Marui M870 & Breacher - duster/green gas shell loaded
Completed on Dec4
*more pictures and details will be followed if anything new comes up!
Three inner barrels with fixed hop up shooting three or six bbs each pump. Gas tank loading at the end of stock can hold 5-6 shells that my gas tank record.
One reason I like Japanese engineering for airsoft, is that they use a complicated components to work like, look like and sound like RS. Some of them are good for collection and most of them are good for gaming.
Chance of Modify
For external accessory, Alot of after market parts are available. Internal, Just for some only.
Since all the Japanese airsoft are built for HFC134 gas(70PSI), internal design is just good enough to handle this pressure, not green gas or top gas even propane(120PSI). All internals are used port metal and plastic, so it just last long enough for curtain time of use.
Lube as regular. But this one is not easy to be dissembled for lubricant. Add right amount for using propane is always needed.
Parts Support
Some after market internals and alot of accessories.
Gaming -
Since this shotgun using shell loaded 30bbs and detachable gas tank. So it is 100% good for gaming no matter for indoor or even outdoor. For CQB of cause should go for Breacher cause it is the shortest shotgun in the market that is good for gaming.
Do you see the different between this two gas tanks?
Ans: The gas fill valve on Breacher has a new design. It is deeper than the old one. When using AI propane adaptor to fill gas, it fits in deeper and seems like minimize the gas leakage during refill. Compare to WE's has a tiny o-ring in side, this new design seems work better.
M870 gas tank
Breacher gas tank
Trigger Group

Side saddle with its own screws set
AG's choke tube is the closest design looks like RS one
After market Shells compatible (Bravo)
As all you know the Bravo shells works with Marui, but I've found that it is not smooth loading the shell into chamber slot. after cut wide and sand smooth the opening, then it works much better.
Fixing gas leak between stock and receiver
Since using propane and making the o-ring shrink, then gas leaking.
go to dollar shop, buy a box of o-ring in $2, pick one fit into the stock side (right hand side one) and seal the leak perfectly.
Original O-ring
Fixing gas tank flex issue for M870
after added 2 long machine screws to hold the side wall of the tank, you still see the flex issue a bit, and the mag insert is easier, btw, is the propane pressure too high or the port metal too weak?? At lease it look better and easier insert the gas tank into the stock.
Shorten the mag release
To prevent accidental release the mag cover and get damage when gaming.