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GBB M4's: WA | Inokatsu | WE


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Old February 25th, 2009, 19:09   #76
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Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Ya that's true. I really just dont' liek the aegs how unreal they are. And you get pretty much forced to spray with everybody else, cuz... nobody really use tactics and nobody really moves it' sjust like sit behind a rock and spray O_O
How would you know this? You haven't played a game yet.

It all depends on the location and the group you play with... I know here in manitoba people don't just camp behind rocks and spray...

... And how would having a GBB rifle change other people's gaming habits?

:P Like I said, Play a season or two with an AEG, all the while save up for your big GBB M4 project.
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Old February 25th, 2009, 19:11   #77
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
How would you know this? You haven't played a game yet.

It all depends on the location and the group you play with... I know here in manitoba people don't just camp behind rocks and spray...

... And how would having a GBB rifle change other people's gaming habits?

:P Like I said, Play a season or two with an AEG, all the while save up for your big GBB M4 project.
bcuz apparently all AEG's are restricted to full-auto only
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Old February 25th, 2009, 21:04   #78
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
Gas guns have the potential, just none of the manufacturers over there have got it in their heads howta do it right :P

There's the new Tokyo Marui SOPMOD you just can't field strip it like a GBB Rifle.

Dragate, considering that you're NEW to the sport I would avoid building a gun up from scratch.

If you want a gas gun and have the $$$ to spend get the Inokatsu (you might as well) and than dump in all the RA-TECH upgrades.

Once the more affordable 12G CO2 magazines come out than you'll be able to field it in the winter too, just make sure you keep your o-rings lubed so they don't harden up and crack!

The only downside right now to GBB Rifles is that you can't share your magazines, and since they cost so much you're going to be cautious of just dumping them anywhere so you'll need a dump pouch ....a big one.
hm maybe i'll jsut wait like 2 years XD wait for most of the development =]
just hope the laws don't tighten up more by that time

Originally Posted by Amos View Post
How would you know this? You haven't played a game yet.

It all depends on the location and the group you play with... I know here in manitoba people don't just camp behind rocks and spray...

... And how would having a GBB rifle change other people's gaming habits?

:P Like I said, Play a season or two with an AEG, all the while save up for your big GBB M4 project.
ya not first hand, but that's waht I hear from ppl and I've seen a few youtube videos, which isn't saying much~~

But think about it, if you had 300 roudns vs a guy who had max 50... me personally i would just spray him down LOL

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
bcuz apparently all AEG's are restricted to full-auto only
LOl didn't mean it that way
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Old February 25th, 2009, 21:07   #79
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Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
hm maybe i'll jsut wait like 2 years XD wait for most of the development =]
just hope the laws don't tighten up more by that time

ya not first hand, but that's waht I hear from ppl and I've seen a few youtube videos, which isn't saying much~~

But think about it, if you had 300 roudns vs a guy who had max 50... me personally i would just spray him down LOL

LOl didn't mean it that way
that's IF they are running hicaps, most players use midcaps, locaps or realcaps...
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Old February 25th, 2009, 22:53   #80
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I love the idea of gbb rifles, and the realism and simplicity they offer. A gun with no wires is a big plus. But presently the cost of mags is keeping me out, I found the $100 I just dropped for 4 RealSword mags tough to swallow, can't imagine spending that much just for one gbb mag. They are sweet though, that's for sure.
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Old February 25th, 2009, 23:05   #81
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i stated the following iv seen them from theys prices never said brand new in box most of them were used but were in great condtion then iv seen total pacages go for the higer marks but mostly brand new one's run 17 here and i hope u know i was speaking of ptw's right. ppl get so pissy.
Originally Posted by dragwindsor View Post
What's with all the jealous haters? Seriously.

I probably know pricing better than anybody here.

If AAAAANYONE can get AAAANYTHING that costs $1100 - $1300 USD for $1500 Can, let me know how, please.

If you want a GBB rifle, buy one.

Don't listen too people that don't have even one. Listen to owners.

These haters will obviously direct away. We won't.

Would you take advice on buying an airplane from someone who's never even been in one, or from a pilot?

I've handled more GBB rifles than anyone here on ASC, I have 2 Inokatsu's, and a WA here right now alone. I love them.

If worse comes to worse, use an AEG.

In the end, just make a choice FOR YOU. If you want it, get it.

Don't let inexperienced people make that decision for you.
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Old February 25th, 2009, 23:10   #82
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
that's IF they are running hicaps, most players use midcaps, locaps or realcaps...
k personally i have 4 KA locaps one midcap, but you know... there are always those noobs with their krakens and their hi caps...
i woudln't be able to do shiat just sit behidn a rock until they wind/reload lol

Originally Posted by Metninja View Post
I love the idea of gbb rifles, and the realism and simplicity they offer. A gun with no wires is a big plus. But presently the cost of mags is keeping me out, I found the $100 I just dropped for 4 RealSword mags tough to swallow, can't imagine spending that much just for one gbb mag. They are sweet though, that's for sure.
yesssss~ exactly
like everyone on is all liek selling out their aegs cuz they just love the gbbs after they get it
i'm pretty sure i'd be the same
it' sjust the realism and it' sjust so cool O_O
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Old February 25th, 2009, 23:15   #83
Mr Jon
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I just sold 4 AEGs and 2 GBB pistols among other things of mine just to afford my Inokatsu project with full ra-tech upgrades, accessories and 7 magazines. The realism and realistic field stripping rekindled my interest in playing airsoft again, and I am glad I made the purchases and sacrafices in order to get there
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Old February 25th, 2009, 23:24   #84
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Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
k personally i have 4 KA locaps one midcap, but you know... there are always those noobs with their krakens and their hi caps...
i woudln't be able to do shiat just sit behidn a rock until they wind/reload lol

yesssss~ exactly
like everyone on is all liek selling out their aegs cuz they just love the gbbs after they get it
i'm pretty sure i'd be the same
it' sjust the realism and it' sjust so cool O_O
lol who you calling noob...noob?

anyways, the point is that yes while there are noobs with krakens and hicaps etc. there are WAY more experienced players who do not fall into this category, who love the milsim aspect of reloading etc.

and then there are those who use midcaps/locaps and still spray alot, there's no way to change these guys, but you can avoid it by going to games that have ammo rules, buying a GBB rifle is not going to solve this problem, you just do you, nothing can replace good ole real life experience, don't listen to a bunch of chairsofters who have never been to a game in their lives

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Old February 25th, 2009, 23:28   #85
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Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
k personally i have 4 KA locaps one midcap, but you know... there are always those noobs with their krakens and their hi caps...
i woudln't be able to do shiat just sit behidn a rock until they wind/reload lol
There's plenty of stuff you can do...

Me and 4 of my team mates have taken a completely fortified bunker from 5 enemies

You just have to learn how to play...

It's not every day you see people pepper potting in airsoft... but goddamn is that ever effective!!
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Old February 26th, 2009, 00:11   #86
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol who you calling noob...noob?

anyways, the point is that yes while there are noobs with krakens and hicaps etc. there are WAY more experienced players who do not fall into this category, who love the milsim aspect of reloading etc.

and then there are those who use midcaps/locaps and still spray alot, there's no way to change these guys, but you can avoid it by going to games that have ammo rules, buying a GBB rifle is not going to solve this problem, you just do you, nothing can replace good ole real life experience, don't listen to a bunch of chairsofters who have never been to a game in their lives

true true
still I guess I'll sit on my 2 year thing. Wait two years, get some nice airsofting experience before making a decision...

Originally Posted by Amos View Post
There's plenty of stuff you can do...

Me and 4 of my team mates have taken a completely fortified bunker from 5 enemies

You just have to learn how to play...

It's not every day you see people pepper potting in airsoft... but goddamn is that ever effective!!
pro pro.
Ya I guess. It's just vids on the internet really discourage me. Makes airsoft look pretttty bad.
But then again, still gotta try it formyself right
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Old February 26th, 2009, 01:18   #87
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Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
pro pro.
Ya I guess. It's just vids on the internet really discourage me. Makes airsoft look pretttty bad.
But then again, still gotta try it formyself right
It seems Airsoft at paintball fields is MUCH different from airsoft in the bush

Paintball field airsoft is much more like trench warfare... where outdoor airsoft is much more... "Milsim"
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Old February 26th, 2009, 01:54   #88
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Alright well the verdict is:

I need more time and expereince =]

and on the side of GBB's, for anyone else having the same questions:

First off

And comparison of three brands, WA is the benchmark, and Later came the Inokatsu and WE. WE is at the bottom of the list atm due to quality but is very skirmishable. WA has plastic bodies and innards, thus needs replacing to play, so better to just get Inokatsu.

GBB's are fairly new on the market and have yet to advance. New technologies from G&P, Prime, RA tech and other brands such as GHK and stuff are making parts/gbbs. WETTI are comming out with lots of new parts and even different fps bolts.

Some GBB's fire 500 fps out of the box or higher. Thus ineed of downgrading for fielding. This probabaly leads you to RA tech. A Taiwanese company building lots of new parts and custom GBBs. Very good company comming out with a cheaper alternative to WA/Inokatsu/G&P mags. Mags from WA are costing 100USD atm, and RA tech claims to be sellign them at 60 USD at release.

Hop ups and bolts tend to have lots of problems and there are quite a lot of feeding problems atm.

GBBs in the old fashined sense, the old guns, overtaken by aegs, but now Gbbs are back with the gas in the mag, more realistic. They are still advancing and a lot of us hope to have the price lower, the gun more reliable and lots of more parts.

Currently G&P and Prime make bodies for these guns that are sold separately with marks of your choice.

At this momment in time in airsoft, AEGs will outperform GBBs on almost all levels except for takedown and of course blowback/recoil realism. For skirmishibality, AEGS will rock GBBs most of the time, and all GBBers know that. AEGs have higher rof, good range and accuracy, along with the possibility of hi capacity magazines and no restrictions in weather as cold mags will slowdown the performace and maybe to a point it doens't function.

Main point is, the new GBBs are pretty much indevelopment and not a lot of info is on them.

I hope this thread/info from it can be turned into a new faq, because when I started reading at first about GBBs, took me about 5 hours to get the jist, and am still pretty clueless. =]
Add some info? Edit? NEW FAq? =D
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Old March 26th, 2009, 16:30   #89
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And along came KJW M4 GBB's -
YouTube - KJM4 1
YouTube - KJM4 2

Taiwan must love GBB long arms.

Apparently, "the [blowback] isn't as strong as WA, but it's stronger than WE", and "the official release is currently Mid-May".

Another alternative to choose from means greater affordability to the consumer. For a "fad", these manufacturers seem to be putting in a lot of time and money into GBB rifles...
Nabisco Lobstrosity

Last edited by Nabisco_Lobstrosity; March 26th, 2009 at 16:32.. Reason: Updated link
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Old March 26th, 2009, 17:27   #90
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The KJW M4 GBB is the Tanio Koba C8 Canadian.

I guess Mr. Koba decided to market his gun to a larger company to mass produce since it cost a fortune over in Japan and the wait times to get it took forever not to mention the fact that it was designed as a collectors gun.

Don't know if this would be a skirmishable gun =/
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