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Old March 2nd, 2009, 20:51   #187
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Chilliwack
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i cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not, because none of the pictures really show the mass amounts of foliage on the back

That being said... lets pretend we are being serious here!

It was freaking amazing hahaha. It was really scary actually, as this milsim was the first role as a sniper ive ever played. and when a person is walking on a colision course directly at you, and you have a bolt action springer, you really hope your ghillie gets you out of the mess you have gotten yourself into.

At one point my spotter and I were stalking around the field and finally spotted two guys apprx. 700 feet in the distance. we stalked up about another 100 feet and positioned ourselves off to the side of their projected path so we could ambush them once they had passed. Suddenly there path changed to directly towards us. Now apprx 200 feet in the distance (my spotter about 10 feet away towards me, closer to them) , they were within my effective range. unfortionately i was in clear line of sight and had my gun underneath my stomach. They passed right by the spotter, not even lying about 3-4 feet away. Noticing i was screwed, i popped up and attempted to get one shot off before getting a boot in the face. Unfortionately i was too excited and left my gun safed.

Luckily they were so excited about killing me the two enemies started talking at me, and my spotter had enough time to turn around and unload at the two guys about 10 feet away with his tm ebr!
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