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Old July 8th, 2017, 02:42   #8
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Top end Gen 2 technology competes directly with Gen 3. Generation denotes the architecture of the tube, not the spec/performance of the tube. If that was the case, Filmless tubes would be like Gen 8.
For example: Photonis 4G tubes use Gen 2 architecture, however they directly compete with high end Gen 3 tubes.

Gen 2 will do you just fine in Airsoft.. especially more modern Gen 2 type devices which will give you more bang for your buck. Due to Canada's current poor economic state however, and the fact that we don't really manufacturer Night vision equipment domestically.. you will be paying an extremely high premium right now for something made elsewhere. Considering you stated that you don't want to spend a lot of money on a device you will probably only use for 20 minutes a month, it sounds like you have already thought this through and could easily just get by with a very reliable weapon light. Hope that helps.

I didn't bother mentioning Gen 1 because it is so beyond deprecated that it is now completely useless.
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