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ILLusion July 31st, 2013 16:56

Tokyo Marui M870

Creating an official thread for this

It's beginning to hit the market. Release date is NOW. Companies are taking pre-orders now, and I have access to a few. More information has been made available for this system:

- Retail Price in Japan: ~$395 CAD (once landed in Canada, it will be more than that)

- Fires a selectable 3 rounds OR 6 rounds per shot.

- Gas powered

- Gas Reservoir is stored in the full stock, and can be removed and replaced like a gas cartridge.

- Each gas reservoir is able to fire 100 shots. In other words, if you're shooting 3 rounds, you can put 300 rounds downrange on each tank of gas. These ratings are on duster gas. Unknown performance on propane.

- Can use old Marui shells, or the new ones

- Each shell holds 30 rounds

- Features a patent-pending industry first: Dual hop up system. Each system controls the spin on 3 BB's. With 3 BB's being fired, only one system is engaged. 6BB's engages both systems.

- FULL METAL, where it all should be! Die cast aluminum receiver, and metal outer barrel

- Online videos show Marui reps racking this thing single handed... to prove that there is durability in the cocking mechanism.

I've been looking forward to a GOOD shotgun for airsoft for years. Many companies have tried... all have failed. Durability and performance were always the biggest downfalls. I am expecting good things from this, and am excited to get my hands on one.
Image of the gas reservoir
Image of the hop up unit and 3>6 round selector

Hectic July 31st, 2013 17:26

Looks sweet. Wonder what the fps would be on propane (hopefully above minimum import levels) if it can handel propane.
And 395? I think you need a new suppliers. Echigoya has em for 289 (pre order but i doubt they will bump em up 100 bucks.
Do want for CQB goodness.

uncle_benny12 July 31st, 2013 17:30

Vid of it in action.

2013静岡ホビーショ ー M870TACTICAL 試射 - YouTube

ILLusion July 31st, 2013 17:42


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1820342)
Looks sweet. Wonder what the fps would be on propane (hopefully above minimum import levels) if it can handel propane.
And 395? I think you need a new suppliers. Echigoya has em for 289 (pre order but i doubt they will bump em up 100 bucks.

$395 is not the price from my suppliers. It is definitely less. $395 is just the published RETAIL price under normal conditions. In other words, it's MSRP. It's only the suggestion. How much a supplier sells for, is up to them. The MSRP is only a reference point.

I doubt this gun can shoot 3 rounds of BB's over import levels using propane. If it did, that's a lot of hurt in a single burst. But... you never know. It's always possible, especially if the inner barrel(s?) runs the full length of the outer barrel.

Cliffradical July 31st, 2013 17:53

Sweet mother of God.

coach July 31st, 2013 17:55

I'd be down for one of these. My m500 is fun on CO2 but I don't always want to run the KWA remote.

Would be awesome to game this with a couple of working glocks... :) (still not in a rush, whenever you find time) lol

hattrick July 31st, 2013 17:55

Wow, wow & WOOOOOOW, Don't know how I missed this amazing development!!

Do i wait for reviews, or just take the plunge?

I wonder if there will be multiple versions of it. ie : military/civi/sport etc?


*edit, I'm liking the shell eject feature @ the end :o

Off_kilter July 31st, 2013 18:01

This is so badass!!!

Cobrajr122 July 31st, 2013 18:02

I have already set aside the funds for when it hits Canada.
Can't freaking wait.

HeadlessChicken July 31st, 2013 18:49

Great, another one to save up for...*sigh*

Janus July 31st, 2013 19:05


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1820366)
I have already set aside the funds for when it hits Canada.
Can't freaking wait.

Seconded. The first time I saw this my shotgun love swarmed back to me.

Capt.Spaulding July 31st, 2013 19:49

If it had a no stock option it would finally make the Masterkey a viable option. Too bad! I'd be all over it then.

Hectic July 31st, 2013 19:54

No stock would be possible but it would really reduce the gas capacity.
But i hear that a gas masterkey wouod be alot beter then the trishot i have planed.

Cobrajr122 July 31st, 2013 20:08

Holy crap... I already have HPA rigs for P*

I am totally gonna try to get this rigged up for non perminant HPA

Danke July 31st, 2013 20:11

I've resisted shotgun temptation for years; waiting like a trapdoor spider for the time to be right. This could be it!

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