Originally Posted by Wilkie
Just remember that your going to have to put a big battery in there. Common places to stash it are a solid style stock, or under the 249's heat shield. Unfortunately the c9a1 has neither
That rear grip is unfortunately illigal for a civilian to own, as silly as it sounds. Same with the offset grip you see one some of them. I'm not sure of a replica of either of them.
If it's military property or holds a patent under the DoD, I'm waiting to hear back from CADEX on that one. There's a number of mid-life upgrade programs going on right now in the CF, that being said it could also be under license from Fabrique Nationale in which case that's just as much a no-go.
I talked with my buddy and he seems more interested in the Classic Army Minimi, now. Which is good, saves some time on fixing up that beast. I personally wouldn't be caught dead lugging around that thing. lol
As for the battery dilemma, I'll let him know. Thanks, mate.
They must not be that hard to get a hold of. >>>
http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=71821 <<<