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Haven't played since 2010, what has changed?



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Old November 20th, 2015, 10:47   #16
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Originally Posted by coolair View Post
Also from Montreal, Just started 2 m onths ago... Tomorow should be my last outdoor game, plyaing up north.. All the local fields I play use bio..

Local shops :
Aventure Airsoft
Prefair ( more gear than guns )
Ah nice!! The Taktik guys were just starting up when I left. Good to see they've come this far!
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Old November 20th, 2015, 11:26   #17
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Normaly guns are chronoed with .20. So has long that you are under the field rules ( let say 400 fps with .20 ) it doesnt matter if you use .30 , your fps will just be lower.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 11:50   #18
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Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
Correct me if I am wrong, but the increased amperage/arcing time (due to the fact that previous nimh batteries did not always provide enough current to the motors to operate at their 100%) causes the contacts to "burn" quicker. This is specially true in my case because I mostly do semi-auto shots. Also, for quick-firing in semi auto the gearbox sometimes can't keep up and jams. This was back when I used a stock Classic Army AUG in 2010, so perhaps lipo-ready AEG's don't have this issue. I know that MOSFETs do fix most of these issues.
I've burnt more contacts with NiCad than I have with Lipos

Been running a 7.4 lipo in my bone stock TM P90 for about 5 or 6 years now with no issues, even on those RockNRoll times with the box mag adaptor installed. If a 16+ year old never cracked TM gearbox can handle it you should be safe unless your manufacture went super cheap on material quality. It's not a question of Lipo ready, it more about buying quality first.

BB Bastard is still alive and the #1 choice for the majority of players still that have access to them, unfortunately a lot of retailers have gone with the rebrand super cheap large margin brands to put more $$ in their pockets hence why you see so many other brands (those cheap companies will stick anyone's labelling on those bottles).
I still primarily run .20 and .25 weight BB's in my rifles, .28 in my pistols. I keep 1 mag of .36 for those who do not call hits in my side pouch if needed.

For your HPA question there are those who live by them and those who do not. I'm tempted to get one, but like mentioned above I have TM's who are virgin boxes still running strong and outshooting the HPA/P*/PTW's it has gone up against so the temptation is not strong, more of a curiosity for a project build.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 12:34   #19
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AEGs CAN suffer joule creep, but it is rare and not nearly as extreme. It's unlikely to be an issue. As for other platforms, such as HPA, think of it like this; there's a safe joule limit, which is equal to the FPS versus BB weight chrono'd with, if your gun goes over for any reason, then you are over limits. Some GBBRs can swing 10 - 80 FPS, add that to joule creep from higher weight BBs and there's a serious problem. You, as the player, are 100% responsible for your gun and to make sure your gun stays within the safety rules at all times. Joule wasn't as common as GBBRs are/were all over the place. All HPA units I have seen suffer from it very consistently, though they don't temp swing as much. Same as temp swing is common in GBBRs, but joule creep is unstable in some units.

If a field has X as their joule limit, then that's the limit period. You can't come out and go "oh well, my gun just doesn't behave itself" or "I have no idea what my gun will fire or how it will react, I guess I'll test it on all of your faces".
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old November 20th, 2015, 14:43   #20
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joule output with specific ammo used that day is the responsibility of the gun owner. Can't blame atmospherics for reading over the limit, just like you can't say my aeg shot 30fps less last week.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 14:55   #21
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
AEGs CAN suffer joule creep, but it is rare and not nearly as extreme. It's unlikely to be an issue. As for other platforms, such as HPA, think of it like this; there's a safe joule limit, which is equal to the FPS versus BB weight chrono'd with, if your gun goes over for any reason, then you are over limits. Some GBBRs can swing 10 - 80 FPS, add that to joule creep from higher weight BBs and there's a serious problem. You, as the player, are 100% responsible for your gun and to make sure your gun stays within the safety rules at all times. Joule wasn't as common as GBBRs are/were all over the place. All HPA units I have seen suffer from it very consistently, though they don't temp swing as much. Same as temp swing is common in GBBRs, but joule creep is unstable in some units.

If a field has X as their joule limit, then that's the limit period. You can't come out and go "oh well, my gun just doesn't behave itself" or "I have no idea what my gun will fire or how it will react, I guess I'll test it on all of your faces".
So GBBR's aren't reliable enough to be "joule creep" safe. I guess it does make sense. It makes me wonder why people use GBBR's more now than before, because like you said, aside from their realistic advantages, they could be a real issue on the field.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 14:57   #22
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Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
It makes me wonder why people use GBBR's more now than before, because like you said, aside from their realistic advantages, they could be a real issue on the field.
Paraphrasing something I saw on someone's signature here:

AEG: *mrrrrrr* meh
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Old November 20th, 2015, 15:03   #23
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
Paraphrasing something I saw on someone's signature here:

AEG: *mrrrrrr* meh
This is a fine recipe for GBBR vs AEG flame wars
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Old November 20th, 2015, 15:06   #24
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Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
This is a fine recipe for GBBR vs AEG flame wars
If I was a milsim junkie, I would rock GBB in the day, and AEG at night.

However, I strictly play once or twice a month, and mostly CQB distance, so GBB is my optimal choice.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 15:43   #25
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
If I was a milsim junkie, I would rock GBB in the day, and AEG at night.

However, I strictly play once or twice a month, and mostly CQB distance, so GBB is my optimal choice.
Why GBB during the day and AEG at night? Temperature?
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Old November 20th, 2015, 15:44   #26
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actually the smart idea would be to run gbb on when the temperature would be most stable, usually at night or early or later hours of the evening. I had 40-50fps swing between 20-25C plus direct sunlight on a kwa mp7, so less direct sun on you and stable air temps would help those huge power swings needing constant hop adjustments.

The other option is to run gbb indoors where temperatures are more controlled.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 18:22   #27
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Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
Why GBB during the day and AEG at night? Temperature?
I would assume its because of noise.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 18:43   #28
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Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
Correct me if I am wrong, but the increased amperage/arcing time (due to the fact that previous nimh batteries did not always provide enough current to the motors to operate at their 100%) causes the contacts to "burn" quicker. This is specially true in my case because I mostly do semi-auto shots. Also, for quick-firing in semi auto the gearbox sometimes can't keep up and jams. This was back when I used a stock Classic Army AUG in 2010, so perhaps lipo-ready AEG's don't have this issue. I know that MOSFETs do fix most of these issues.
Honestly, at these low voltages and current there isn't much to tell between the performance (when fully charged). Keep in mind that current isn't really "pushed", it's "pulled" by the motor. The biggest draw to lipos is that they have a much flatter discharge curve and for the same capacity they are much lighter. So for a given weight and size the lipo will perform longer and more consistently.
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