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habablashaska February 26th, 2014 14:38

help me choose aug a1 please
So I've been doing a lot of research and basically found out 90% of manufacturers discontinued that model.. so from what I can find these are my choices

Jg (heard bad things about the a1 model and there getting hard to find)
Asg (licensed but classic army sport line rebranded)
Aps (newer company.. aug line/ku series just came out q3 of 2013 can't find much info on it)
Action (can't find much info either. Redwolf said tm clone.. 150 dollars more then the rest)

And that's all I can find.. I'm fairly new to airsoft.. but I want a good reliable accurate gun that packs a punch.. has to be a a1 aug.. I'm leaning towards aps and eventually upgrading internals but not sure yet.. any advice?

(From what I can tell the best were tm and ca proline both discontinued :( )


Ricochet February 26th, 2014 14:43

Tokyo Marui AUG is the way to go, if you're really stuck on that platform. Get age verified, and there may be one or some available in the classifieds, and you can find out which retailers/importers can get you one.

lt_poncho March 14th, 2014 14:36

Definitely - the TM AUG uses the V3 mechabox and still is one of the best looking bullpups out there if you can find one. Mag's might be a challenge but there always seems to be someone getting rid of their stuff.

In this day and age you certainly have battery technology on your side now - no more having to strap a gigantic large battery to the side just to turn your PDI 170% spring over.

Rusty Lugnuts March 14th, 2014 14:39

Quality Control on APS is terrible

pestobanana March 14th, 2014 14:51

Owned a JG they were okay. I wouldn't trust APS or CA sportline. Regular CA is great though.

spaceman13 March 14th, 2014 15:36

My TM A1 was the best one i ever owned.Also had two CA,A1 and A2 but both of them had to have their motors changed.

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