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Kraken AK-47 Won't fire


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Old April 29th, 2008, 11:22   #1
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Kraken AK-47 Won't fire

My son's Aftermath AK-47 just suddenly stopped firing. He got it for christmas and has just recently started to use it since the weather got nicer. I was watching him do some target shooting and the gun started slowing down and then stopped firing. At first I thought the battery needed to be recharged. We did that and still it wont fire. It almost seems that the trigger is not picking up or releasing, I don't know how it actually works (if its electronic fire). Has anyone ever encountered a problem like this?

Is ther anywhere in Winnipeg I can take it to get someone to look at it?

Thanks for your help.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 11:51   #2
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Originally Posted by SmokeEater View Post
My son's Aftermath AK-47 just suddenly stopped firing. He got it for christmas and has just recently started to use it since the weather got nicer. I was watching him do some target shooting and the gun started slowing down and then stopped firing. At first I thought the battery needed to be recharged. We did that and still it wont fire. It almost seems that the trigger is not picking up or releasing, I don't know how it actually works (if its electronic fire). Has anyone ever encountered a problem like this?

Is ther anywhere in Winnipeg I can take it to get someone to look at it?

Thanks for your help.
Does the gun make any kind of sound when you pull the trigger, any clicking or anything (if it does, stop pulling the trigger but let us know).

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Old April 29th, 2008, 13:04   #3
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I've got a tonne of experience with Kraken AK47's

I'm located in Charleswood if you're interested, my gun-teching rates are much lower than almost ever other tech in the city (I'm not a fully trained tech yet, but I've built and serviced 5 AK's in the past 3 months and they're all firing perfectly)

I would be happy to take a look at it for you
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Old April 29th, 2008, 13:54   #4
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Does the gun make any kind of sound when you pull the trigger, any clicking or anything (if it does, stop pulling the trigger but let us know).
No sound what so ever when the trigger is pulled. Its like the battery is dead. I took a voltage measurement after I charged the battery and it was fully charged.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 14:03   #5
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Fully charged to about a volt or two over that it's rated for? An unplugged fully charged 8.4V battery will sit at around 9.6V. An almost dead battery will be a bit under it's rating.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 14:35   #6
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Sounds like maybe a broken electrical connection. If you feel so inclinded, pull out a multimeter, pull the gun apart (or at least make all the connections accessable), and start testing. If you don't feel comfortable doing that PM Amos there, he knows his way around the Kraken.

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Old May 21st, 2008, 08:40   #7
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Amos fixed me up real quick. Don't know yet what he did but I dropped it off and he Pm'd me about 4 hours later saying it was good to go.

Thanks Bud.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 10:07   #8
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what was wrong with it? i was thinkin maybe the fuse was blown after reading that
Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)
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Old May 21st, 2008, 19:00   #9
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Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
what was wrong with it? i was thinkin maybe the fuse was blown after reading that
The post on the sliding part of the trigger connection that attaches to the spring had snapped off... I haven't seen anything break like that before... But oh well

Having spare parts around is handy :P

The gun was also re-greased and shimmed properly Cyma tends to not do that correctly.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 19:15   #10
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Nice work! My friend's KWA just stopped firing - sounds like broken connection - and I offered to multimeter it - glad to see I was right that that's the thing to do, but it's still under warranty so he will send it back.

I have been so impressed with my Kraken's performance so far, but do have a bunch of parts I ordered with it based on your upgrade package Amos. I have been deliberating whether I should crack it open and whack them in or just wait till it breaks. I got lucky with piston head seal, hopup, and barrel because it shoots with identical accuracy and range as the KWA M4 (a ~400 fps gun). My only gripe with it is the rate of fire. Will putting in metal bushings, a bearing spring guide, and rewiring for 16 gauge and deans make the rof significantly higher? I do have a large type battery on the way also; i had been using a small one.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 19:19   #11
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Go with a 9.6v battery. Makes a huge differance.
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 00:30   #12
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
The gun was also re-greased and shimmed properly Cyma tends to not do that correctly.
yea the outside of my krakens gearbox is all covered in streaks of hard reddish brown stuff that made me think why the hell would they put random glue all over the outside of the box??
apparently its only superficial and other than the stock piston head it has no effect on the guns performance
Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 02:09   #13
Captain Tenneal
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Originally Posted by Bontic View Post
Nice work! My friend's KWA just stopped firing - sounds like broken connection - and I offered to multimeter it - glad to see I was right that that's the thing to do, but it's still under warranty so he will send it back.

I have been so impressed with my Kraken's performance so far, but do have a bunch of parts I ordered with it based on your upgrade package Amos. I have been deliberating whether I should crack it open and whack them in or just wait till it breaks. I got lucky with piston head seal, hopup, and barrel because it shoots with identical accuracy and range as the KWA M4 (a ~400 fps gun). My only gripe with it is the rate of fire. Will putting in metal bushings, a bearing spring guide, and rewiring for 16 gauge and deans make the rof significantly higher? I do have a large type battery on the way also; i had been using a small one.
Yes, I can attest to the increase in a RoF. Just removing the fuze, changing to deans and changing the wiring from the junky 18~ gauge to a better gauge with silicon will increase the rof. There's absolutely no need to use a 9.6v battery in pretty much any gun, it'll only just put more wear and tear on the internals and gives you less power for overall use. If you want a higher rof, I'd also recommend a higher mah battery. Depending on the discharge rates of your battery, a bigger battery (higher mah) can increase your RoF.

For example: My RPK was a standard TM 16 (or 18, I can't remember)-gauge tamiya connector with fuze, and had a decent fire rate with a 1100 mah BB-Bastard NiMH Mini (converted to deans), internally it boasted a MS100SP, deepfire oilless bushings and systema steel shims, and kept the standard black plastic spring guide.

The big RoF increase came when I removed the fuze assembly, made the entire wiring assembly in one piece (AK's have a two piece wiring with tamiya connectors in between) and replaced the entire wiring package with 16 gauge (pretty much the biggest wiring you can fit with the limited amount of space in the gearbox) and replaced the 1100 mah NiMH mini with an Elite 1500 MaH NiMH mini. The ROF increase was enough that it now needs a sector clip to time the tappet plate and feed properly.

I'm getting similar RoF performance increase with a Kraken-based AK using a set of Systema Bushings, Guarder SP-90 Spring, Hurricane bearing piston head and bearing spring guide. If anything, just the switch from Tamiyas to Deans is a preformance increase enough, but I do say that the Kraken stock wiring has to go.

Last edited by Captain Tenneal; May 22nd, 2008 at 02:14..
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 03:52   #14
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Originally Posted by Captain Tenneal View Post
Yes, I can attest to the increase in a RoF. Just removing the fuze, changing to deans and changing the wiring from the junky 18~ gauge to a better gauge with silicon will increase the rof. There's absolutely no need to use a 9.6v battery in pretty much any gun, it'll only just put more wear and tear on the internals and gives you less power for overall use. If you want a higher rof, I'd also recommend a higher mah battery. Depending on the discharge rates of your battery, a bigger battery (higher mah) can increase your RoF.

For example: My RPK was a standard TM 16 (or 18, I can't remember)-gauge tamiya connector with fuze, and had a decent fire rate with a 1100 mah BB-Bastard NiMH Mini (converted to deans), internally it boasted a MS100SP, deepfire oilless bushings and systema steel shims, and kept the standard black plastic spring guide.

The big RoF increase came when I removed the fuze assembly, made the entire wiring assembly in one piece (AK's have a two piece wiring with tamiya connectors in between) and replaced the entire wiring package with 16 gauge (pretty much the biggest wiring you can fit with the limited amount of space in the gearbox) and replaced the 1100 mah NiMH mini with an Elite 1500 MaH NiMH mini. The ROF increase was enough that it now needs a sector clip to time the tappet plate and feed properly.

I'm getting similar RoF performance increase with a Kraken-based AK using a set of Systema Bushings, Guarder SP-90 Spring, Hurricane bearing piston head and bearing spring guide. If anything, just the switch from Tamiyas to Deans is a preformance increase enough, but I do say that the Kraken stock wiring has to go.
Awesome, Captain! That's the inspiration I needed. The performance stock even with a 1500 Mah small type Intellect pack is disappointing. I have all the parts you described, and 16 gauge wire on the way. I also ordered a 4700 Mah monster, though I don't know what the cell type is so I don't know the discharge rate. It may make no difference vs the Intellect.

I saw that extra Tamiya in the stock wiring. What made TM's engineers design that into the gun? Ease of changing fusebox plus fuse all in one?

I never thought of removing the fuse. Will that endanger the trigger contacts?

How much did your SP90 spring contribute to the increase in rof? I am not familiar with its strength.

What sort of gains did you make - can you estimate?

thanks again, dude, I cannot wait to get it all done.
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 09:33   #15
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If the fuse and wiring is installed correctly, removing it should never have any positive effect on the gun. A properly installed (and correct) fuse should have a near negligible effect on RoF. I imagine removing the fuse from a clone will have a greater effect than removing one from a brand name, but re-wiring should have the same effect without risking the gun without a fuse.

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