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Review Request: KJW Cansoft GBBs



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Old April 25th, 2009, 19:28   #1
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Review Request: KJW Cansoft GBBs

Anyone care to tell the world what you think about them?

Me and my buddies are fairly interested in them to see how they perform and such. Especially the M9s/Glocks

Any help would be appreciated


Last edited by Skladfin; April 26th, 2009 at 01:18..
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Old April 25th, 2009, 21:33   #2
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dont know if it could be interesting but...
i saw a buch of them in person (glocks) and they looks black if you dont look closely. they fire with a loud "TAK!" and recoil is pretty acceptable! the feeling of the glock is exaclty the same as a tm, the plastic seems extremely robust!

member of fire team NOM. my other regular forum: / gen3,gen4 camry
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Old April 25th, 2009, 21:46   #3
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Why not just look at a reveiw of the actual KJ version?

These things are the same thing only with a new lower..
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Old April 25th, 2009, 21:54   #4
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Why not just look at a reveiw of the actual KJ version?

These things are the same thing only with a new lower..
I did, I just wasn't sure of the fitment/quality of the new lower.

And there could be differences as well, just double confirming.

Thanks lemegacool for the info. Anyone else want to share more?
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Old April 25th, 2009, 22:01   #5
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Ah ok, I can definitely see where you're coming from for this.
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Old April 26th, 2009, 01:54   #6
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I picked up an m92f from Ken a when they first came out. It's late so here's my unofficial review:

The plastic lower is incredibly similiar to the metal version. I owned a kjw p229 and other than it being a little lighter, not noticable at all. The m92f handgrips cover most of the lower so it's hard to tell from a distance.

The internals all attach to a common metal point so no worries about it breaking off. I can't say how strong the plastic is as I have yet to game it. Tomorrow is test day, so I'll have more to report then. As far as plinking goes, it's about the same accuracy as the other full metal kjw guns.

I'll have more to say after sunday's game
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Old April 26th, 2009, 19:55   #7
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My FM KJW M9 has a busted trigger spring, inner barrel and when I shoot my magazine flies out of the mag well. And I havent even put 200 rounds through it. I've ordered a new inner barrel and trigger spring, dunno what I'm gonna do about the mag well tho.
IMO they are good budget guns but if I had the chance I'd take a Marui any day of the week.
In fact if I hadnt spent a lot on the pistol itself I'd just switch over to another brand of M9.
After buying the Marui 1911 I dont think I'll ever go with another brand.
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Old April 26th, 2009, 20:15   #8
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Originally Posted by scarletsnake View Post
My FM KJW M9 has a busted trigger spring, inner barrel and when I shoot my magazine flies out of the mag well. And I havent even put 200 rounds through it. I've ordered a new inner barrel and trigger spring, dunno what I'm gonna do about the mag well tho.
IMO they are good budget guns but if I had the chance I'd take a Marui any day of the week.
In fact if I hadnt spent a lot on the pistol itself I'd just switch over to another brand of M9.
After buying the Marui 1911 I dont think I'll ever go with another brand.
He is talking about the ones they sale with smoke lower body, i think Skladfin know's what a pistol is. He's been around for a while.
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Old April 26th, 2009, 20:38   #9
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i picked up the g32c it's my first gbb, but it feels like a descent weight and came with a metal slide. plastic bits feel good qualityand the internals are metal.
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Old April 26th, 2009, 20:49   #10
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I have a KJW Hi-Capa that's arriving tomorrow - will write up a review when I have time.
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Old April 28th, 2009, 15:00   #11
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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i have my own KJW Hicapa too, but as well as my gaming gun, its also the victim of my boredom, so every time i get bored i take a grinder to it and change something, the last time i messed with it it gave me 3 round burst lol

the plastic grip is dark and the plastic is tough, and i love the gun

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
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My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old April 28th, 2009, 16:37   #12
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I have 3 of them here and I've looked them over and over, havn't shot them yet, but quality looks great, they feel very much like any other GBB from TM or KSC.
I had a TM Glock and Beretta from KSC and they feel equal in quality.

I can post a few pictures later tonight when I get home.
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Old April 28th, 2009, 16:58   #13
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I own a smoked-body KJW G23.

I owed a KJW P-14 (i.e. double stack 1911~~-ish) prior. I have not handled the non-cansoft version of the KJW G23, so I don't know how much of this is Cansoft and how much is KJW G23.

I love my GBB, for the pricepoint, don't think it can be beat. It's simple, it's a beast, and goes "Pow" when I want it do.

The body is strong, fits together nicely. When it's in your hand, you can't even tell that it's Cansoft, & in holster with the mag in, it looks alot less cansoft. The magazine well backstrap is slightly off dimensional from real glock, so I had to modify a real-steel retention lanyard lanyard to fit in properly, including filing. The body really resisted the filing, so the lanyard plug was modified instead.

The field stripping slide release is a bit annoying as it doesn't slide equally to strip the slide off. (i.e. it tilts to one side or the other, you really have to wrap your hands around this in strange positions).

The slide/recoil spring is pretty light, so it doesn't recoil with quite as realistic 'twack' as I'd like, and it's easier to push the slide out of battery as a consequence.

The gun's trigger safety is missing (i.e. must have finger on the trigger for the striker to fall), I'm told that this is a North America licensing issue.

The Glock master safety (moving the serial number plate back & forth, under the barrel) is annoying, I wish it was 1mm higher so you could lock the gun in safe as easily as the real deal.

The slide does reciprocate on metal rails, so you don't have to worry about wear & tear. (I keep getting asked that question, and always wonder why people would think that KJW would change something just for CanSoft)

Except for some slight scratches in the mag well due to modifying the GBB/Lanyard retention plug, I have no cosmetic wear. I have not attempted the gun at really extended ranges, but works well for standard CQB engagement distances. The gun is not old enough to comment on the magazines (seals and/or mis-feeds).

I would recommend this gun for the price, it's excellent as a backup piece or for CQB distances. The cost of additional magazines makes this extremely attractive if you're trying to see if you like getting close up and personal. The GBB itself is not as noisy as other Glock GBB's, so a suppressor should really help and be surprisingly quite.

I am trying to find speedplates for the magazines, so can't comment on fitment with them on.
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Old April 28th, 2009, 19:55   #14
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I took pics of mine - post can be found here. Will review when I have time.
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