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lonesniper November 19th, 2010 22:08

USAF Para-rescue
Hey guys, I was in the process of putting together a SEALs Loadout, but thought "ehh, its cliche". So, because most of the gear is similar, I was wondering if you could help me put together a thread for Para-rescue, in case anyone else wants to do the same. So any suggestions or list of crap I have to buy would be great.

Godlyspartan November 20th, 2010 01:29

What do you have now in your kit list?

Are you doing a pre-multicam setup or the present day stuff?

lonesniper November 20th, 2010 01:46

As of now I have...

-Both multicam and desert three color
-MICH2000 with all the fixins'
-Rappeling harness
-other misc. gear

I also have a CIRAS, but I dont know if PJs use them.

Frozen Tex November 20th, 2010 15:00

Google Images - USAF Pararescue:
Apparently one of these guys below is USAF...

As I understand it, the Air Force gives PJs and other Spec-Ops personnel a great deal of latitude in selecting personal gear, uniforms, etc... So almost anything goes.

KNIVEZS November 20th, 2010 15:16

tons of PJ pic on milphoto and arnies

Conker November 20th, 2010 15:32

I'd say have a look here: (there's both CCT and PJ in this thread, make sure you've got the right one)

More pics: (edit: Opps, KNIVES posted it before... anyway, good ref)

Another thread, but with various SOF (including PJ's)... Warning: long thread is long. Some pics haven't been posted else where, afaik.

Choose a few pics showing what you're interested in. Then we'd be able to pinpoint you in the right direction for the gear.

lonesniper November 21st, 2010 00:52

Thanks for all the ref pics guys. They help allot. Im gonna go with three-color because I like the look lol. I also think, that because they have some leeway with there gear, Im gonna go with the CIRAS. MICHs seem to be kosher to. Questions I still need answered are...

-What type M4s do they use? SOPMOD?
Where can I find those "PJ" velcro patches?
-and is there a specific harness the wear?

lupo November 21st, 2010 01:52

Alot of USAF SF are using issued eagle airsave vests , arent made anymore by eagle but there are repros. Its a pretty kick ass chest rig and pretty rare.

Conker November 21st, 2010 03:04

They have quite a lot of leeway, yes, but I've never seen a CIRAS and I don't think they'd use one either.

They are not a combat unit per se. Yes, they do get into the fight when needed, but don't forget their objective is to extract the injured... they want to go fast, and a CIRAS (or RAV, or MTV, or any of the big plate carriers) does restrict movement and adds lots of weight.

I'm not a PJ specialist, but from what I remember, plate carriers I've seen include the LBT6094 and DBK FAPC. I'd have to dig a bit to find others, but it gives you an idea... these are (relatively) low-profile carriers, at least when compared to a CIRAS.

lonesniper November 21st, 2010 12:39

Well in that case, Conker, I think I'll try and get a decent LBT repro. Would you mind giving me a list of everything I'd have to plaster to the carrier? I like the loadout of the guy in the middle in the last picture that Tex posted.

Drache November 22nd, 2010 11:08

L473ncy November 22nd, 2010 14:42

Actually I was going to do a Combat Control Team (CCT) loadout....

Didn't actually get off the ground but you've actually piqued my interest in it again. Gonna do some more research and see what other info I can get that hasn't been mentioned.

Conker November 22nd, 2010 15:16


Originally Posted by lonesniper (Post 1354221)
Well in that case, Conker, I think I'll try and get a decent LBT repro. Would you mind giving me a list of everything I'd have to plaster to the carrier? I like the loadout of the guy in the middle in the last picture that Tex posted.

If I'm not mistaken, this plate carrier is the Paraclete HPC with cummerbund in khaki. It has some specific modifications for PJs, the most obvious one being the large buckles on the shoulders.

As for pouches, well... I can see as well as you :P He's got single mag shingles, a smoke pouch on the side, some IR chemlights on the front... that's all I can make out from that pic.

Danke November 22nd, 2010 15:49

The rule for a PJ is to setup your rig carry more first aid equipment than magazines for your rifle.

That's the main thing you need to watch for otherwise the way you stack your rig is left to the your judgment vs. a set in stone kit list. Best summed up by this comment I heard about life in the AF re non-standard kit; "Those who care can't tell, & those who can tell don't care".

lonesniper November 22nd, 2010 17:30


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1354851)
Actually I was going to do a Combat Control Team (CCT) loadout....

Didn't actually get off the ground but you've actually piqued my interest in it again. Gonna do some more research and see what other info I can get that hasn't been mentioned.

Is the CCT more combat oriented? The more I research and understand the role of a PJ, the less practical the seem for airsoft use. And thanks Conker, Im not very good with the names of specific peices of gear. :/

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