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Age verification ?



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Old September 23rd, 2008, 11:54   #1
Alex Le Chef
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Age verification ?

been a while i havent been around.. aniway there this kid that added me on msn asking me milions of questions about the sport. long story short the kid under age (17) and have litle to no interest to get age verified or come up to a game to check and see what the sport realy is about. All he wants is and aeg. no clue what he is going to do whit it if he dosent have the interest to atten a game ? whitch is what bothers me.

No clue if its true or not he told me he found a online store to buy a aeg oo7 or some like that (thought oo7 was over ) or some place else i got a big dought its bullshit

my big question is. how do stores check if you realy are 18 or not

i know for a fact that most of the buisness* is done here on asc so you have to be age ferified but ebay and such ?

keep in mind that this is just a question and im not starting a DEBATE
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 11:58   #2
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I think they look at it and go, if you are paying with a credit card for an online purchase (mommy and daddy's credit card) then you are 18, or someone who is 18 is allowing you to get it. I don't think they care too much, which is a problem in my eyes.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 12:03   #3
Fly 9
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Definitely a credit card thing. I remember buying my first retail bought AEG from an online retailer who just wanted a credit card number to prove that "I" was over 18. This was back before the self governing age verification of ASC.
I would imagine that's how whatever retailers are left outside of ASC check ages.
Ask mopic what he does, he said he has a strict 18+ rule.
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 12:35   #4
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He does, somebody asked me for his #, I gave it to him, and Mopic turned t down because he wasn't using it for the right thing. So Mopic is a good screen, the guy I know who I gave a number to is in his 40's and runs a maturity was there. but reason for purchase was not. Good choice Mopic!
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 13:17   #5
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007 is "over" in the sense it's only going to import clearsoft (only way Ken can get stuff in from what I've read).

Usually you're 18 if you have a CC, BUT they don't count on having a co-signer on the card. ie. Little billy who's under 18 can get a CC if his parents co-sign the card and take responsibility over any unpaid balances.

I have a CC, and my parents did co-sign it but I only got it because I wanted to build a credit rating so I could get some loans in the future. Technically I can get my own CC now but I choose not to, and keep the security of my parents co-signing (I don't abuse my credit I'm smart with money this is a just in case thing).

Let him get some clearsoft from Wally World/CT, at least he isn't getting the "big boy" stuff from Asia (don't mention SIR or Cabela's).
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Old September 25th, 2008, 09:52   #6
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I do screen, The item that Rex was talking about was a gentleman who wanted to use an AEG to scare birds, I thanked him for his time, did not waste much of it and advised him to order from another seller. the guy was using a pellet gun, and wanted use an AEG instead. An AEG would easily kill a bird, so no sale.
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