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Old November 4th, 2010, 02:18   #16
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you might want to consider a better hopup rubber as well
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Old November 4th, 2010, 02:41   #17
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Originally Posted by Space Bot View Post
Hmm, cause I was looking at getting a different hop up unit altogether. Unless anyone can tell me that a stock TM hop up unit is pretty decent and all that I'll need is that SCS unit
Stock TM hopup units and rubbers are excellent.

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Old November 4th, 2010, 03:29   #18
Space Bot
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Really? Cause I was looking at it and it really doesn't look like it's all that good
Before I noticed your reply Styrak I was looking at this one cts_id=1582
The reviews I've found have said it's pretty good. One guy said it's on par with a Prometheus hop up unit. Though I find that hard to believe.
Thoughts on it?
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Old November 4th, 2010, 03:47   #19
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If there's nothing wrong with your current hopup, why change it?

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Old November 4th, 2010, 03:56   #20
Space Bot
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Because the previous owner of this gun didn't take all that good care of it, after my first game with it (you can see the result in more detail in the "Most embarassing thing you have done" thread) a number of the internal parts were broken, main things being the bushing broke into 3 pieces, 1 gear was completely missing half it's teeth and the other had half of it degrading bit by bit. I'm just wondering what's going to break on this gun next so I can shell out another $150 to fix it.
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Old November 4th, 2010, 04:03   #21
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Sounds like you'd be better off buying a new gun.
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Old November 4th, 2010, 04:12   #22
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back in 2008 when tracer units weren't invented eh? hehehehhe
Hahahaha....because i don't want to buy marui tracer unit for 100$
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Old November 4th, 2010, 04:18   #23
Space Bot
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Yeah I know, I do enjoy the fact that it's a TM though, I expected to have to dump shit tons of money into it, just not after the first game haha.
I haven't gotten AV'd yet for multiple reasons (I am over 18, so no that's not a reason why) So looking at better guns wasn't all that possible for me.
Still, I don't regret it. Your first airsoft gun always holds that special place in your life, mine more so financially on what little I get paid haha.
But you have to admit, one of the joys of owning an airsoft gun has to be that feeling once you add a specific mod to it, then when you can't wait to game it next to test out how much better it is

Jeeze we've gone way off topic haha.
Last question, as usual my guns front wired, I was looking at this bundle package on airsoftparts that has a crane stock + 9.6v battery that comes with it, but no buffer tube. I want to rear wire it, would I need to get a completely different buffer tube as well? I'm wondering cause I have no clue how rear wiring a crane stock works. And I would prefer to buy the parts my self to give to the doc instead of them just using random parts I don't know about (The doc works at Poco Military)
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Old November 4th, 2010, 04:32   #24
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Holy contrived shit, really?

If it's not opened just sell the bag and get another.

If not just use the .30s. I've used .30s in a AEP (TM MP7 with tightbore) and saw a major increase in range after proper hopup adjustment.

This whole upgrading/modifying the gun for a bag of BBs is complete bullshit.
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Old November 4th, 2010, 06:49   #25
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Originally Posted by Space Bot View Post
So plastic soldier airsoft messed up my bb order
PM inbound...
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Old November 4th, 2010, 12:28   #26
Space Bot
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Blackthorne - Replied

And Drake, the reason I'm upgrading my gun, err at least working on upgrading it is because some of the parts are crappin on me already, and I just want to upgrade it.
The upgrades have nothing to do with the BBs, but after my upgrade I most likely will stick with .30s.
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Old November 4th, 2010, 12:55   #27
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Upgrades and price differences aside, you'll just have 2 distinct streams of bbs coming from your gun if you mix the ammo types. The lighter stuff will be affected more by the hop and may fly up into the sky if the hop is adjusted for the .3

If you adjust for the .25, your .3s may hit the dirt 30' in front of you.
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Old November 4th, 2010, 13:03   #28
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Just want to say I don't recommend the MadBull springs, they are very inconsistent. I had the M100 and M110 and they both would jump around in fps.

I went for the Modify S90+ and S100+ and I am very happy with both of them.

Though many other MadBull products I highly recommend!
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Old November 4th, 2010, 13:38   #29
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Holy contrived shit, really?

If it's not opened just sell the bag and get another.

If not just use the .30s. I've used .30s in a AEP (TM MP7 with tightbore) and saw a major increase in range after proper hopup adjustment.

This whole upgrading/modifying the gun for a bag of BBs is complete bullshit.
I agree 100% with Drake. You don't need to do anything with 0.3g BBs other than set a more agressive hopup setting. That's all. They need more backspin than lighter BBs to maintain a level flight path because of their weight.

Of course, they'll travel slower because of the extra weight, but you'll get much better range and accuracy (once the hopup is set) than you would with .25. And for outdoors, the heavier BBs have the extra advantage of having better brush penetration and will be less affected by wind and random air currents, which will result in better accuracy at range. That's why sniper always run .3g as a minimum for their rifles.

Guaranteed, if .3 weren't so damn expensive (on average, 3-4x the price), I'd be running them in all my guns, all the time. I stick with .28 because they're close to .3g in terms of performance and are much more affordable. But my pistols run .3g exclusively since I don't use much ammo there. I can outrange short and mid-length AEGs (shooting .25) with .3 in my pistols, and I'm just as accurate as they are at the far end of my effective range.

So yeah, be happy you got yourself a good deal there. It was a retailer error in your favour.
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Old November 4th, 2010, 16:46   #30
Space Bot
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Crunchmeister - I was happy, I wasn't complaining one bit. I've been thinking of upgrading to .30s for a lil while now. just didn't have the money to buy em when I made my order.

aBseNtceLL - Thanks for the warning
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