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Question - AK mag fitment


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Old January 13th, 2009, 12:04   #1
Frozencricket's Avatar
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Question - AK mag fitment

I have a chinese clone of a VFC AK metal body. I've been trying to fit regular TM and KA AK-47 lowcaps, but they don't quite make it. (I have installed the spacer for the mag release). The mag can be placed in the mag well with a lot of pushing, but there's no way you're getting it out without taking off the mag release.

I also have MAG midcaps, but they are too wide. Are the dimensions really that different between VFC and TM mags? Would my problem be solved if I went with VFC mags?

I'm about ready to call this project quits, so any help is appreciated.
Ottawa Airsoft
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Old January 13th, 2009, 12:29   #2
GovernmentGrant's Avatar
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OK, I actually am one of the few people who owns a real live VFC AK, think I might have been one of the first to get the VFC AKS74UN in Canada!

Anyways my actual VFC seems to feed just fine on every mag I have ever tried - TM highcaps, TM lowcaps, STAR midcaps, MAG midcaps, and of course the VFC branded mags work just fine too.

If I remember I will compare the actual sizes of the VFC and TM mags and maybe post a picture or two.

I suspect when they cloned the VFC body they might have had a fly or something in the cloning chamber.
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Old January 13th, 2009, 12:32   #3
m102404's Avatar
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Different make of AEG and magazine...but same issue. Thumb-busting-think-you're-going-to-break-something stiff right?

The only fix (we tried spacers, contemplated removing the rubber base inside the magwell, etc...) we found was to file and reprofile the rear tab of each mag. We spec'd off a mag that did fit and took a small file to each mag.

File/test/file/test...until they all worked.

The other thing we did was to lightly file/smooth the lip of the mag catch itself. It was "tilted" and uneven (I suppose from the metal stamping used to puch out the part). The burrs on the edge weren't helping anything.

If your mags are metal...I suppose you could file the mag catch lever until it fit all the mags.

Basically we needed to come up with 2mm of space...we got a bit with some shims under the mag catch and the rest from filing the rear tabs of the mags.
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Old January 13th, 2009, 12:46   #4
Crunchmeister's Avatar
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I had an issue with King Arms mags in my Real Sword Type 56. The stock RS mag fits without issue. It wobbles, but feeds fine. The KA mags (plastic) fit tight, and the tab was too fat to actually fit under the mag catch on the gun. I had to dremel the tab thickness down in order to make it fit (see the mag section of my Type 56 review -

Perhaps this will help, as it sounds like a similar problem to what you're encountering.
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Old January 13th, 2009, 13:59   #5
Frozencricket's Avatar
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Thanks guys. Looks like it's going up for sale. I don't have the tools or the time to make it work.
Ottawa Airsoft
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Old January 13th, 2009, 14:50   #6
Lakonian's Avatar
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If it's a Dboys body, all you have to do is sand the catch 2mm, or sand your mags. With sandpaper no less.

Not worth selling a good body for... IMHO. But, to each his own.
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