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The Quest for an Airsoft Field



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Old September 28th, 2006, 20:34   #1
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
The Quest for an Airsoft Field

First off, hiya folks. New to the forums here, but I've been playing Arisoft for about a year or so now.

Anyways onto my post! Out in the sudbury area we've been working at getting a field going for us to play on. We've scouted a location and we've spoken with the land owners, who in this case happen to be the city conservation authority.

Now, they're generally cool with us using the site, (last year they said "go ahead and play there unofficially) but we want to get this all nice and legit so as to avoid problems. When I looked into this I was informed we'd need a $2,000,000 deductable public liability insurance policy. I've heard varying prices and (until an unfortunate format caused me to lose the contact info, doh!) we'd been about ready to contact an insurance company that generally does stuff for paintball fields...out of BC.

So the question I'm asking the community is who here has done the setup for a fully authorized field, if anyone? What did they do for insurance, did they need insurance? If so who'd they get it from, etc.

Right this second I'm admittedly hesitant given all the "fun" that's going on (please, no jokes about The Sky is Falling). At this point with the summer season over and no games to show for it thanks to all this running around with little gain, I'd really like to get things organized so we can decide on what to do and then simply fire off the paperwork come spring so when the season starts up we can just go out there and play with no worries about the legality of where we're playing. I mean the whole underground thing is cute and all, but I'd much rather have our butts covered and make recruiting that much easier. So yeah any help that can be offered would be greatly appreciated @_@
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Old September 29th, 2006, 06:59   #2
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I strongly suggest you check out the Games section, and go to a few first even if they are far from home. There, you will likely meet field owners or organizers who will guide you with real experience.

Or you could PM those game organizers.

From what I know, the insurance IS really high.
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Old April 19th, 2013, 12:36   #3
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currently I live in a small community and our group is really small regarding using crown land to play on is there any issues with this regarding liability, as our group doesnt have any official "host". Also we have had some minors showing interest and beyond the whole 18+ laws for buying what are the issues here with legality or liability. On the legal side of things I cannot imagine the laws go beyond that in regards to target shooting or hunting on crown land.
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:00   #4
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Originally Posted by Artyrules View Post
currently I live in a small community and our group is really small regarding using crown land to play on is there any issues with this regarding liability, as our group doesnt have any official "host". Also we have had some minors showing interest and beyond the whole 18+ laws for buying what are the issues here with legality or liability. On the legal side of things I cannot imagine the laws go beyond that in regards to target shooting or hunting on crown land.
Well thats a necro post if ive ever seen one lol.
As for playing on crown land DONT.
bein in a small rural area im sure you or one of your friends must have a family member or friend who has enough property with a small wooded area you can play in.
If its just a small group of friends you can have "private games" there without a need for insureance just be sure to make up waivers baisically sayin.
I (the players name) obsolve (the property owners name) of any responsability or liability should i injur myself on their property located at (adress of property) while playing airsof.
Im sure you can makebit more detailed but that would be the baisics.
At the end of the page have another soace for their name the date and their signature. For minors (16 years and older uo to 18)
Have also a space for their parents to sign like " name of parent/legal gardian and their signature) and a lil disclaimer like "i take responsability for the actions of (players name) during the airsoft game at (feild adress) on (game date)
And be sure to see ID of the player and parent to confirm it is their parrent and not just some random person signing. It would also be good to get emergency contact info for the parent and also get it from the other players as well. Should they break a leg or something and need a ride or to inform the contact about the incident and what hospital their loved one is at.
Also check all eyepro upon sign in make sure everyone has good footwear.
And id advise agsinst charging for the games as then it sort of becomes a buissness and such and youd need insureance for sure. And propper zoning of the property and such.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:05   #5
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we are not really looking to charge anyone more of just a group of people that just show up and play. unfortunalty with the land issue is most of the group is not from here we moved for work, What are the issues surrounding playing on crown land out in the bush some where. The big issue that I see is the realistic look of the gun.
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:07   #6
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No insurance to start... good lord man...
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:18   #7
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I should meantion that before going out onto crown land we were going to go and talk with the local police about what we were planning
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:21   #8
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Originally Posted by Artyrules View Post
we are not really looking to charge anyone more of just a group of people that just show up and play. unfortunalty with the land issue is most of the group is not from here we moved for work, What are the issues surrounding playing on crown land out in the bush some where. The big issue that I see is the realistic look of the gun.
Chance of getting shot at by emeegency response teams would probably be on top of that list

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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:22   #9
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
No insurance to start... good lord man...
For a private game on a private field amongst friends i dont see any need for it.
As for crown land DONT it would be the same as gokng to a park or the mall and pulling out your gun. best case is cops come guns drawn take you into custody and maybe you get off esily. worst case one or more of you get shot by a jumpy cop wbo hollers at you and you turn and point a gun at him and he feels threatened and fires his weapon at you.
Im sure one of you coworkers or someone in the community that you guys deal with regularly (like a store clerk or waiter or something) has or knows someone who has land you can use.
Crown land is a public space no matter how remote there is always the chance that someone can pass through and get hurt or see you as terrorist in training or something and it has big potential to not end well.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:29   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Crown Land is available for the use of the people for any "approved use"
you need to take a look and see if the land you intend to use is in a discharge prohibited area.
If the land is remote enough, then you can probably " get away with" playing there, but there will always be risks.

Informing locals and authorities regarding your presence would be a good idea to avoid police intervention.

Insurance, is not really much of an issue with a bunch of friends knocking 'round in the bush, but if you have people you don't know showing up then you can start to get into liability concerns.

Overall, playing in an uncontrolled area where other people ( possibly armed with real guns) may stumble upon your group is a bad idea and could result in some very negative outcomes.

You are better off to find a piece of private property and get permission to use it than to play on public lands.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; April 19th, 2013 at 13:32..
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:31   #11
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I think what i am getting at is not the ERT comming out I have had that happen target shooting with real guns and there is no legal issue with it they just checked our licenses and said have a good day. I plan on talking with the local police first about what we plan. Regarding liability on crown land with an unorganized group who would liability fall on. legally speaking though is there any law stating that you cannot use an airsoft gun on crown land
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:35   #12
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sorry was writing last post and didnt notice the new responses I think that brian answered my questions about legality thankyou very much. as far a liability though who could it fall under if you are not on private land.
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Old April 19th, 2013, 13:58   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Artyrules View Post
sorry was writing last post and didnt notice the new responses I think that brian answered my questions about legality thankyou very much. as far a liability though who could it fall under if you are not on private land.
Liability.. so this is how it could pay out.. you invite some friends over to play on crown land,

one of your friends brings a friend with him.. and said friend gets turned around while int he bush and wanders off.. and Dies.

his family is looking for someone to blame.. and they pick you, because if not for your invitation he would not have been there.

the sue you for their loss, maybe the court does not find in their favour, but you spend $20 000.00 in legal expenses to find out you owe nothing.

maybe you can sue for costs, but that is more legal bills..

If you are insured, the insurance company defends the suit..

If you have a home insurance policy the personal general liability may respond, but if there is any hint of a commercial venture here ( anyone is paying to play) they will step away, and leave you twisting.

just because you "say" you are not organizing the game and are not the "host" does not mean that you may be shown to be liable in a civil suit, the test is low, well below reasonable doubt, on the balance of the evidence is a low threshold to meet to prove liability.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old April 19th, 2013, 14:06   #14
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Thanks for the info Brian it has been very useful and confirms most of my concerns. My friend put this group together up here and alot of questions arose I figured this was the best place to get answers. I appreciate not getting ripped apart like some other forums on here have done with newer members or what appear as "stupid" questions. Hopefully I can get myself age verified soon and get more use out of this community. I think the biggest concern I have now is any underagers that become interested and I now have to convince the group as to whats the best way to deal with them. (Probably just tell them to wait till they are 18)
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Old April 19th, 2013, 14:13   #15
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Originally Posted by Artyrules View Post
Thanks for the info Brian it has been very useful and confirms most of my concerns. My friend put this group together up here and alot of questions arose I figured this was the best place to get answers. I appreciate not getting ripped apart like some other forums on here have done with newer members or what appear as "stupid" questions. Hopefully I can get myself age verified soon and get more use out of this community. I think the biggest concern I have now is any underagers that become interested and I now have to convince the group as to whats the best way to deal with them. (Probably just tell them to wait till they are 18)
I have the same problem on my side with newcomer under 18 (little brothers of my friends and sometimes even those minors friends want to come). Normally I just say they have to wait they're 18, this way we hhave less problem with members. the only kid thats with us is my little brother because hes playing with my father, so i'm no responsible of him.
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