April 28th, 2008 22:43

V2 all across the board for me. 4 of the different aeg's ive owned have been v2 mechboxes.

dpvu April 28th, 2008 22:47

M4A1, V2 gearbox

surebet April 28th, 2008 22:49

Armalite fanboi

j3anius April 28th, 2008 22:49

m4a1, v.2

TokyoSeven April 28th, 2008 22:51

Armalte bitch all the way.

Modify antireversal latch with quick release. Keep it in stock at all times its an amazing part.

SDS_ShooterMcGavin April 28th, 2008 22:53

G&P M4A1 and L96

demco11 April 28th, 2008 22:53

First gun TM AK-47 (version 3 mechbox)

Now I just got my second gun after having the same ak for 3 years

Its a TM SR-16 version 2 mechbox I believe

Dicey April 28th, 2008 22:58

AK Series (V3.)

Shouldn't have it any other way;)

tycho April 28th, 2008 22:58

AUG ftw
v3 box

I'll have >.<

WarHawk109 April 28th, 2008 23:01

systema ptw

ToTaL_oWnAgE April 28th, 2008 23:14

CA M16A4 Rifle (V2 MB) with CA M203 Long

MrEvolution April 28th, 2008 23:18

Thompson M1A1, V6
ICS M4A1, V2?

The Acer April 28th, 2008 23:55


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 706235)
Thompson M1A1, V6
ICS M4A1, V2?

ya its a V2, i got one too

SL8 (G36 varient) V3

skalnok April 29th, 2008 00:07

g36 v3

KNIVEZS April 29th, 2008 00:10

first gun Ak47 (V3) and just received my second gun m14 (V7)

Styrak April 29th, 2008 05:16

I use an AUG. But you won't get much business from me. I've never had one problem with it. Had to replace the stock hopup with a metal hopup because it broke mysteriously while sitting in its case, but other than that, nothing.

TrueTGN April 29th, 2008 06:17

The voting proves it... the V2 may not be perfect but regardless the v2 AEGs are going to be the most profitable to a retailer. Being the most interchangable weapon and having a shiton of aftermarket/upgrade parts is a bonus.. Most people tend to have M4/M16 variants.

Moderate April 29th, 2008 06:54

I'm on my V2 M4A1 right now...but I think there will be a V7 in my future :rolleyes:

Roughneck April 29th, 2008 08:37

M-14 socom (Ver. 7)
SR-16 (Ver. 2)
G36 (Ver. 3)

Mr. G36! April 29th, 2008 08:44

TM G36C with Verson 3 Gearbox.

djbordie April 29th, 2008 08:51

sr-16/mp5 - v2 gbox

Crunchmeister April 29th, 2008 09:09

4 of my 5 current AEGs take V2 mechboxes - 3 Armalites, 1 MP5. As said, they may not be the strongest shells, but the guns themselves as a whole unit kick ass.

Spa April 29th, 2008 10:31


Originally Posted by TrueTGN (Post 706402)
The voting proves it... the V2 may not be perfect but regardless the v2 AEGs are going to be the most profitable to a retailer. Being the most interchangable weapon and having a shiton of aftermarket/upgrade parts is a bonus.. Most people tend to have M4/M16 variants.

Yes! even on the Manitoba airsoft association website M4/M16 is the dominant trend.

This is great information:P

Thank you everyone for your input!

Donster April 29th, 2008 11:03

TM M14
Version 7 mecchbox

Alex Le Chef April 29th, 2008 11:16

CA g36K

Ics M16

Splashx April 29th, 2008 11:59

hehe I'm G3 all the way! it's a kind of not very used aeg with the PSG-1 variant.

jameskersten April 29th, 2008 12:17

ptw M4

Pip April 29th, 2008 12:23

M14 - Ver. 7
M4A1 - Ver. 2

ProbeJax April 29th, 2008 12:42

No P90? No SIG? Bleh, all these Armalites sicken me.

Styrak April 29th, 2008 14:10


Originally Posted by TrueTGN (Post 706402)
The voting proves it... the V2 may not be perfect but regardless the v2 AEGs are going to be the most profitable to a retailer. Being the most interchangable weapon and having a shiton of aftermarket/upgrade parts is a bonus.. Most people tend to have M4/M16 variants.

And also given that they break the most :D

DarkAngel April 29th, 2008 16:45


Jayhad April 29th, 2008 16:48

Top M249 (their own mech box)
M4 with 8mm Pro-Win

NickPoole April 29th, 2008 17:00

M4A1 S-System
v2 mechbox

Brit ter April 29th, 2008 17:04

its on my sig. what I use!

mike909 April 29th, 2008 17:15


mike909 April 29th, 2008 17:15


Originally Posted by Brit ter (Post 706741)
its on my sig. what I use!

Theres nothing.... Or is that your point?

EDIT:!:!: NVM, I was looking for a picture :D

Brit ter April 29th, 2008 17:19


Originally Posted by mike909 (Post 706753)
Theres nothing.... Or is that your point?

EDIT:!:!: NVM, I was looking for a picture :D

there are pics of my guns in the after action report in the Niagara gun shoot!

Caped_crusadar April 29th, 2008 19:41

m 16, upgraded v2, and in my CA m15, i have a prowin 8mm gear box

DanKicker April 29th, 2008 19:50

tm g36 and mp5, both stock. i'll be upgrading them soon!

Aquamarine April 29th, 2008 19:55

Woohoo, 4 other PSG-1 users :D

~JARSH~ April 29th, 2008 20:05

249 ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

diamond_SEA April 29th, 2008 23:33

g3 sg1 and sig 552 (not on list!!)

Rukus April 30th, 2008 00:14

M4a1 V2
Mp5 V2
G36c V3

Naerah April 30th, 2008 02:31

echo-1 g36 GB v3

harsui May 1st, 2008 10:36

TM M14 ver.7
CA M15A4 CQB ver.2
CA M15A4 systema complete mechbox M120

shadowninja May 1st, 2008 10:57

glock 18c

Viperfish May 1st, 2008 11:03

You forgot to add shotguns.

M3 Super 90 fullstock
M4A1 with Underslung M203A1
870 CQB

thats the guns i use on a normal rotation, but i got a ton of others i dont feel like listing

Nexus May 1st, 2008 14:08

Cyma M14 SoCom ver. 7 gearbox. Just got that the other day and believe it or not but i ran with the Crossman Pulse R70 for quit some time. It still runs also. I do need a new CQC gun though Any suggestions.

Hypercube May 1st, 2008 22:28

H&K FTW, especially the G36.

demco11 May 2nd, 2008 22:44

What I expected, hona civic in the lead.

I mean m4/m16.

with the '69 charger r/t closely following. (ak-47)

pawscal May 2nd, 2008 23:41

Armory so far...

-Systema P.T.W M4-A1
-Classic Army M15
-TM M16A2
-JG 416
-JG G36c
-Kraken AK47

Glock 19

fasterbassdrums May 3rd, 2008 00:05

a gen1 Systema m16a3 PTWS and a gen3 m16a3 PTWS

and a glock 18c metal slide and barrel

the gen 1 is a big old paperweight right now

LUTNIT May 3rd, 2008 00:12

You don't seem to have my new gun listed in your poll.... M60E4

Other than that its:
CA full length G36
KSC Glock 19
Aftermath Kraken (AK-47)

Hajime May 3rd, 2008 00:19

SIG-552, so none of those.

Chubby May 3rd, 2008 00:35

MC51 (haven't bought a gearbox for it yet 'cause it's a project gun :) )

six4 May 3rd, 2008 01:05

ics m16 a3

S.H.I.E.L.D. May 3rd, 2008 10:26

JG HK 416 (For poll sake I classified it as M4/M16 series)

Duilin May 3rd, 2008 12:08

my first gun was a TM FAMAS F1, Then a Well R4 (MP7), and now a TM AK47

somanow May 4th, 2008 00:49

Amos May 4th, 2008 09:33

... Some one called?

but spelled my name backwards...


Caped_crusadar May 4th, 2008 13:11


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 709865)
... Some one called?

but spelled my name backwards...



Ghost_boo May 4th, 2008 15:14

AK 47 v2

but my mp5.. not really sure, was back in 2005 when I got it.... maby its a V1...can't someone confirm please

thank you, John

SHaKaL May 4th, 2008 17:27

Classic Army CA 25 with propriatary v2 box (longer than a normal V2)
Classic Army Scar-L also a v2 box (5mm longer than m4/m16 air nozzle)

artikmonkey May 4th, 2008 19:22

mp5 sd6 biotch
glock 18c aep

LUTNIT May 5th, 2008 01:40


Originally Posted by Ghost_boo (Post 710046)
AK 47 v2

but my mp5.. not really sure, was back in 2005 when I got it.... maby its a V1...can't someone confirm please

thank you, John

Every AK series I have ever seen or heard of anywhere are ver.3, not 2. Also every MP5 there is other than the MP5k is a ver.2, the MP5k is a ver.3

Spa May 6th, 2008 14:12

I believe v2/3 will be what I will be keeping in stock. Thank you for your help everyone!

Ghost_boo May 7th, 2008 09:46


Originally Posted by LUTNIT (Post 710415)
Every AK series I have ever seen or heard of anywhere are ver.3, not 2. Also every MP5 there is other than the MP5k is a ver.2, the MP5k is a ver.3

not really sure about that v3... pretty old when I bought it back in 2006
can anyone confirm...

Caped_crusadar May 7th, 2008 20:06

the way the ak has always been made was with a v3, take it out and compare, is there a window in the back of the gearbox where you can see the spring? if not, then yes its a v3

TokyoSeven May 7th, 2008 20:11


Originally Posted by Caped_crusadar (Post 712796)
the way the ak has always been made was with a v3, take it out and compare, is there a window in the back of the gearbox where you can see the spring? if so , then yes its a v3

Dont you mean on a V2 there is a window to see the spring?
I dont believe there is one on a v3.

Amos May 7th, 2008 20:36


Originally Posted by Caped_crusadar (Post 712796)
the way the ak has always been made was with a v3, take it out and compare, is there a window in the back of the gearbox where you can see the spring? if so , then yes its a v3

Heyyy guess what?

You're wrong.

AK's do not have the rear window. Those windowed ones are V2 mechboxes.

Why is it suddenly we have an influx of 2-3 regular USAfag airsofters that keep trying to give advice yet know NOTHING about what they're trying to say?

pusangani May 7th, 2008 20:40

not to be anti-USA or anything but yeah the top 3 annoyances on this site are from the USA,

btw yeah there's no window on the back of a ver.3 gearbox to see the spring, ive got a cyma 02 box and a dboys and neither have a window

Bowers May 7th, 2008 20:44


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 712818)
Heyyy guess what?

You're wrong.

AK's do not have the rear window. Those windowed ones are V2 mechboxes.

Why is it suddenly we have an influx of 2-3 regular USAfag airsofters that keep trying to give advice yet know NOTHING about what they're trying to say?

i dont think it purely revolves around them bein yanks as there are quite a few folks down south who know alot and dont act like asshats just as we have our share of retards like jesseast and others

what i do wanna know is if were merely a hat for the folks down south why the fuck are they coming here!?

TokyoSeven May 7th, 2008 21:31


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 712819)
not to be anti-USA or anything but yeah the top 3 annoyances on this site are from the USA,

I agree, but we do have our own home grown asshats as well.

Caped_crusadar May 7th, 2008 21:48

whops, i messed that up. i ment to word it differently, its fixed now.

yes it is a v2 that has the window
v3 do not

And am i in the top 3?

pusangani May 7th, 2008 22:00

most definitely, but you're #3 tho so that's not so bad your not half as annoying as the random noobs that come in with their naive questions and general lazy attitude towards research but you you've just stuck around longer than most thats all

:) nothing personal or anything lol

Caped_crusadar May 7th, 2008 22:12


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 712886)
most definitely, but you're #3 tho so that's not so bad your not half as annoying as the random noobs that come in with their naive questions and general lazy attitude towards research but you you've just stuck around longer than most thats all

:) nothing personal or anything lol

nothing personal? you called me annoying :(

half as bad as them is still pretty bad

FNG May 7th, 2008 22:18


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 712819)
not to be anti-USA or anything but yeah the top 3 annoyances on this site are from the USA,

Amos isn't from the U.S.? What the hell are you talking about?

pusangani May 7th, 2008 22:23


Originally Posted by Caped_crusadar (Post 712893)
nothing personal? you called me annoying :(

half as bad as them is still pretty bad

dont take it so hard bud, what i find annoying is when im trying to read/learn shit about aegs as Im still kinda new at upgrading them, only to have you give wrong info and then have to read thru the extra 3-4 posts of someone calling you on it and then waiting for the thread to get back on topic. if i found you personally annoying, i would've flamed you by now and i havent :)
so be happy, we all could use some self-improvement :)

anyways, back on topic...

AK's rule all!

Caped_crusadar May 7th, 2008 22:26

i worded it wrong, what was going on in my head is wrong then what came out...

i fixed it as soon as i realized it was wrong....

mattman600 May 7th, 2008 23:12

M4A1 V2

TokyoSeven May 7th, 2008 23:15


Originally Posted by Caped_crusadar (Post 712893)
nothing personal? you called me annoying :(

half as bad as them is still pretty bad

Then take it as constructive critisicism and learn.

Ghost_boo May 7th, 2008 23:19


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 712818)
Heyyy guess what?

You're wrong.

AK's do not have the rear window. Those windowed ones are V2 mechboxes.

Why is it suddenly we have an influx of 2-3 regular USAfag airsofters that keep trying to give advice yet know NOTHING about what they're trying to say?

Thank god Canada, someone that respond it correctly.... For a second I doubt myself I got a v3....
you my friend, answer very well :D

pusangani May 7th, 2008 23:20


Originally Posted by FNG (Post 712897)
Amos isn't from the U.S.? What the hell are you talking about?

Amos came a very close 4th on my list lol :D

ZeroAlphaOne May 8th, 2008 00:07

These are my weapons,

TM Tactical Master GBB
TM Socom Mk23
TM Sig 226 GBB

TM M16A1
TM M4A1 / SR16 Custom

Sniper Rifle's
2 x TM G Spec's

Marushin Mossberg M500SSB 8mm Shotgun

Amos May 8th, 2008 00:23


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 712950)
Amos came a very close 4th on my list lol :D

Moar like #AWESOME...

amirite or amirite?

FNG May 8th, 2008 00:36

Don't let these new guys fool you Amos. you are the 'no. 1' idiot on this forum.

Amos May 8th, 2008 01:58


Originally Posted by FNG (Post 713021)
Don't let these new guys fool you Amos. you are the 'no. 1' idiot on this forum.

Aww thanks, I'm glad I could contribute.

Gato May 8th, 2008 16:32

TM AK-74MN - Version 9

TM P90 RDS - Version 6

G.Sgt Marty May 10th, 2008 05:05


rideout May 11th, 2008 20:53

mp5 sd5
v.2 mechbox

upgraded spring and bushings and a tightbore barrle.

brusbilis May 14th, 2008 09:24

TM AK47 - V3

WE P08 4"

MagnumPeanut May 15th, 2008 10:24


?SCAR not on list dammit?

jtjcheng May 15th, 2008 15:39

M4 & SCAR!!!

wildcard May 15th, 2008 17:08

SR25/417, M4CQB, HK51, M60E3, M60VN, and AKM

Uzi9mm May 15th, 2008 18:08

Jing-Gong AKS-74U + Classic Army MP5A5

cratedriver May 15th, 2008 18:22

L96 Sniper
Glock 19

I'm down to adding one a year to the collection. Gawd this is expensive!

attack-beaver May 15th, 2008 20:04

CA G3KA4 (V2)

Ozles May 18th, 2008 12:06

famas-sv, stock parts

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