Originally Posted by Styrak
You're rambling again.
Also, what do you mean by "over-torque-ing"?
It's possible.
I've had it happen to me before, you use an ultra-high toqrue gear set with a super high torque motor and things wont work nicely unless you have a strong enough spring.
My 97B came shooting 450 FPS at 16BB/second
I changed out the huge spring for a systema M85 and on semi it would fire a 2 shot burst.
Originally Posted by Skladfin
very good job on that, you made something happen.
By the way, write a guide when you have the EXPERIENCE.
And please.... if you could sum up your thoughts in 3 sentences...that would be nice too.
Could you please be less of a dick with these kinds of posts? The kid just wants to achieve a specific thing and clearly money isn't an issue for him.. No one's forcing you to read his long posts..
Anyway Dragate, I commend you for actually reading into stuff heavily, Your "book" knowledge on this stuff is alot greater than most airsofters... You just need to get your hands on a couple gearboxes and try things out for yourself to get some of the practical stuff down.
I upgraded to a modify M90+ and that stopped...