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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:05   #16
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Wow, what a coincidence, something similar, yet different recently happened to me.

There was a winter game posted that piqued my interest, so I gave the write-up a once over, and posted 'in'. Apparently, I glossed over an important nugget in my once over. Something, as it turned out, I've never seen, ever, in a game thread before. A little caveat about being 100% committed to a 'rain' date game two weeks after the original game date.

So then, another game at a different venue gets posted, on the same day as the 'possible' yet, uncomfirmed second game from the first host. Come hell or high water, I'm going to the other game, as it's inline with my WW2 sensibilities. But at the time, in my mind there is no problem, two different fields and two different dates. Then through the grapevine I hear that the host of the first game is sending pm's to several other players, in the same shoe as me (even though at this point I hadn't posted 'in' yet on ASC for the FR game, I guess that's the reason I didn't get a pm?) So, I send a pm to the host, and ask for clarification about the possibility that the second game date will actually be used 100%. I'm basically given a reiteration of the game thread caveat and given the choice to remain or take my name off the list. I chose 'out'.

The above scenario is what happened to me. It is different than what the original poster is asking here in this thread. When I posted 'in' for the 11th, I was 100% committed to that day, and in my error I glossed over the tidbit about the rigidity of the 'rain' date.

So, am I 'dishonourable' because of this? Is this an adequate reason to start a thread because of me and three others in this situation?

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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:08   #17
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
If people flake on my games .. they just don't get invited back

it's a simple system..

Anything other than a very clear "in" post in the game thread will not get you on the list of attendees.

I don't permit any walk on players.. if you are not on my list and just show up.. you won't get in.

I keep a list of every player posted in .. and I take attendance .. you flake, you are done for the season at any of may games .. that is my policy

I also publish the names of Flakers in the AAR so others can see which players are not trustworthy.

This is an interesting concept. I am sure the people who did post in, and will make the 2 games we posted, will appreciate this. After all, we are all capable of reading an comprehension. Making a commitment to anything weeks or months in advance is not exactly like putting a man on the moon. And if you CANT, than dont post in.

Here are a few examples of things people dont miss. Why not airsoft?

1) Court Date
2) Airline Flight
3) Exam date
4) Job interview
5) Wedding

All of these above for some reason do not seem to have issues with being met. Why is it then someone cannot click "in" then not commit.

Simple, cause they dont "have too."

I am thinking Brian, your method seems to have merrit.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:12   #18
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Sorry, I dont buy this argment for a minute guys. The game you decided to go, which did not exist when posted in to the game I had clearly says the below. You undertood the game details and when the other game came up, you decided to back out:

Here are the details POSTED:

Battle of Evermore.

Here are the dates:

Feb 11 Feb 25th.

Reason for 2 dates is to have a back up in case the weather does not cooperate. However if both dates turn out ok, there may be TWO games.

You MUST be capable of being in for BOTH dates. Assume 3 days prior to the first date for firm up, and if that fails we go to the second.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:13   #19
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Many of the larger games around here require some sort of prereg, and I think that is something that could reduce this problem. You pay ahead and get some sort of discount, or have prereg only games. Most people wouldn't want to drop 60$ and not show up
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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:18   #20
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
Many of the larger games around here require some sort of prereg, and I think that is something that could reduce this problem. You pay ahead and get some sort of discount, or have prereg only games. Most people wouldn't want to drop 60$ and not show up
That's a great idea. I could send money over paypal for rhino then not have to bother getting exact change.

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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:26   #21
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
Sorry, I dont buy this argment for a minute guys. The game you decided to go, which did not exist when posted in to the game I had clearly says the below. You undertood the game details and when the other game came up, you decided to back out:

Here are the details POSTED:

Battle of Evermore.

Here are the dates:

Feb 11 Feb 25th.

Reason for 2 dates is to have a back up in case the weather does not cooperate. However if both dates turn out ok, there may be TWO games.

You MUST be capable of being in for BOTH dates. Assume 3 days prior to the first date for firm up, and if that fails we go to the second.
Sorry but sounds to me like you got your panties in a knot and are hoping everyone will side with you.
After looking over your demands. for people to be 100% committed to you. BUT your only 75% committed to a date for them? Kind of seems like a double standard

You tell people. There may be a game on XX or on XX or on both. So you MUST keep both free for me or else you can't play.

Someone else posts a for sure date for a for sure game. And people leave your game?

That sir is called being a hypocrite, You can't ask someone to commit 100% and not give the same commitment back rain or shine.

How ever, people who simply don't show up after saying "in"do piss me off as well.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:27   #22
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post

Here are a few examples of things people dont miss. Why not airsoft?

1) Court Date
2) Airline Flight
3) Exam date
4) Job interview
5) Wedding
These are really bad examples. All of events you mentioned have severe consequences for being missed and many can be rescheduled w/o too many issues. If you miss any of these dates you could end up fined, jailed, missing your vacation, failing a course, not getting a job, or being castrated. Airsoft is a game and missing one should NOT be compared to far more important events in life. A more accurate comparison is missing a LAN party. Sure the host will be sad if not many people show but you're only there to play a game people.

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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:30   #23
I am memel, hear me roar!
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
Sorry, I dont buy this argment for a minute guys. The game you decided to go, which did not exist when posted in to the game I had clearly says the below. You undertood the game details and when the other game came up, you decided to back out:

Here are the details POSTED:

Battle of Evermore.

Here are the dates:

Feb 11 Feb 25th.

Reason for 2 dates is to have a back up in case the weather does not cooperate. However if both dates turn out ok, there may be TWO games.

You MUST be capable of being in for BOTH dates. Assume 3 days prior to the first date for firm up, and if that fails we go to the second.
Yeah, that's the part I glossed over, sue me. When I started this hobby 8 years ago, until your thread came along, I'd never seen a provision like this. And frankly, I think it's unreasonable and ridiculous. Even what you posted above still does not say there 'will' be a game, just maybe.

BTW, how are you going to react when the inevitable 10-15% flake/bail out rate hits your games? Winter games are notorious for flaking, whether it's snow or otherwise. Consider it a blessing you have 80+ signed up for your game. But once your 'banned' list supercedes your 'honourable' list, you'll be having 5 on 5 skirmishes(exaggerated to make a point).

The immutable laws of airsoft state that bailing will happen, no matter the host or venue, and that airsoft players are fickle and need new surroundings constantly. If you think you'll have 80-120 player games every two weeks at SOF because this game generated alot of interest, you'll be sorely disappointed. A winter game at SOF is a novelty, once interest is piqued, then satisfied, that's it. You'll get the regulars, but never the numbers.

There is still plenty of time before the 11th, go ahead and try to make your 80+ pre-register and/or pay a deposit......say good bye to your big game, and enjoy the much, much smaller game.

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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:41   #24
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like organizing any other kind of event, people flake, have emergencies and invent every excuse under the sun when they change their mind.
best way to "encourage" commitment to participation (no guarantees..ever) is to take a deposit up front. people will still bail but if they've already dropped cash, fewer will.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:54   #25
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For op Rhino and other games that have been hosted by C3sk, the Ghosts and Brian we have had the list at the gate taking cash and attendance. This coupled with very specific timings for when the gate is open have given us very low flake rates usually less than 5%.

As an added benefit it also eliminates "airsoft time". If the gate closes at 9:00am and the game starts at 10:00am people tend to be ready or at the very least on the damn field.

We have yet to have someone show up after gate timings ended. Biggest issue is people showing up early sometimes 4+ hours early.

We do also only set one date and play rain or shine. Expecting the same of our players.
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Originally Posted by amano999 View Post
Forget Cadpat and Armalites are boring.....

Last edited by Solomance; January 18th, 2012 at 13:55.. Reason: Rain or shine
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Old January 18th, 2012, 13:58   #26
Brian McIlmoyle
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Caveat. I did not post in this thread to give the OP "ammunition" for his ill conceived 2 date game...

when I saw that.. I thought.. Good luck people won't do that.

Also .. in Most cases when people jam out last minute.. they do have a reason.. many of them have a good reason..

This is after all a pass-time.. it's not a job..

Got Wifed? fine..happens to us all

Babe Clause trumps all .. everyone know that ...

but post in.. and just not show up? .. that gets you a holiday from play

All I ask is that you don't post in if you are not as certain as you can me .. that you will be there.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 14:09   #27
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What do you guys think of paying a small fee for opting out last min? So this way it will discourage people from dropping out.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 14:09   #28
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I guess it was not clear on the site which clearly stated to post "in" you need to be in for both.

And the logic behind it from being

1) There were no other games posted
2) The first date might be -21 and 40KM winds

#2 was needed so it is fair to all 80+ who are pumped to come. So if 3 days prior the weather becomes physically dangerous, we would logically have a back up date.

Anyway, it seems like I am the one who was not clear, and there are really not that many players who change there mind and go to other games that often.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 14:11   #29
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Originally Posted by trev140_0 View Post
2) the first date might be -21 and 40km winds

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Old January 18th, 2012, 14:18   #30
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by JonsM4 View Post
What do you guys think of paying a small fee for opting out last min? So this way it will discourage people from dropping out.
all attempts at a pre-payment model for most games has failed.

I routinely have people come up to me after they have had to miss a game for good reason and nevertheless insist on paying the game fee.

that gentlemen, is character.
Brian McIlmoyle
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