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Silencers accuracy +?


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Old December 14th, 2012, 11:16   #31
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
- If your running an AEG, NBB, or Springer a suppressor "will" knock down the noise. It's dependent upon which gun you have; some it makes a little difference, and others it nearly silents.

- PTWs, GBBs, and GBBRs they have little to no effect on. Once again, it depends on the model and structure of the perticular gun. Sometimes it just eliminates one sound the gun makes (like the gas spurt, but you can still hear the bolt slamming). On a PTW the difference was negligible.

- It's a clever way to hide an extended inner barrel. A longer barrel "can" increase accuracy, and "will" increase FPS "slightly". The distance and accuracy effect isn't always the case. However with an inner barrel running through the center of, it loses nearly all of its suppressing capability.

- Suppressor style tracer units are interesting. I'd only use one if everyone has one, or you'll get yourself shot. Also if you run night vision; then you can trace your rounds in the dark to a target.

- if your BB passes through a suppressor, it will mildly knockdown your FPS. That means it comes after your inner barrel (not covering it).

This is all assuming your running a high quality suppressor with foam inserts, and a shock absorber (like a spring). The best I ever saw was an old Classic Army G36 with an foam ring filled 6" suppressor (thread on style). That gun was so quiet, you could be getting shot full auto, and have trouble knowing where it came from.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 13:03   #32
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
- if your BB passes through a suppressor, it will mildly knockdown your FPS. That means it comes after your inner barrel (not covering it).
I think you would need to back this claim up with evidence and have other people able to reproduce your test. Off the top of my head you'd also have to ensure your chrono is at the same distance from the exit of the barrel in each case, in order to ensure your results were accurate. Until then, I'm going to challenge this claim.

It's fairly well-established on other more technical airsoft forums that "barrel suck" doesn't exist, so it's extremely unlikely that "suppressor suck" exists. Again, we are talking about your BB usually clearing the length of your suppressor tube in well under a millisecond -- there's really nothing about the interior of the suppressor that is different from the air it travels through once it is out of the suppressor.

I don't think the fluid dynamics of air allows for any "wake" or pressurized suck to catch up with the BB before it exists out of the suppressor. I could be wrong if your argument is that the sound wave would cause some kind of friction, but that sounds crazy, no pun intended
"Mah check"

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Last edited by MaciekA; December 14th, 2012 at 13:05..
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Old December 14th, 2012, 13:33   #33
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
Short load the mag by 20 rounds and test your theory out.
I have...but the 2 games I was testing the rifle, only 1 game the rifle was performing at the proper fps. I'd have to put a lot more rounds than I can fire in 1-2 games to be sure, but of the few mags that were shortloaded, I don't recall it happening.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 14:04   #34
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
I think you would need to back this claim up with evidence and have other people able to reproduce your test. Off the top of my head you'd also have to ensure your chrono is at the same distance from the exit of the barrel in each case, in order to ensure your results were accurate. Until then, I'm going to challenge this claim.

It's fairly well-established on other more technical airsoft forums that "barrel suck" doesn't exist, so it's extremely unlikely that "suppressor suck" exists. Again, we are talking about your BB usually clearing the length of your suppressor tube in well under a millisecond -- there's really nothing about the interior of the suppressor that is different from the air it travels through once it is out of the suppressor.

I don't think the fluid dynamics of air allows for any "wake" or pressurized suck to catch up with the BB before it exists out of the suppressor. I could be wrong if your argument is that the sound wave would cause some kind of friction, but that sounds crazy, no pun intended
I'm definitely not claiming barrel suck, as once the BB is in larger diameter area I can't see it effecting it; unless air rushes back in the end of the barrel after the BB leaves to fill the vacuum. A backdraft could maybe affect or mitigate a small amount of BB back spin; but I'm not seeing that being the case. As you say, the velocity has the BB leaving the barrel in such a short time that velocity or spin shouldn't be affected.

It's more likely a sudden pressure change while still inside a small area. The air that the BB pushes out the end of the barrel may not be able to disperse quickly or evenly as it slams into the suppressor. Suppressors do after all absorb sound and shock, that may also have something to do with it.

I do know I'm not the only one who has seen this effect. Maybe we go shooting next time, we'll see if there is a consistent FPS change up or down (if any).
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Old December 14th, 2012, 14:43   #35
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well ricochet well test it with my gun. for those curious I have a 2012 ptw evo with a m4 inner barrel and a cqb outter barrel. the inner barrel is covered with a magpul pts aac 9" dark earth silencer with foam inserts and a spring insert.

we will test with my excort 3200 Chrono *sorry for spelling errors* in a 100 foot enclosed building. shooting what we feel is the best B2B, bastards. at time of testing well take a reading of environmental temperatures and pressure so we can have good reliable results

if there is anything else ud like us to check to help verify results please let us know.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 14:46   #36
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
I have a few different weights of bastards. We can also check effects on PTWs, AEGs, GBBs, and springers.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 17:44   #37
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The slight FPS loss is usually due to chronoing the gun an extra 8" away from the chrono
The pressure difference & turbulent air should be really negligible on the fps

Anyway, a new concept, most people have no idea what LENGTH of suppressor is actually required!
For actual silencing purposes, it seems you don't actually need a long suppressor.
My VSR only uses about 35mm of it's suppressor (G-spec with a 430mm barrel) and it's dead silent. I figure that's around the minimum length.
All you really need to do is catch the deflected air blast coming out of the barrel, and it comes out at a pretty steep angle, so you don't need a foot long silencer.
It's not like real steel where you're trying to catch a significant portion of high pressure gas and slow it down, you're catching a very small amount of very slightly pressurized gas.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 18:03   #38
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
That makes sense. However I'm not about to cut 35mm of my beautiful Navy Seal silencer. Lol

We go to Rob's shop every other week to squeeze off a few rounds in the of season. I'll give this a try, and measure silencer distance to keep the results as accurate as possible. The only gun type we don't have at the moment is a GBBR, or an NBB; but that won't make a huge difference.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 18:56   #39
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
That makes sense. However I'm not about to cut 35mm of my beautiful Navy Seal silencer. Lol

We go to Rob's shop every other week to squeeze off a few rounds in the of season. I'll give this a try, and measure silencer distance to keep the results as accurate as possible. The only gun type we don't have at the moment is a GBBR, or an NBB; but that won't make a huge difference.
Awesome, I'm super interested in the results.

Something you said above made me think about what would happen to the following BBs during very rapid full-auto fire. You could imagine a state of turbulence or interesting air pressure effects persisting within the suppressor after the first BB exited, affecting subsequent BBs after the initial one came out. I wonder if the rate of fire would have to be super high though.
"Mah check"

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Old December 20th, 2012, 16:14   #40
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Location: Belleville, ON
I got to put mine on and there is no difference in accuracy at all and I only extended the outer barrel. There is a very noticeable difference in the sound of the rifle though, with the "pop" almost completely gone I can notice the motor and spring much more.
well worth the $20 I paid.
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