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My Freedom Could Be In Your Hands - Up and Coming Court Case (re: specarms)



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Old February 13th, 2009, 04:33   #136
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one would think the papers would have had a field day with this.
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Old February 13th, 2009, 05:02   #137
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Its possible he may have recieved some kind of conditional discharge with a condition of No Contact with anyone involved with the use of prohibited/illegal items ie:airsoft
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Old February 22nd, 2009, 03:12   #138
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I apologize for the mildly necro post.
This is the first time I've seen this thread having only recently joined the community.

I feel a sense of terrible loss here and shame.
Though it wouldn't bear directly on the case, the court couldn't categorize airsoft as inherently criminal by itself, if they knew that Canada was buying the same equipment for LEO and MIL training. I could possibly have provided that proof and contacts of which the judge could have made inquiries.

I'm normally given to verbosity and suddenly find myself at a loss for words.
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Old February 26th, 2009, 07:26   #139
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According to Opfor's site he's not in more info than that was given.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 13:16   #140
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Gosh, living in the lower mainland, I've delt with Will before. This is so sad to be seeing this . I hope what Latency said is true. Is there any other verification that it is true?

Its possible he may have recieved some kind of conditional discharge with a condition of No Contact with anyone involved with the use of prohibited/illegal items ie:airsoft
Does such a thing exist? ^
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Old March 6th, 2009, 13:18   #141
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Jaxxin View Post
Gosh, living in the lower mainland, I've delt with Will before. This is so sad to be seeing this . I hope what Latency said is true. Is there any other verification that it is true?

Does such a thing exist? ^
the court can set whatever conditions it sees fit.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 13:35   #142
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I hope I'm not over stepping my bounds and I will remove upon a valid request by mods or a representative of Mr. Wong but I just found this online.

Last edited by Sully; March 6th, 2009 at 13:41..
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Old March 6th, 2009, 13:45   #143
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sounds like house arrest and a fine to me
but there is alot of shit in that report.... i just read the last bit
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
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Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 13:57   #144
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It should be noted that he was sentenced for importation-related infrignements, as opposed to possession or personal transactions (ie classifieds other than retailers).

Quite an interesting read, and I think that some things should be noted by all airsofters.

At least it's served in the community, so I guess this is not as bad as it could possibly have been.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 13:58   #145
Mr. Silencer
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I read through most of it.

He's under house arrest and will not be able to communicate with anything airsoft related for the next 2 years.

That explains his lack of updates.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 14:05   #146
The Lettonian
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Pulled out the actual sentencing info and cut it down a bit. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by having this up :-S

But it does explain why there's no news from him. And it's good to know there's no hard jail time involved.


[90] After considering the nature of the offences, the circumstances surrounding the commission of the offences, as well as the circumstances of the offender and the principles and purposes of sentencing, I have concluded that a term of imprisonment in the provincial range and a fine is appropriate as set out below:


On each of the three charges of wilfully evading compliance with the Customs Act by importing prohibited devices for purposes other than those prescribed by a Business Firearms Licence, I impose a sentence of two years less one day, to be served concurrently and a fine of $7,000 on each of the three counts for a total of $21,000. In setting this fine I have taken into account the fact that a forfeiture order will also be made;


On the single charge of transferring a prohibited device otherwise than under authority of the Firearms Act, I impose a sentence of 18 months;


On each of the three charges of importing into Canada prohibited devices other than under the authority of the Firearms Act , I impose a sentence of two years less one day to be served concurrently.

Each of the sentences set out above is to be served concurrently with the others.

[94] After considering all of the circumstances in this case and the principles and purposes of sentencing, I have concluded that, overall, a fit sentence for Mr. Wong is a period of imprisonment for two years less one day and a fine. Mr. Wong will serve this sentence in the community pursuant to a Conditional Sentence Order on the following terms:

(b) You shall not play or in any way participate either directly or indirectly in any Airsoft games in any form;

(c) You shall not have in your possession or in your residence any Airsoft guns or other paraphernalia related to Airsoft games;

(d) You shall not, either directly or indirectly, use or access the Internet for any purpose except as specifically required by your employment and then only for the purpose of and while in the course of your employment. You are specifically prohibited from using the Internet or any video game consoles or other electronic devices to play any Airsoft games, participate in any Airsoft chat rooms or Airsoft related forums or websites;

(e) You shall not work in any capacity, whether for remuneration or on a volunteer basis, for or in any organization, business or enterprise that involves Airsoft games and related products, including but not limited to Airsoft guns;

(h) You shall not participate in any capacity in any business or enterprise that involves the importation, sale, or transfer of any prohibited devices.


During the first 12 months of this sentence: (boils down to house arrest)

During the first 18 months of the sentence: (have a working phone, answer it and your door, and wear a tracking bracelet)


For the last six months of your sentence you will not be subject to any curfew.


[95] The defence did not oppose either of the two ancillary orders sought by the Crown. However, the defence asked the Court to consider the forfeiture as being an element of the sentence imposed. Approximately 67 Replicas were seized which were valued at a minimum of $100 each. Accordingly, the total value of the items seized is approximately $6,700. I have taken this into account in determining the sentence in this case.

Prohibition order

[96] Pursuant to s. 110 of the Code I find this is an appropriate case to exercise my discretion to make a prohibition order and do so. Mr. Wong is hereby prohibited from possessing any firearm, crossbow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things for a period of ten years.

Forfeiture of seized items pursuant to s. 490(9) of the Code

[97] I further order that the items seized from Mr. Wong, pursuant to the search warrant issued during the investigation of this case, be forfeited as set out in s. 490(9) of the Code.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 14:07   #147
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just absolutely brutal, maybe it's just the legal speak but woah!
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Alonzo Harris: Butt-naked. Ill. Sherms. Dust. PCP. Primos. P-Dog. That's what you had. That's what you were smoking, you couldn't taste it?
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Old March 6th, 2009, 14:12   #148
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kinda rediculous to the extent they puished him, hes banned from even thinking about airsoft, not just selling airsoft stuff
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 16:03   #149
Rumpel Felt
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Ya, by the way that's all laid out, it's like Big Brother basically said 'if you even think about airsoft, smackdown for you'.

We all know it could have been much worse but this is still just ridiculous. They are treating him as if he were a potentially violent, off the hook psychopath. All he did was sell toys to a community using them in a activites that are actually safer then paintball for the most part.

To think of all the petty thugs around here who have done much worse only to get a couple moths or a slap on the wrist....angers me. And it's not like they are going to be dealing with a fuck-load of these cases. Retailers aren't exactly common.

Yes, legal techies here, I already said I know if could be much worse. In the grand scheme of all things crime though, this is still just another display of our lousy "justice" (why do they even call it that) system. Lame.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 16:09   #150
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Guys don't forget, he got a two year conditional sentence. Those of you saying it's too harsh... c'mon now. It could be a LOT worse. Two years less a a day IN JAIL. Besides, he knew what he was doing was against the law. I read the link there and I'm surprised he didn't sell even a SINGLE gun to the movie industry! Shit, you HAVE to do stuff like that just to cover your own ass incase something like this happens!!!
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