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Old September 13th, 2014, 20:29   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Tanaka M870 - green gas Tanaka shell ejected/CO2 & green gas Madbull shell ejected

Completed on Jan1-2015

Was the most realistic shotgun in the market based on the bolt design and the "kicking" sound. Also after market upgrade parts, even the RS parts compatible, can bring it back alive almost 95% functional and working condition, believe it or not. A truly the best collector piece after all!

Years ago, someone did this modify and posted it in public site. I read it after I completed my project, and felt like we did it almost the same idea. But that person didn't post how the functional worked. That's the most important part of modify. Whatever we use the parts no matter the after market and the RS parts, all need to be done is making it more durable and perform the best. And that's the reasons why I post this out to share.

Single inner barrel with fixed hop up, gas and bbs are loaded in shell, mostly metal finishing, pretty realistic bolt design like RS.

Chance of ModifyD5
There are bolt set and hammer group made by TSC, and also you can use Remington RS parts like loading arms, latches, carrying dog, extractor and parts, the stock and front grip. I believe the shell carrier could be modified in it too. It's a lot of chances can keep it the best perform. But the only part is the barrel. you need to drill it out and keep it in good shape and thread two holes to secure it back in receiver. If you break it, I've found a difficult way to fix it. Not a problem at all.

Pot metal & plastic are the original, and TSC reinforced material & Remington RS are the after market materials. So it's all good to last.

Regular lube and clean up is needed

Parts Support
Have TSC and Remington RS parts

since it is use shells, for practical shooting and collector piece would be good, for CQB would be fine, for long game then you need to have enough shells and spend time to reload.

Custom made part:
-Ejector Spring ~ D5

After market upgrade parts list:
-T.S.C. Reinforced Breech Bolt Assembly for Tanaka M870 (Steel) ~ D4
-T.S.C. CNC Reinforced Steel Slide for Tanaka M870 Shotgun ~ D2
-T.S.C. CNC Reinforced Steel Hammer/Sear/Connector for Tanaka M870 ~ D4
Reinforced Breech Bolt Assembly & CNC Reinforced Steel Slide ~ D4/D2

Sear ~ D4

Hammer ~ D4

Remington parts list:
-Remington Forend Tube Assembly
-Remington Fore End Tube Nut 870 12 Gauge
-Remington Shell Latch LEFT/Right 870 12 Gauge
-Remington Carrier Dog ~ D1
-Remington Extractor/Plunger/Spring ~ D2/D3
Forend Tube Assembly - Top - Remington, Bottom - Tanaka Original

Shell Latch LEFT/Right - both middle one are Remington parts and need to be cut open at the end for lock in place

Carrier Dog ~ D1

Extractor ~ D2

test firing with Tanaka shells

test firing with Madbull shells

aka Uncle

Last edited by N_Force; January 1st, 2015 at 13:56.. Reason: added infos
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