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Old March 31st, 2015, 01:00   #14
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Pretty much this but it does need a lot of updating:

$1000 these days is perfect to start with. You could start as low as $600 but with more you get more/better stuff. It's like buying lighters, sure a Bic will work (your basic $600 kit) but even better might be the $10 jet lighters from Canadian Tire (what you could get for $1000) then even better than that might be a zippo or whatever (when you start to get into PTW's, Classic Airsoft, and tuned to the tits GBBR's and such).

My opinion, get a good primary. The King Arms Metal body I think can be found for like $260 on sale sometimes. Forego the secondary for now I rarely use mine. You probably get a hi-cap with the gun so you can use that for now or get a couple mid caps (probably like $12-15 each) and a speedloader ($10). Grab a couple of 7.4V Lipos from Hobbyking and one of the basic smart chargers note it doesn't have advanced features (like capability to charge different chemistries) but it will charge and balance your lipo battery and trickle charge when it's done. You'll want good boots with ankle protection to prevent injuries and of course you'll want either ballistic glasses with a mesh lower mask or a paintball mask (the JT Flex8 or ProFlex is the one that most people go with). Then whatever else you want to get, that could be a chestrig or a plate carrier or just going with a battlebelt and running super light/high speed.

BTW you don't need to quadruple post. Just multiquote or thank everyone once.
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