Originally Posted by Omnivorous
is there any accountability in these classifieds or is it the wild west? Why isn't this person at least banned from the classifieds? Isn't zero accountability inviting scammers?[/B] I'm probably not going to use these classifieds again, and I feel like people should be warned of the high risk of using these classifieds.
No accountability
Admins are busy
You're not wrong. It's called "age verification". It's not an assurance qualification. This is to comply with Canadian law which no minor (under 18) can purchase an airsoft gun.
You have to take your chances just like buying any second hand item.
Admins and yourself can file a police report but it doesn't get you your money back nor guarantee your item. However the person can skip town (such is the case in the past) or simply move.
Just like eBay and Amazon market sellers you have to pay attention to the person's trader rating. If they're new and selling something that seems too good to be true (see where I'm going with this?) Then it often is.
Treat it as a learning experience. I've been scammed in the past before among many others on ASC. You just have to learn who to trust and if you can, buy from people whom you've met before.