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A Big mistake.



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Old July 24th, 2012, 23:55   #16
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
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You bought a stock airsoft gun that shot like crap, that's most people's first gun lol

You'll need to replace all the air sealing components of the mechbox and hop rubber to make it really good, but start with the hop rubber.

And do research before you go upgrading anything, because a tightbore shouldn't make much of a difference unless your stock barrel is REALLY bad. The hop rubber is the first thing you should replace on any gun
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Old July 25th, 2012, 00:53   #17
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Someone needs to settle down a bit.
The first problem was opening it up yourself when there was an issue. The first thing you should have done was contact the retailer.

So you're down $560 with a gun that doesn't work because you need a new battery and need to reconnect the motor wire? Sounds like you're extremely overreacting.

Most of your problems like not knowing how the gun goes together are because of your inexperience and/or not reading the manual.

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Old July 25th, 2012, 01:37   #18
JerryMcGoulBerry's Avatar
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So I read the instruction manual and It basically said "put battery in handle, close handle, win."
as for the BBs
yeah that would probably help. its not like they go everywhere, they cosistantly curve upward to the left.
thanks for the help guys!
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Old July 25th, 2012, 01:44   #19
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Someone needs to settle down a bit.
The first problem was opening it up yourself when there was an issue. The first thing you should have done was contact the retailer.

So you're down $560 with a gun that doesn't work because you need a new battery and need to reconnect the motor wire? Sounds like you're extremely overreacting.

Most of your problems like not knowing how the gun goes together are because of your inexperience and/or not reading the manual.
I admit, I kinda rage posted. But everything I said is is true. I would usually never tamper with My guns internals But I thought that this split gearbox would be easy as cake to replace springs with. But I you still have to take it apart unlike the Sig models. and I honestly looked through the manual alot and it is not informative.
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Old July 25th, 2012, 02:35   #20
winterrises's Avatar
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Curving up can be corrected by your hop up, as for the turn to the left, your inner barrel might not be seating correctly. Someone correct me if i am wrong about the inner barrel.

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Old July 25th, 2012, 08:05   #21
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I can relate to your frustrations regarding the battery placement, I tried without success to install 2 types of batteries in the handguard but ICS really dropped the ball in that department. I finally gave up and got a peq box, so problem solved.

If however you still want to use the ICS MC-142 battery (9.6v 1500 mah 3-3-2) and dont mind having no fuse; you can remove it and move the connector plug all the way back, this way there is room for the barrel to settle in the space between the battery sticks.

As for accuracy, SO FAR, out of the box the grouping is pretty good using .20bbs

Last edited by Biowipe; July 25th, 2012 at 08:12..
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Old July 25th, 2012, 09:23   #22
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A huge part that's often overlooked by newcomers to airsoft is that:
- these are very expensive toys
- 90%+ are made of pretty cheap/flimsy materials...operating under high speeds/forces. The other 10% are still operating under the same conditions...they are just built better and cost 300% more than the typical stuff out there now.
- 100% of them can fail with little to no warning signs
- there is almost no way to tell when/how/what will fail
- they are not "precision" that there are tolerance issues all over the place
- Typically...none of them are that spectacular out of the box...but nearly all of them can be made much better with tuning/upgrades/etc...
- Typically, out of the box, they are not "accurate" like a real rifle can be. Instead of shooting minute of angle...they are shooting minute of chest/body.

Tuned/upgraded/"good" guns and parts only hedge your bets against the above...they do not mitigate the risks completely.

Sorry to hear about your frustration. To be honest...that's bad luck and how it goes sometimes. I'd be pissed too...but your choices are to either chalk it up to a loss or dive in and fix it. Lots of guys are very disappointed initially because their expectations aren't in line with the reality of it all.
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Old July 25th, 2012, 12:37   #23
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My first gun was an ICS and it's still kicking. It's 5 years old. Never changed a damn thing in it. Stock everything and run an 11.1lipo in it. It's a beast.
Bean - "Charlie is a sexual T-Rex"
Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
Do you really think all 322 spots will sell out in a single day
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Old July 25th, 2012, 13:18   #24
Cobalt Caliber
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Not to mention What kind of accuracy are you expecting?
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old July 25th, 2012, 14:37   #25
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I own a ICS M4 as my first gun and ended up dropping $400 down the sink because of my lack of experience with the gun. ICS like to use their own threads for the upper receiver of their M4, not sure about the MP5. Just a heads up.

Another thing is, the split gearbox is amazingly easy to work with compare to other AEG. Just changing the spring you'll need to disassemble the motor, pistol grip, mag release, and the stock just to pull the damn gearbox out. Once you got it open and swap parts, you'll have to make sure everything(gears, anti re-latch, trigger and safety) are all aline properly VS pulling the spring guide out and putting a new spring in, close and done. Don't forget you'll have to put the pistol grip and motor back together then test it out to make sure it works. If not, disassemble everything and try again.

Bottom line is, the split gearbox is extremely easy to work with compare to other brand of AEG. Also if you have a thing for MP5s, V3 gearbox are even worse(DAMN TRIGGER SPRING!).

Heavy BB(.25+), proper sight adjustment(laserbore helps) and proper hop up(200'+ space) setting would greatly improve your accuracy. I also hope your using some kind of target(paper, shoebox) and not aiming at random trees like I did back in the days.

I'd love to help you out seeing how your in Calgary.
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Old July 29th, 2012, 00:15   #26
CR0M's Avatar
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Im wondering if the hop up was even adjusted at all?

battery issues, switch to lipo, problem solved.

I personally love ICS
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