Airsoft Canada

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Richard Nixon December 8th, 2007 14:03

Airsoft Victoria
Hey guys. i was just wondering if any of you know about airsoft in victoria. or do any of you live in victoria and are interested in playing sometime? im just getting into the sport and wanna try to get a group together and play on occasion

Capt. Tyco December 8th, 2007 14:08

You should try in the Teams section. That having been said the if your in Victoria B.C. (filling out your profile would help). The south Island Rangers Operate out of Victoria. If you wan more info contact cndzn. However we do enforce a strict over 18 policy. No Exceptions

robtinbc December 19th, 2013 18:23

Victoria, BC Airsoft

Take a look at

Rob Turner

Janus December 19th, 2013 18:45

We know. :P

Danke December 19th, 2013 19:28

That guy has his EOTech on backwards. What a truly excellent photo.

Ricochet December 20th, 2013 14:55


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1855479)
That guy has his EOTech on backwards. What a truly excellent photo.

HEY! How do you know which way he's aiming? Maybe it's a confusion tactic, you don't know.

Danke December 20th, 2013 15:39

Maybe backwards lets you shoot into the future?

Ricochet December 20th, 2013 15:56


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1855638)
Maybe backwards lets you shoot into the future?

Whoa! That's deep bro. I kinda wish I had thought of that. I don't know which is worse, a guy who doesn't know any better, or when it's done in a major motion picture. It's like "who the hell is your consultant?".

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