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Old June 14th, 2018, 11:56   #1
Join Date: Jun 2017
p90, my thoughts

So, I am an avid fan of Stargate and that's when I saw the p90. I watched their fighting styles with it and I wanted it. my Squad commander calls it the star wars blaster...

Last year I deployed it at nf6 and struggled with it because of the large mags and difficulties in playing with the mags poking me. It became my backup weapon and I switched to the g36.

This year at Nightfall, after replacing my g36's hopup, the mags refused to feed the pellets and double fed/jammed. it got me killed quickly so I switched back to the p90 because when the mags jam, I can just tap the top of the gun and it dislodges. No need to take the mag out. I had to switch to a closer quarter, more aggressive approach.

Mags were hung from my belt, low off the sides of my hips so not to interfere with running. I had stretched the pouches by keeping the mags in there for days. I was able to carry 7 higher capacity midcaps. 3 on each side, 1 in the rifle. Because of the lower accuracy rate (it's accurate, but the accuracy drops off quickly and goes in random directions), I would get in far closer and spend less ammo trying to hit the target. The bullpup design allowed me to rapidly engage multiple targets without worry about smacking someone in the head with my barrel, and I was able to breach quickly. It also allowed me to edge around corners and use the gun as a shield while searching for targets. This is not a recommended approach with a victor as one actually broke a piece off of the back of my mag.

I only needed the vest to carry grenades, food, water and a spare battery. In smaller weekly games, I don't even use the vest.

The gun is light, the mags are clear so counting is easy, it's small and fits in the hand quite well, allowing me to deploy even a knife if necessary. Think of it as an oversized pistol with a ridiculous mag capacity of about 170 rounds for a spring loaded midcap.

so my thoughts from using the p90? It's an excellent CQ weapon. It's not something to play in the style of "call of Duty". It's used for defence, close quarters, breaching, anything where you have to move quickly and engage multiple targets. Fire discipline is extremely important because it takes a few seconds to change the mags. Changing a m4 or g36 mag is about 1-2 seconds, p90? 4 or 5. Although you can look down at your mag to see how many rounds are left so if you're getting low, you can get set up so the turnover rate is faster.

Pros? good cq weapon, allows for ease of movement and keeping barrel close without barrel being a hindrance. It's sturdy and can take a beating. Its lighness allows for the other hand to be freed up. The modes can be easily selected by your trigger finger as it is literally below the trigger. you can run staring down the barrel and still be relatively accurate as compared to a m4, or other weapons with longer barrels.

Drawbacks? Midcaps or lowcaps only. Highcaps are not a good idea due to the location of the wheel. So lower amount of ammo. Rapid fire lasts about 1-2 seconds and you can run out realllly fast. The shorter barrel means accuracy drops out quickly, about 100 feet or less with .20s. Mags take time and practise to switch out and the pouches are tight so it can be distracting in the middle of a firefight if you're not prepared.

I would not recommend this as a solo weapon, or as an all squad weapon. 1 or 2 men on an 11 man squad could use this at the most. The rest should be m4s or weapons with longer range, to allow the CQers to get in range. Because once I got into range, my kill rate got much much higher.
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