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Hectic February 25th, 2013 11:31

New Titanic (Titanic 2)
So i got a good laugh outta this so i thought id share.
I heard on the radio that a company will be building a new Titanic (Titanic 2) and the funny part (based on the quality of good that we see in airsoft comming from there) is that it will be, get this, Made In China.
Bassd on the sucsess (read sarcasim) of what was in its time the most advanced ocean liner ever built, who would like to take the maiden voyage of a Made In China Titanic lol.
I dont know maybe they will build it beter then the rest of the crap they produce but i can guess itll be built just like the rest of the stuff they build.
So whos buyin tickets?
More info for those interested new titanic - Google Search

Strelok February 25th, 2013 11:34

There better be anti-iceberg defense measures.

Nickaayyy February 25th, 2013 11:35

I'll buy a one way ticket please!! XD

Qlong February 25th, 2013 11:54

So you are basing the quality of a large transportation vessel that hasn't even been built by huge ship building conglomerates on the quality of toy guns a few companies produce? :p

FOX_111 February 25th, 2013 12:06

Based on their military copy of NATO military helicopters, planes, tanks.... It will suck.
Look at their C17 copy... Everything is less than what it's supposed to be.

Hectic February 25th, 2013 12:18

I use airsoft as an examlple because this is an airsof forum so most of us will have had experience with either a poorly made bad qc or well made out of crappy materials product of china. Had i been on the civic boards id of used the comparison of the skunk 2 mega power header vs the skunk 2 alph (made in china) version that has fitment issues and poor welds.
Im susre we have all had something other then airsoft that was poorly made in china.
But mostly what i was getting at is that touching the titanic name is bad enough and then to have it made in china is even worse and in china is even worse. Not to knock china i mean they can mass prodouce stuff really cheap and we kn the west buy it up like hotcakes at a significant mark ip while their economy grows like fertalized dandilions im just sayin that the story was good for a laugh.

Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 1765350)
So you are basing the quality of a large transportation vessel that hasn't even been built by huge ship building conglomerates on the quality of toy guns a few companies produce? :p

Tex February 25th, 2013 12:26

Do you have any idea of how many items are made in china. and how many of them are "high end" items.

Ricochet February 25th, 2013 12:26

In this case, you may only need a halfway ticket!

pestobanana February 25th, 2013 14:01

A quote from Armageddon
"Russian parts, American parts... ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!"

Towe1ey February 25th, 2013 14:20

Will this "Titanic 2" be upgradable with aftermarket parts? Such as full steel ballasts? High torque propeller motors? Or should we just expect the usual "pot metal."

Nickaayyy February 25th, 2013 14:23

Pretty sure it's gonna be pot metal in the beginning, replacement parts should be available soon after :D.

BloodSport February 25th, 2013 15:34

"In 2006, after repeatedly failing to secure investment, the project was abandoned."

It's been shelved a couple times, but unless they see the funding from investors, it will probably never get past the design stages.

Fuzzy February 25th, 2013 16:20


Originally Posted by Nickaayyy (Post 1765413)
Pretty sure it's gonna be pot metal in the beginning, replacement parts should be available soon after :D.

Ratech Titanic steel hull upgrade. Some dremeling required.

Practically everything is made in China. Not everything is poor quality. The iphone4 is made in China and the build quality is the standard to which all others compare.

Hectic February 25th, 2013 16:25


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1765459)

"In 2006, after repeatedly failing to secure investment, the project was abandoned."

It's been shelved a couple times, but unless they see the funding from investors, it will probably never get past the design stages.

And id doubt many folks would want to put big bucks toward buikding a new Titanic given the history, it just doesnt seem to make sense to me as an average type person i cant see alot of people who would want to spend money to travel on a ship called titanic so i dont sed the profitability of investing in building one. Im sure if it was to be called anything else they would have probably alrdy built it.
Example, when/if they finnaly rebuild a city at Chernobel do you think they will build anothe reactor there.. No i highly doubt it people would not come.

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