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Kraken AK-47 Won't fire


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Old May 22nd, 2008, 09:49   #16
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Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
yea the outside of my krakens gearbox is all covered in streaks of hard reddish brown stuff that made me think why the hell would they put random glue all over the outside of the box??
apparently its only superficial and other than the stock piston head it has no effect on the guns performance
That would more than likely be treadlock. TM guns use it as well, although they apply it less liberally.

Originally Posted by Bontic View Post
Will putting in metal bushings, a bearing spring guide, and rewiring for 16 gauge and deans make the rof significantly higher? I do have a large type battery on the way also; i had been using a small one.
In my M249, there's a noticeable difference in rof between an 8.4V 1400 mAh battery and an 8.4V 3000 mAh - a difference in about 5 BB/s. I don't see much of a difference using a 9.6V 1500 mAh battery in that gun. The extra voltage gets me a slight increase in rof, but it's hardly noticeable. For both my CA M15 and my JG HK416, I'm using a 9.6V 3800 mAh battery. Rate of fire increased from ~ 12 bb/s to ~22 bb/s. A large capacity battery can make a huge difference.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 00:13   #17
Captain Tenneal
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
If the fuse and wiring is installed correctly, removing it should never have any positive effect on the gun. A properly installed (and correct) fuse should have a near negligible effect on RoF. I imagine removing the fuse from a clone will have a greater effect than removing one from a brand name, but re-wiring should have the same effect without risking the gun without a fuse.
A fuze, by nature, is always going to be a point of resistance. Electricity is restricted to a thin filament of wire. Even with a high amp fuze, you're taking electricity from a nice thick 16-18 gauge wire, and then using two brass contacts to deliver electricity through a tiny wire that melts if a jam occurs.

Certainly, bad things can occur if you take it out. But I think the majority of people understand that if they're having a failure to fire and the gun is making strange noises that they don't just simply start heaving on the trigger and trying to get the motor to run, causing permanent damage.

But, even if you don't eliminate the fuze, I strongly recommend a complete rewire of the kraken gearbox with better wire, removing the tamiya connectors entirely in between the gearbox and the stock and replacing with deans.
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Old May 27th, 2008, 13:27   #18
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i had to take mine apart to get the gearbox out anyway but i had to do it sooner than planned cuz while i was shooting the trigger locked up as if it were on safe while i was shooting it.
cant exactly figure out what the problem is. if i take the gear levers off the box the trigger moves fine but if i put them back on and slide them into firing position its locked up again. i dont get it cuz i slide them back up into the saftey position and the selector plate appears to be perfectly in place in every setting
Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)
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