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M14 a good idea?


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Old February 26th, 2013, 19:44   #1
Fortyeiight's Avatar
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M14 a good idea?

Well this is my first real post so be gentle, I am new to Airsoft and I'm thinking about the sniper role as something i might like fill eventually.

By this point you probably have ex'd out the post and have went on to more productive things. However I plead to you to hold on a sec.

I have seen everywhere that one should not start with a sniper. But for someone who down the line might be considering being a sniper would an M14 be a good choice?

What i have researched it does have multiple features that would seem to present a flexible gun to use. If i am going down the wrong path at the moment please let me know i am open to all response.

Thank you for your time.
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Old February 26th, 2013, 19:51   #2
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Hey why not my next AEG will be a M14. People on this side have said it costs alot of money to get it up to that level. If you really want to be a sniper later on by all means do it I personally know know how much that will cost you but If you decide not to in the future you will still have a m14 . use it as your standard rifle .Plus I heard m14s have really good Hop Ups ..
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Old February 26th, 2013, 19:54   #3
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Well, you can easily just slap a low magnification scope on your M14, upgrade the hop up and barrel and you generally should be good for a 'DMR' style setup. The AEG will not achieve the same accuracy as a bolt action would, but its really debatable at the ranges you operate in an airsoft game.

Just buy a quality M14 and start from there.

The sniper role in airsoft is really, really fantasized by a lot of people. Its not as exciting as some people might deem it, it really depends on the ability and mindset of the individual to take up that role 'effectively'.
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Old February 26th, 2013, 21:08   #4
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Well, you can easily just slap a low magnification scope on your M14, upgrade the hop up and barrel and you generally should be good for a 'DMR' style setup. The AEG will not achieve the same accuracy as a bolt action would, but its really debatable at the ranges you operate in an airsoft game.

Just buy a quality M14 and start from there.

The sniper role in airsoft is really, really fantasized by a lot of people. Its not as exciting as some people might deem it, it really depends on the ability and mindset of the individual to take up that role 'effectively'.

I bought a CYMA M14 EBR and have been turning it into a DMR/Sniper. As mentioned above, it will cost you a lot to get it upgraded. The M14 is also the biggest pain in the ass to take apart and work on. It has 10x more parts than anything else I've seen. Evike has a great video on it.

If you're willing to look past all that, then by all means, go for it. You should check out the reviews on this site, there are some great M14 ones. To me, the M14 is great cause you can upgrade it to fill a DMR type role, but at the same time, it still has automatic fire and can function as just a rifle. Damn thing is REALLY heavy though - the CYMA at least. :tup:
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Old February 26th, 2013, 21:15   #5
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Thank you so much guys for your responses,it does seem the M14 is the right choice from the feed back so far. Is there any company that is superior when it comes to M14's?

Currently the main companies that have stood out have been Classic Army Echo1 as well as CYMA. From feed back i have read from other sections, apparently Classic Army would be the way to go, while Echo1 would towards the lower end of the market.

However i am not entirely sure if these companies or others are more favorable when it comes to M14's?
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Old February 26th, 2013, 21:18   #6
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Classic Army is the best out the lot mentioned
Echo1 Rebrand of Cyma will some upped parts (mad bull bucking/hop-up) and trades.. Comes with 2 Hicaps with winding key
Cyma - Ive heard nothing bad about it .. No trades

If you have the money I would go for the G&G M14 side not only g&g mags work nothing else

Last edited by MatthewRyan; February 26th, 2013 at 21:20..
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Old February 26th, 2013, 21:26   #7
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Lets all remember that an m14 will never be a sniper rifle.
The biggest reason is you will perety much never be able to use it if it is above 400fps (in some cases 450 for semi auto dmr will be aloud but most likely not)
With a bolt action and certification you can go up to 550 with lvl3 cert.
What does this mean? Well it means with your m14 @400fps you can prolly run a .30 bb and with a good hop up and barrel you can probably hit targets out to 200 feet or so maybe even 250 tho itll be hard for them to feel the hit.
with a bolt action firing 500 (lvl2 like i use) you can run .40 or .43 bbs and hit targets out to 300feet anr beyond and the bb will still have enough energy for the target to feel it and you will be more consistant shot to shot so you will almost always hit what you are aiming for (provided you can shoot and your have a good hop up and barrel)
that said the m14 is probably one or the better choices for a dmr platform and if u use it with a scope stay prone alot even wear a ghilli suit you can effectivly be a shorter range sniper or even more probably be a counter sniper as you can be more mobile stay hidden and have faster follow uo shots plus if you get into the heat of things you can actually put up a fight against the rest of the folks with aegs.
now that ive said all that let me state im glad you this isnt another "ima uberr leet noob and im gonna be a counterstrike sniper cause its cool" threads, you have made a wise choice selecting an aeg for a first gun and even wiser choosing something that can be an "intro" to what sniping could be like befor you jump right into it and buy a bolt action and find out you cant do it, its boring or you just plain dont like layin motionless in the mud all day and not getting any kills just bein an information relayer to your team. Read some reviews and buy a good quality m14 and im sure you can enjoy both the sniper and assult role.
welcom to airsoft and welcome to asc and thanks for making a good thread insted of the regular "ima uber leet sniper" type threads we see far to many of lol.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old February 26th, 2013, 21:31   #8
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If you're trying to pick a brand check this thread:

It's really worth getting AV'd because there's a really nice TM M14 with mags, battery and everything you need to get started in the classifieds right now for a good price.
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Old February 27th, 2013, 02:06   #9
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Thank you for those kind words Hectic, as well that link you provided Gotrice was very helpful . I am working towards being Av'd but its kinda hard for myself atm.

Currently I am looking more towards either the CA or the CYMA. I feel the Cyma is a contender, because of what I read with the possibility of the internals being replaced by TM products. I feel the CYMA would have more possibilities however i am not sure if this would be out way'd by the quality difference that the CA would present.

Any advice?

Last edited by Fortyeiight; February 27th, 2013 at 02:18..
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Old February 27th, 2013, 05:56   #10
Rusty Lugnuts
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A bunch of players from my area did a group buy of Cyma m14s a few months ago, They all came with poorly working hop ups. In the AEG world -your hop up is everything ( ok it's not everything but it is important). So when your price shopping keep that in mind
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Old February 27th, 2013, 09:56   #11
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Originally Posted by Fortyeiight View Post
Thank you for those kind words Hectic, as well that link you provided Gotrice was very helpful . I am working towards being Av'd but its kinda hard for myself atm.

Currently I am looking more towards either the CA or the CYMA. I feel the Cyma is a contender, because of what I read with the possibility of the internals being replaced by TM products. I feel the CYMA would have more possibilities however i am not sure if this would be out way'd by the quality difference that the CA would present.

Any advice?
Not where abouts in toronto you are but Army Issue Surpluss at Lakeshore and Hurontario in Mississauga can AV you and you can buy some BB's and cool gear while you are there.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old February 27th, 2013, 14:24   #12
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If you really must start off as a 1337 SNIPAR, and you don't want bolt action, don't go with a CYMA or Echo 1. My friend's CYMA was less accurate than my pistol, and the piston stripped before the first game. In my opinion CA is the best base, but don't expect it to be anything close to a DMR before spending $2-300 extra on it.

Don't base your purchase on whether or not it's TM compatible. The TM is Frankenbox, not the G&G/CA. G&G came out with the M14 before TM did, and the mechbox is easier to work on, much more reinforced and accepts a lot of standard V2/3 parts and uses an AUG hop up. Spare stock parts can also be easily found in Toronto.
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Old February 27th, 2013, 15:04   #13
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Get Aved, there's a few m14s for sale on the forums. I would personally choose the g&g m14 over the CA. They use the same mags, which are expensive. If you buy a used one (I'm not peddling mine, I swear, but it is for sale lol) that comes with mags, you'll be better off. These 2 guns are not TM compatible when it comes to mags. Internals are a mix and match of TM and g&g's own. CA is essentially a clone of the G&G. Parts used to be harder to get for them, but these days any number of vendors have access to the high quality parts coming from lonex made specifically for g&g m14s.

The other parts that may break that need replacing eventually can be had direct form g&g in taiwan.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 27th, 2013, 15:37   #14
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I would personally choose the g&g m14 over the CA. They use the same mags, which are expensive.
Since this will be your first gun you may want the G&G over the CA. CA is externally much better, but internally the G&G meets my minimum requisite quality internally to leave the gun stock. The CA does not, but in my opinion is a better base if you are planning on changing out the internals anyway, as the externals look better and it is made of steel instead of the weaker metal and brighter paint G&G uses.
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Old February 27th, 2013, 16:14   #15
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It's an excellent designated marksman rifle choice.

They're a bit fiddily to work on but can be tuned up very nicely. I've had more experience with the TM versions (which are very solid) than the CA/G&G versions.

NO airsoft gun is infallible/unbreakable...keep that in the back of your mind. Get the one with a good sturdy body/build...the internals can be tuned later on.

That said...this is airsoft. All things being equal....there's zero ballistic advantage between any AEG out there. Nicely tuned up...someone's MP5 is going to shoot as well as you 1 meter long M14.
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