Originally Posted by EagleDriver
Just get he WOUXUN KG-UVD1P and your problem is solved. UHF and VHF dual band, and is very similar to the Puxing PX-888. By the way, the "D" version of the PX-888 makes it so that you can't program the channel name in the keypad but is otherwise the same. The WOUXUN takes the same two pin kenwood accessories, and can even use the Puxing programming cable.
Agreed, it is a solid radio for the money with more features than most Airsofter's will even understand how to use. Lots of positive reviews on sites dedicated to amateur radios. But the advertising is a little misleading, it is not a true dual frequency receiver. It claims to allow you to monitor two channels at once, when really it just has two "Priority" channels. This means it just constantly scans both until one of the channels breaks squelch; blocking the other channel. So you cant truly monitor two channels; the way you can with some higher end radios that have a dual receiver. This will mean nothing to most, but for some people it could be important.
Another tip, get a better Antenna tuned to the Freq. that you operate in. Although the OEM unit that is provided with the radio is fairly decent, substantial gains can be had by purchasing even a cheap $20 antenna off of ebay that is tuned to a tighter band of Frequencies.
One other note the KG-UVD1P, transmits VHF@ 5W and UHF@ 4W respectively.