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Cortex November 22nd, 2021 05:07

Systema PTW Users - Past and Present
I've got a question for the community. Please answer the poll and a few questions below!

I'm trying to gauge how popular the Systema PTW platform is currently in Canada, and how the platform has aged.

If you're currently using a PTW:
  1. When did you first start using a PTW?
  2. Do you have any plans to switch to a different platform? Why?

If you used a PTW in the past and have moved on:
  1. What timeframe did you use a PTW?
  2. Why made you switch to a different platform?

If you never knew about the Systema PTW before reading this thread, please answer "I've never heard of a Systema PTW" in the poll. However, after researching them I would like to know:
  1. Would you consider purchasing a PTW?
  2. What appeals to you about the PTW platform?

Ronald Chang November 22nd, 2021 09:37

I have my Systema Maxi with 3 round burst since 2006. All stock.
Served me well. No plan to change. Cannot afford the newer high end brands.

Drakker November 22nd, 2021 10:58

It's missing an option for "I know what a PTW is and there's no way I'm ever going to waste my money on them."

Crash54 November 23rd, 2021 13:39

What's a good used PTW going for now?

Swattiger November 23rd, 2021 16:20


Originally Posted by Drakker (Post 1853454179)
It's missing an option for "I know what a PTW is and there's no way I'm ever going to waste my money on them."

It is fair to say until you hold it in your hands and play a few games, then you're qualified to say "wasting your money".

Otherwise, the rule of "you get what you pay for" always applies.

Crash54 November 23rd, 2021 17:30


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1853454201)
It is fair to say until you hold it in your hands and play a few games, then you're qualified to say "wasting your money".

Otherwise, the rule of "you get what you pay for" always applies.

I've played with G&G Aries TM and Systema. Systema was still the best.

Drakker November 23rd, 2021 18:26


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1853454201)
It is fair to say until you hold it in your hands and play a few games, then you're qualified to say "wasting your money".

Otherwise, the rule of "you get what you pay for" always applies.

I respectfully disagree, while I've never owned any, I've used them, and 10+ years ago, yeah, they were the best, but getting them to be as accurate and reliable as today's AEGs is a lot of work. The only thing they really have going for them is that they stop firing when the mag is empty, but again, AEGs are slowly catching up, and now guns like the ASG Scorpion EVO have that feature for about a quarter off the price of a PTW, and magazines are 1/3rd the price of Systemas... Today we have GBB rifles, which are a lot more realistic, and still cheaper than PTWs. PTWs have lost all their advantages over time, and unless Systema pulls a new magical unicorn out of their hat, I don't see them being relevant in the future.

Ronald Chang November 23rd, 2021 19:56


Originally Posted by Drakker (Post 1853454203)
I respectfully disagree, while I've never owned any, I've used them, and 10+ years ago, yeah, they were the best, but getting them to be as accurate and reliable as today's AEGs is a lot of work. The only thing they really have going for them is that they stop firing when the mag is empty, but again, AEGs are slowly catching up, and now guns like the ASG Scorpion EVO have that feature for about a quarter off the price of a PTW, and magazines are 1/3rd the price of Systemas... Today we have GBB rifles, which are a lot more realistic, and still cheaper than PTWs. PTWs have lost all their advantages over time, and unless Systema pulls a new magical unicorn out of their hat, I don't see them being relevant in the future.

Agreed that now is very different from the past. However, I must say the materials they use and all the fittings are still top notch as per today's standard.

They have just developed a gear box with motor inside. So no more motor inside pistol grips. No matter if this will really work, I respect their R&D effort and spirit much more than those copy cats.

Canadian Psycho November 23rd, 2021 20:17

Been running dubs exclusively since 2008. Presently have 3 in various configurations. Zero plans or desire to switch, they work, every time without fail or maintenance. One of mine has several hundred thousand bb's through it with only a tac'd motor and a mechbox lubrication. Id love to see a normal AEG do that without fail. Only mod's my dubs have are tac'd motors and hopups, thats it.
I've never felt seriously outperformed by an AEG, and while modern tech is able to match it, its still not wildly beating it like some suggest. I will absolutely agree that AEGs have come a long way, and with some time and money can match a dub in trigger response, range, and accuracy for a cheaper price point, i will take my reliability every single day of the week and never think twice.

I would love to try the new infinity mechbox at some point, but presently dont feel the need to spend the money.

Canadian Psycho November 23rd, 2021 20:20


Originally Posted by Drakker (Post 1853454203)
I respectfully disagree, while I've never owned any, I've used them, and 10+ years ago, yeah, they were the best, but getting them to be as accurate and reliable as today's AEGs is a lot of work. The only thing they really have going for them is that they stop firing when the mag is empty, but again, AEGs are slowly catching up, and now guns like the ASG Scorpion EVO have that feature for about a quarter off the price of a PTW, and magazines are 1/3rd the price of Systemas... Today we have GBB rifles, which are a lot more realistic, and still cheaper than PTWs. PTWs have lost all their advantages over time, and unless Systema pulls a new magical unicorn out of their hat, I don't see them being relevant in the future.

Im curious where you are seeing current AEG's as significantly more reliable than dubs, once the motor issue is sorted they basically run decades. Even today most guys on the field i've talked with are all constantly modding, tweaking and maintaining their AEGs to keep reasonable performance.

militia November 25th, 2021 03:43


Originally Posted by Cortex (Post 1853454175)
I've got a question for the community. Please answer the poll and a few questions below!

I'm trying to gauge how popular the Systema PTW platform is currently in Canada, and how the platform has aged.

If you're currently using a PTW:
  1. When did you first start using a PTW?
  2. Do you have any plans to switch to a different platform? Why?

1- 2007
2- No plans to change (although i have other platforms my PTW's are primarily used)

Alot of ptw users in our group still.

FULLMETAL November 25th, 2021 15:07

Had a lot of different TW platforms, had 2 systemas, miss the sh out of them, been looking for a decently priced one, but no luck.

Gato November 29th, 2021 14:33

If you're currently using a PTW:
When did you first start using a PTW?
Do you have any plans to switch to a different platform? Why?
I started using a PTW around 2013/2014, it's from the 07 generation. I have a few other guns, but the PTW is a Mk18 built out for myself specifically, and I have no plans to change that. I enjoy not having to re-adjust my hop every time I change BB weights, and rarely find a need to even adjust it when I swap the cylinders. I like that she locks up after the last shot, and requires the use of the bolt release after inserting a new mag, which I tend to slap out of habbit anyway. I also don't have to deal with a tempermental Gas system, which is nice.

She's also seen FAR less maintenance time and repairs than pretty much any other gun I've owned, and I've had many over the years. Generally, once you adjust and tune your PTW, you're not likely to have to do much to it for another decade, beyond regular maintenance like lube and grease periodically.


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1853454201)
It is fair to say until you hold it in your hands and play a few games, then you're qualified to say "wasting your money".

Otherwise, the rule of "you get what you pay for" always applies.

Pretty much what happened with me, yeah, they were always cool, but I never actually thought it'd be worth that price until my gun went down and a buddy threw me his second PTW to use for the weekend.

Cortex January 4th, 2022 12:40

Thanks for the replies everyone! Basically confirms what I was thinking.

Seems like those that were able to try them out in the past generally stick with them due to the reliability and durability. They're truly second-to-none in that aspect.

Would most of you that are experienced with PTW's agree that the knowledge on the platform has severely dropped in recent years? I remember when I was first getting into airsoft, some basic research into "which AEG M4 to buy" would almost always yield results with PTW's being mentioned as the "ultra high end/expensive" model. Most younger players haven't even heard of a PTW if they ask what me/my team are running.

FULLMETAL January 4th, 2022 15:36


Originally Posted by Cortex (Post 1853454693)
Thanks for the replies everyone! Basically confirms what I was thinking.

Seems like those that were able to try them out in the past generally stick with them due to the reliability and durability. They're truly second-to-none in that aspect.

Would most of you that are experienced with PTW's agree that the knowledge on the platform has severely dropped in recent years? I remember when I was first getting into airsoft, some basic research into "which AEG M4 to buy" would almost always yield results with PTW's being mentioned as the "ultra high end/expensive" model. Most younger players haven't even heard of a PTW if they ask what me/my team are running.

Yap, I think is not as looked for or known as before. Yet they releasing new stuff (After a bunch of years) like the new gearbox,

I really want to try the new stuff, its a brand to fall in love with.

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