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Old December 13th, 2013, 12:30   #16
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
what? That makes no sense
i think he meant that with a 10.5 inch inner barrel, his bb's would hit the inside of his suppressor.

@OP: you can find the stock, grip and rail covers in tan, including the flashlight but most of the other parts will be in black. Spray painting them tan will look a lot better IMO.

Last edited by spartan117; December 13th, 2013 at 12:32..
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Old December 13th, 2013, 12:33   #17
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Another +1 on VFC accessories, they are very high quality but unfortunately this is also reflected in the price. I'd personally try to find a set that includes the flashhider and silencer so there's better guarantee of fitment.

For the stock, WE GBBRs have real steel spec buffer tubes. I've tried to put on my VFC GBBR stock on it (which has AEG spec buffer tube I believe) and it is an extremely tight fit.

For the pistol grip, you also have to keep in mind that AEG grips are wider than GBBR grips since they need to accommodate the motor. It's a standard A2 grip as someone mentioned, so you can even try to see if you can source a cheap real steel version online.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 13:27   #18
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Hmm thanks for the input guys.

Helps a lot, just need to figure out a stock I want to use. I am pretty set on that VFC M4 KAC QD Silencer though, just need to find someone that has this piece in Canada.

Will have to look around for a standard A2 grip too then... any suggestion for stores would be sweet!

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Old December 13th, 2013, 13:51   #19
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
what? That makes no sense
What Spartan said.

In my experience the bb doesn't travel straight out of the barrel. With that suppressor mounted, the round would literally hit the top of the front hole, and get send it a random direction. That suppressor is literally a holo cylinder filled with pipe insulation, so the round would have to thread the needle to even get out of the suppressor
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Old December 13th, 2013, 15:01   #20
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Hmm thanks for the input guys.

Helps a lot, just need to figure out a stock I want to use. I am pretty set on that VFC M4 KAC QD Silencer though, just need to find someone that has this piece in Canada.

Will have to look around for a standard A2 grip too then... any suggestion for stores would be sweet!

If you find the standard A2 to be comfy Depot and Peak have them i think. Or hell even check real steel sites.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 15:56   #21
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Let me check, I might still have my grip somewhere...

Yup. Still have it. In DE too. Check your PMs.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 17:04   #22
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Originally Posted by Wilkie View Post
What Spartan said.

In my experience the bb doesn't travel straight out of the barrel. With that suppressor mounted, the round would literally hit the top of the front hole, and get send it a random direction. That suppressor is literally a holo cylinder filled with pipe insulation, so the round would have to thread the needle to even get out of the suppressor
That still makes no sense.
The round leaves the barrel in a straight line. With hop, for a few feet in front of the barrel, it's going perfectly straight. If what you're saying were true, the hopup curve would visibly start just a few feet in front of the gun instead of 80 feet into the flightpath.
And the hole on the suppressor is generally about 10-14mm, which is a HUGE bore for a BB to find it's way through.

I made myself a custom suppressor that had an air deflector build into the aperture. It was a 7.5mm hole (not a huge 10-14mm hole like on most other cans), and the BB had to fly through 4" of suppressor to get to it. And it was shaped like a cone inside, so any BB hitting the edge of the 7.5mm hole would have exploded. Never had any issues.
4" with .75mm of clearance all the way around
You're saying the BB can't clear a 10mm hole from 6" away

I've also run a 240mm barrel in a G3 SG1 before that had a 460mm outer barrel. That's 8mm of clearance for a 6mm BB over 8.6", just like running a tight suppressor, and I couldn't get those BB's to bounce off the side wall no matter how fast I swung that gun around.

Also never seen any suppressor issues on anyone else that runs a properly fitted suppressor, and I see LOTS of people that run suppressors without extended length inner barrels.

Either your BBs are hitting the insulation in the suppressor, or it's sagging, since aftermarket cans by themselves typically won't fit a given flash hider very well at all, or your barrel has a bend in it, or you've got some other problem.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 17:23   #23
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Note that the proper stock is the Crane stock, not the VLTOR.

One difference that comes up between AEG and GBBR stocks is that the AEG stocks can hold batteries (AEG batteries) while the GBBR ones are like RS and will hold AAA/CR123a in waterproof tubes, but good luck fitting an AEG bat in there.

The flash hider is a KAC Notched FH, not a standard A2 birdcage. It's designed specifically for use with the KAC suppressor. The only really good one around is the VFC one. And yes, Wilkie is correct in saying the BBs will hit the inside of the suppressor (the cheap 5KU one) because it lines up like shit. True story. So unless you're running an extended inner into the suppressor you probably don't want to play with it on.
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Old December 13th, 2013, 17:25   #24
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Hmm thanks for the input guys.

Helps a lot, just need to figure out a stock I want to use. I am pretty set on that VFC M4 KAC QD Silencer though, just need to find someone that has this piece in Canada.

Will have to look around for a standard A2 grip too then... any suggestion for stores would be sweet!

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Old December 15th, 2013, 17:50   #25
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Hey Everyone,

Been a busy weekend.

Thanks for the help and replies, I went ahead and spent a bit of money with my bonus..

Purchased a Hogue grip (thanks Stealth for details) and Magpul - RVG.

I have also placed an order with Mach 1 for the VFC Silencer!

All that is left is a crane stock!
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