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Search: Posts Made By: airsoftjunky
Forum: Gear Discussion July 9th, 2015, 12:07
Replies: 7
Views: 16,816
Posted By airsoftjunky
OK. Can you link me a set of these bolle x810 on...

OK. Can you link me a set of these bolle x810 on ebay then for cheaper than elsewhere? I'm all ears. BTW I'm not interested in Revisions. I already own a pair. I'm looking for reviews on the Bolles...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:40
Replies: 7
Views: 16,816
Posted By airsoftjunky
Thanks but looking for info here from people who...

Thanks but looking for info here from people who have used the goggles like the ones in the link. Not more people telling me about the cheap knock off look alikes on ebay.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:16
Replies: 7
Views: 16,816
Posted By airsoftjunky
Bolle x810 goggles. Worth it? Canadian source?

Anyone use these? I'm a big fan of the x800 goggles but...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 2nd, 2015, 23:29
Replies: 12
Views: 8,364
Posted By airsoftjunky
Real ones. No clones for this guy...

Real ones. No clones for this guy...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 1st, 2015, 19:52
Replies: 12
Views: 8,364
Posted By airsoftjunky
I bought them used, as a used deal. I will...

I bought them used, as a used deal. I will contact the seller to see if they were by any chance an Asian fit or no, but I'm pretty sure they are the regular fit. So I was under the impression the...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 1st, 2015, 08:59
Replies: 12
Views: 8,364
Posted By airsoftjunky
No I'm not Asian. Lol. Are you? :P

No I'm not Asian. Lol. Are you? :P
Forum: Gear Discussion April 1st, 2015, 07:45
Replies: 12
Views: 8,364
Posted By airsoftjunky
Revision Desert Locust help...

I recently purchased some revision desert locust fan goggles. I would consider myself to have a fairly average width of face, butt these goggles dig into my nose quite bad, and don't put pressure...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 22nd, 2015, 22:48
Replies: 8
Views: 9,283
Posted By airsoftjunky
Thanks man. That's helpfull info that saves me $....

Thanks man. That's helpfull info that saves me $. I actually own a jpc and am looking at getting another one or two in different camos. This caused me to be side tracked though. I was counting on...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 22nd, 2015, 19:13
Replies: 8
Views: 9,283
Posted By airsoftjunky
Yea. Medium, Large, and XL. Perhaps I should grab...

Yea. Medium, Large, and XL. Perhaps I should grab a Large? Looks like this iis another one of those times when it'd be great to try before I buy....
As for size, I don't mind it being small. I...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 22nd, 2015, 13:31
Replies: 8
Views: 9,283
Posted By airsoftjunky
UR Tactical plate carriers

Any love here for UR Tactical plate carriers? Here's a link to the style I'm interested in: ...
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 8th, 2015, 05:59
Replies: 30
Views: 16,579
Posted By airsoftjunky
Awesome! Let the pros handle it. There you go...

Awesome! Let the pros handle it. There you go people.
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 7th, 2015, 06:30
Replies: 30
Views: 16,579
Posted By airsoftjunky
Fuse has been removed and bypassed.

Fuse has been removed and bypassed.
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 6th, 2015, 02:22
Replies: 30
Views: 16,579
Posted By airsoftjunky
Conflict of interest here! ;) I can personally...

Conflict of interest here! ;) I can personally say I don't think it's normal. This isn't my gun, but none of my 12-ish aeg's have ever had a hot wire unless something was wrong....
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 2nd, 2015, 11:44
Replies: 30
Views: 16,579
Posted By airsoftjunky
Well what I think we'll do is re wire it...

Well what I think we'll do is re wire it completely. The guy wants it wired to the rear for a full sized stock anyway, so maybe getting rid of the crappy wiring will fix the problem.
Forum: Doctor's Corner December 30th, 2014, 22:38
Replies: 30
Views: 16,579
Posted By airsoftjunky
Positive wire getting hot when shooting.

I'm having a look at one of my younger buddy's non working guns, and need some help here from the higher ups before I start digging too deep. The gun is a G&G m4. It is possible there's water damage?...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 21st, 2014, 22:53
Replies: 2
Views: 4,266
Posted By airsoftjunky
Roger dodger, will do. Seemed normal strength to...

Roger dodger, will do. Seemed normal strength to me when I had it off, but may have been a little on the weak side.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 21st, 2014, 20:15
Replies: 2
Views: 4,266
Posted By airsoftjunky
Jamming issues when on full auto.

My gun shoots fine on semi, and I can do a double or maaaybe triple burst on full auto, but as soon as I give a long burst, it jams. Any thoughts why? I thought at first that the nozzle may not have...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 21st, 2014, 19:56
Replies: 11
Views: 7,200
Posted By airsoftjunky
May I throw in my 2 cents and say that the longer...

May I throw in my 2 cents and say that the longer barrel will not really give you a huge or any increase in accuracy. Others will argue that, and if you had a mp5k length barrel you were lengthening,...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 19th, 2014, 08:17
Replies: 1
Views: 3,721
Posted By airsoftjunky
I liked my Prowin M4 chamber. Enough that I plan...

I liked my Prowin M4 chamber. Enough that I plan to put it in the rest of my AR based rifles. Can't say much about the AK's though.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 7th, 2014, 14:46
Replies: 10
Views: 8,870
Posted By airsoftjunky
I would be quite interested in the specs on this...

I would be quite interested in the specs on this gun. Type of gun, as well as type of upgrades. The science of it all is fascinating.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 7th, 2014, 06:10
Replies: 10
Views: 8,870
Posted By airsoftjunky
So what spring would you recommend? I have much...

So what spring would you recommend? I have much the same set up as you. PDI chamber, etc...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 6th, 2014, 17:46
Replies: 10
Views: 8,870
Posted By airsoftjunky
My gun used to be more powerfull, and I can say...

My gun used to be more powerfull, and I can say from experience that more power equalls more range and ability to lift heavier bbs. My gun has slowly lost fps, and I've likewise noticed it losing...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 6th, 2014, 14:56
Replies: 10
Views: 8,870
Posted By airsoftjunky
A little. But the highest fps for the L96 shown...

A little. But the highest fps for the L96 shown there only goes to 450 fps. I'm looking for 475.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 6th, 2014, 14:21
Replies: 9
Views: 9,517
Posted By airsoftjunky
I picked a real nifty little vice there with a...

I picked a real nifty little vice there with a suction cup bottom for about 20 smackaroos. Suction cup sucks, but the vice itself works awsome for holding barrels and small items, and is weighted...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 5th, 2014, 00:36
Replies: 10
Views: 8,870
Posted By airsoftjunky
Correct spring power and sized to use in my L96 clone, with Modify piston

My stock spring seems to have wore out and lost fps over the last three-ish years that I have used it. Its slowly been losing fps, till now its down from about 460 to approx 417. However, I am...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 29th, 2014, 02:53
Replies: 41
Views: 25,225
Posted By airsoftjunky
+1 for this. I don't personally use AK's, but...

+1 for this. I don't personally use AK's, but I've held, shot, and been shot by LCT's plenty.

If you would consider an AR based platform, I've got lots of good to say about the King Arms metal...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 15th, 2014, 08:29
Replies: 6
Views: 8,267
Posted By airsoftjunky
I bought it through a private deal. Not really...

I bought it through a private deal. Not really sure if I should link it here. I will inbox you with info.
Forum: Gear Discussion April 14th, 2014, 23:37
Replies: 6
Views: 8,267
Posted By airsoftjunky
Cool! I've thought about that a few times. If you...

Cool! I've thought about that a few times. If you ever get time to upload a pic of that to here that'd be pretty awsome... :o
Forum: Gear Discussion April 14th, 2014, 23:31
Replies: 6
Views: 8,267
Posted By airsoftjunky
Interesting. However, in my experience I find the...

Interesting. However, in my experience I find the full seal goggles to not work as well with such mesh masks, as they either have to fit on top of, or above the mask. Creating discomfort, for me at...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 14th, 2014, 23:26
Replies: 6
Views: 8,267
Posted By airsoftjunky
As a side note, I have found out that the mesh of...

As a side note, I have found out that the mesh of the mesh masks is actually quite easy to cut with the right tools, bend and shape to your liking, then simply hot glue into place with a strip of...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 14th, 2014, 23:21
Replies: 6
Views: 8,267
Posted By airsoftjunky
The Winter Soldier/ Captain America face protection... Thoughts?

So the airsofter in me could not help but think of airsoft face protection the whole time I was watching the second Captain America movie. I have tried several different types of pace protection....
Forum: Gear Discussion April 14th, 2014, 23:04
Replies: 21
Views: 25,366
Posted By airsoftjunky
I really do not see how the holster can possibly...

I really do not see how the holster can possibly be pushing the button, as I really have to use a lot of force to bend the holster in that far, however, I will try what you say. If it works, I owe...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 13th, 2014, 13:45
Replies: 9
Views: 15,785
Posted By airsoftjunky
Well I tried the Allwins. I have to say, I was...

Well I tried the Allwins. I have to say, I was not extremely impressed. The pants were comfy enough, but the crotch was to low so when I kneel on one knee to aim, they pull something fierce. Aside...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 12th, 2014, 14:28
Replies: 21
Views: 25,366
Posted By airsoftjunky
I have what I think is a rebranded Blackhawk...

I have what I think is a rebranded Blackhawk holster for my M9. I love it. Only problem is I had the mag fall out a few times while using it. I don't understand this, or why it happened, as I see no...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 2nd, 2014, 17:29
Replies: 2
Views: 4,299
Posted By airsoftjunky
Dyeing a shirt OD green. Possible?

I recently picked up a rare, difficult to get combat shirt in my favorite camo. However, the plain, base color is not to my liking. It's more of a whitish/tan color, whereas I want a OD green. Am I...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 12th, 2014, 14:13
Replies: 38
Views: 22,175
Posted By airsoftjunky
I swear by the x800's combined with fogtech. Only...

I swear by the x800's combined with fogtech. Only had slight fog a time or two when I was lying prone, sniping, on a very hot day, tensed up, and sweating like a pig. I found though that you have to...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 2nd, 2014, 15:57
Replies: 24
Views: 15,601
Posted By airsoftjunky
Wish i could find more pics of people actually...

Wish i could find more pics of people actually wearing it! Im having a heck of a time deciding what color to go with. Emerson doesnt seem to make it in aor2, and thats the loadout I'm getting it for....
Forum: Gear Discussion February 2nd, 2014, 01:15
Replies: 24
Views: 15,601
Posted By airsoftjunky
Thanks guys. As always, very helpfull! I like...

Thanks guys. As always, very helpfull! I like fast and light. I don't need a crap load of mags. Especially since I'm usually a sniper or DMR role. So it sounds perfect. All I need is a few mag...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 2nd, 2014, 01:11
Replies: 24
Views: 15,601
Posted By airsoftjunky
We can get all kinds of technical, but we're just...

We can get all kinds of technical, but we're just splitting hairs then. My question was answered with 3. It holds 3 with the built in pouch. I was wondering if it was 3 or 6. And now the joys of...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 1st, 2014, 14:10
Replies: 24
Views: 15,601
Posted By airsoftjunky
Do they sit up high enough that you can crouch...

Do they sit up high enough that you can crouch without them pushing up? Anyone who's ever worn a bad vest will know what I'm talking about.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 1st, 2014, 01:14
Replies: 24
Views: 15,601
Posted By airsoftjunky
How many mags can they hold?

How many mags can they hold?
Forum: Gear Discussion February 1st, 2014, 00:42
Replies: 24
Views: 15,601
Posted By airsoftjunky
How are they for comfort? I've never used this...

How are they for comfort? I've never used this style before.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 31st, 2014, 18:57
Replies: 24
Views: 15,601
Posted By airsoftjunky
Thoughts on this plate carrier?

I kind of like the look of this. Any thoughts, reviews on it?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 26th, 2014, 15:41
Replies: 31
Views: 19,063
Posted By airsoftjunky
I've probably several thousands of rounds through...

I've probably several thousands of rounds through my KJW M9, never had a problem with the gun. Ever. Tough as nails. Metal feels reel nice. The mags, however, another story. Of the 4 mags I got with...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 18th, 2014, 01:54
Replies: 9
Views: 15,785
Posted By airsoftjunky
Thanks for the info. Looks like my only current...

Thanks for the info. Looks like my only current and immediate options are the Allwins. I have yet to hear anything negative on them.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 16th, 2014, 04:07
Replies: 9
Views: 15,785
Posted By airsoftjunky


VS this:...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 16th, 2014, 04:04
Replies: 9
Views: 15,785
Posted By airsoftjunky
Allwin AOR2 vs Emerson G3 AOR2 combat clothing

Description says it all. I'm not a fan of the green spandex strips around the rear and the knees of the Allwin pants, unless it has a truly useful purpose. But everyone seems to be recommending the...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 16th, 2014, 03:48
Replies: 1
Views: 3,056
Posted By airsoftjunky
I bought mine off ebay. Perhaps an ebay seller...

I bought mine off ebay. Perhaps an ebay seller could get you a bunch?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 3rd, 2013, 23:59
Replies: 32
Views: 28,341
Posted By airsoftjunky
I tried crazy glue with no luck whatsoever. It...

I tried crazy glue with no luck whatsoever. It didn't even bond to the Promy barrel window. Also, the edges of the patch didnt sit well on the edges of the window, no matter which of the 3 patches I...
Forum: General November 17th, 2013, 13:08
Replies: 11
Views: 13,239
Posted By airsoftjunky
Funny, I just searched airsoft in Lloydminster,...

Funny, I just searched airsoft in Lloydminster, and this is what popped up. Talk about coincidence that you just refreshed the thread today, with good news! I'm moving to Neilburg, which, to my...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 135

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