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Spa April 28th, 2008 22:40

What Gun series do you use?

I am simply running a poll to see the most common gun type. The whole point is that I was requested to do a sampling on which guns are more common to determine which parts to keep in stock for AEG repairs.

I do know some series will not be listed as there is a max to 10 poll options, so i will put up the most common AEG series.

If you can, please post your gearbox version if you know it.

AEG types, not the manufacturer will be considered at this time. But fell free to post anything if you feel that an AEG manufacturer has a strong connection with its product.

Thank you for your input,


tjfast55 April 28th, 2008 22:42

mp5 sd5
v.2 mechbox

upgraded spring and bushings I believe...

TrueTGN April 28th, 2008 22:43

V2 all across the board for me. 4 of the different aeg's ive owned have been v2 mechboxes.

dpvu April 28th, 2008 22:47

M4A1, V2 gearbox

surebet April 28th, 2008 22:49

Armalite fanboi

j3anius April 28th, 2008 22:49

m4a1, v.2

TokyoSeven April 28th, 2008 22:51

Armalte bitch all the way.

Modify antireversal latch with quick release. Keep it in stock at all times its an amazing part.

SDS_ShooterMcGavin April 28th, 2008 22:53

G&P M4A1 and L96

demco11 April 28th, 2008 22:53

First gun TM AK-47 (version 3 mechbox)

Now I just got my second gun after having the same ak for 3 years

Its a TM SR-16 version 2 mechbox I believe

Dicey April 28th, 2008 22:58

AK Series (V3.)

Shouldn't have it any other way;)

tycho April 28th, 2008 22:58

AUG ftw
v3 box

I'll have >.<

WarHawk109 April 28th, 2008 23:01

systema ptw

ToTaL_oWnAgE April 28th, 2008 23:14

CA M16A4 Rifle (V2 MB) with CA M203 Long

MrEvolution April 28th, 2008 23:18

Thompson M1A1, V6
ICS M4A1, V2?

The Acer April 28th, 2008 23:55


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 706235)
Thompson M1A1, V6
ICS M4A1, V2?

ya its a V2, i got one too

SL8 (G36 varient) V3

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