Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
On the spoon issue, ( as I know Carl well and have been watching the development of this product for the past 3 years ) Market research indicated that users really really wanted the spoon.
a lot of people went so far as to say if there was no spoon, they would not purchase it.
Does the spoon on this one actually do anything? It didn't seem to.....
Maybe it's a part of the safety like an actual spoon?
Originally Posted by Thenooblord
I believe his concern was more that the spoon is not locked to the grenade by a pin or hinge, and instead flys off into the sand or grass or whatever you're throwing it over, and will inevitably be lost eventually
even a simple wire lanyard holding the spoon to the grenade would be nice
Even a small amount of weight would have a huge effect on the spin and handling characteristics. Especially weight on a string held away from the body of the grenade, if you know how physics works.