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Anyone still use standard mags?



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Old April 12th, 2010, 03:54   #76
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Are real cap 30 or 34? I'm just wondering, like can you get all 30 rounds off without turning upside down.
The STAR and Magpul realcaps are 30 but the home made/modded realcaps are usually 33 or 34 since the last few BBs never feed. Likewise my M249 boxes are heading for 105 and 205 respectively.

So who else short loads their sidearm mags to reflect real capacities?

Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
Why let everyone on the field know where and why kind of player you are when you can really just position yourself for a better shot?

I think it comes down to a mindset and one's idea of fun
True that.

Last edited by Drake; April 12th, 2010 at 03:58..
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Old April 12th, 2010, 04:27   #77
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i use realcaps in both primary and secondary. semi, for the win.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 07:13   #78
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Re: Anyone still use standard mags?

Originally Posted by Drake

So who else short loads their sidearm mags to reflect real capacities?
Depends on the game/event.
Skirmishes no.
Games like Western shoot 'em ups and for Tyson's CQB games, yes.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 07:57   #79
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I load between 32 to 36 rounds (depends if I'm using my loading tube or mag loader) in standard mags and I shortload all my pistol mags to 15 rounds. Yea it can be frustrating to play against mag ticklers but you just adapt. In the end it's tactics (individual & team) that win not how hot your gun is shooting or how many bb's your maracas can hold.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 07:58   #80
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
See this is the funny thing.. these are the kind of responses from ASC.. yet I see the exact opposite on the field.
Well, honestly, do you expect the majority of people who use high-caps to come in here and openly state that they do? I mean, that's simply ASKING to be flamed.

I can confidently say that ALL the high-cap users I play with use them out of necessity. By this I mean, the high-cap came with their gun and they can't really afford to buy mids/lows. I don't see any problem with this since a lot of us were there at some point.

As veterans in the community, it is our role to nudge high-cap users into moving down to to mids/lows.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 09:52   #81
The Lettonian
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I think a big part of the issue could also be what is "fun." "Fun" for some on this forum is having period or force appropriate attire, and "playing soldier," as someone put it, in the most realistic way possible. Others just like pulling the trigger and/or running around and spraying BBs at things.

Both of these are valid approaches to airsoft - what it really comes down to is the style of game you want to play. Milsims are milsims, but not everyone wants to be a grunt with 30 rounds in each mag. Some people want to be Rambo, because that's what their idea of fun is. Unfortunately, these worlds seems to be....somewhat mutually exclusive.

I think that (as has been mentioned) you vets should keep guiding new players towards the light - we're in the middle of a massive influx in the player population, but things should even out eventually. (Again as has been mentioned) tactics and movement carry the day -you roll through the opposition enough times and they'll start wondering what the hell they did wrong and trying to fix it. By the same token, you take some new players along for the victory ride and they'll start to imitate what's working. Or at least....they should in theory
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:02   #82
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Originally Posted by talon View Post
i use realcaps in both primary and secondary. semi, for the win.

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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:06   #83
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I like my low caps. I use them all the time, although for standard skirmishes, I'll occasionally load up the 4 mid-caps (120 round) I own and have them in my "use last" pouches on my vest.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:10   #84
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Originally Posted by Gerkraz View Post
Well, honestly, do you expect the majority of people who use high-caps to come in here and openly state that they do? I mean, that's simply ASKING to be flamed.

I can confidently say that ALL the high-cap users I play with use them out of necessity. By this I mean, the high-cap came with their gun and they can't really afford to buy mids/lows. I don't see any problem with this since a lot of us were there at some point.

As veterans in the community, it is our role to nudge high-cap users into moving down to to mids/lows.

Good luck in trying to convince that to the new players, we have been using locaps and eventually realcaps since before this board ever existed, some of us went to hicaps because certain players during the 90's start showing up to th efields with new upgraded AEG and hicaps we just adapt but evetually they themselves disappear and replaced, Hicaps have it's usage ultimately it's up to the host to enforce same as any other games. In the past I'll indulge the mag ticklers with my own but now I just indulge them with a blast with the 40.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:12   #85
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Originally Posted by FNG_13 View Post
I think a big part of the issue could also be what is "fun." "Fun" for some on this forum is having period or force appropriate attire, and "playing soldier," as someone put it, in the most realistic way possible. Others just like pulling the trigger and/or running around and spraying BBs at things.

Both of these are valid approaches to airsoft - what it really comes down to is the style of game you want to play. Milsims are milsims, but not everyone wants to be a grunt with 30 rounds in each mag. Some people want to be Rambo, because that's what their idea of fun is. Unfortunately, these worlds seems to be....somewhat mutually exclusive.

I think that (as has been mentioned) you vets should keep guiding new players towards the light - we're in the middle of a massive influx in the player population, but things should even out eventually. (Again as has been mentioned) tactics and movement carry the day -you roll through the opposition enough times and they'll start wondering what the hell they did wrong and trying to fix it. By the same token, you take some new players along for the victory ride and they'll start to imitate what's working. Or at least....they should in theory
You should see the first time Marui comes out with an AEG, they market their Airsoft AEG as better than the JAC that we use because they don't have tanks to supply the power and they have HI CAPS vs lo caps of the JAC
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:19   #86
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I like my low caps. I use them all the time, although for standard skirmishes, I'll occasionally load up the 4 mid-caps (120 round) I own and have them in my "use last" pouches on my vest.
though I use midcaps as my regular loadout, I'm in the same boat with my pair of s.arms (160rd) midcaps. they get saved until the end as a last resort.

OR, they get pulled out when I'm faced against someone who doesn't call their hits so I'll send 160 rounds down range so to teach them.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:36   #87
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I am a noob and will openly state that i do use 1 High Cap mag. I do also own 5 mid-cap mags. In my experience so far in this sport i have noticed alot of people using high-caps and I can see why they are annoying. I to started playing this sport because I wanted to get into a military simulation type game and because of high-caps alot of players just resort to spraying bb's all over the place as to choosing the right shots and using tactics. I also see that there are many reasons why they are doing that.

- the guns available to new players on a limited budget just aren't accurate enough to use one shot to take out a guy.
- players are not calling their hits, this includes both new and veteran players.
- you have to factor in brush as well as wind into where the bb's are going and sometimes lets face it, no matter how good of a shot you have and how heavy a bb is wind can get so bad that it will take the shot all over the place.
- this seems to be just an issue with my buddy's and my gun but the mid-caps that we have purchased just don't want to feed. The springs get binded up and are not reliable at all.
- alot of new players are only joining this sport becaus of Call Of Duty and they are only fasinated by the guns and just want to shoot. They are lazy and dont want to move around very much and are not really interested in the whole military sim. aspect at all.

To add more to my last point. Out of all the games that i have been to i usually end up on the team filled with noobs because I am not part of a team and I am fairly new myself. The guys/girls on my team are not interested in using a strategy which i have suggested several times to my team mates only to get shot down. Instead they just run up to a cover position and start spraying in all different directions.

So basically you veterans are in it because you guys have a love for the sport as a simulator where as the vast majority of noobs (not all noobs) are only after a call of duty run around shooting like crazy type of game. Which just like all of you guys makes me frustrated at events.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:54   #88
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The STAR and Magpul realcaps are 30 but the home made/modded realcaps are usually 33 or 34 since the last few BBs never feed. Likewise my M249 boxes are heading for 105 and 205 respectively.

So who else short loads their sidearm mags to reflect real capacities?

True that.
I "real" load my pistol mags. On my Sig & Glock 15 is enough and on the 1911 it just works better with less in the mag so it's 7. I have a lot of spare mags though for the pistols also so I don't feel the urge to cram them full.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 11:21   #89
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I "real" load my pistol mags. On my Sig & Glock 15 is enough and on the 1911 it just works better with less in the mag so it's 7. I have a lot of spare mags though for the pistols also so I don't feel the urge to cram them full.
I short load my pistol mags as well. It's a little more pressure to make the shot, but I also do it to offset cool down. If I find myself firing rapidly I'd rather count on less ammo and have a slide lock then all of a sudden not firing any bb's at all. Yes I do realize the pitch of the shot changes; but I like GBB's for their functional's just fun.

I use 68-round lowcaps in my M4, however I load to 50. I found with 68 I was always wondering "wow...when's it going to run out?". 50 was a good compromise for bushes. However I'm at the point where I'm thinking of lowering the amount of bb's again to maybe 40. I usually carry 6-10 mags depending on the situation.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 11:34   #90
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
Sorry I knew what you were talking about - I was just dumbfounded by your reasons provided on not using semi auto/lowcaps.

Can't speak for others but in my experience i've seen games *often* get really ugly because the shooter just couldn't hear their target yelling hit as they were being lit up because they 'weren't sure if their shots were penetrating' - add to that the mechanical jack hammer running next to ones ear.

Why let everyone on the field know where and why kind of player you are when you can really just position yourself for a better shot?

I think it comes down to a mindset and one's idea of fun - they don't always match perspectives but that's ok too.
That is the KEY right there folks.

Positioning, changing position, and random movements. I just love the guy who sprays-n-prays every 1.5 seconds as he leads with his head to shoot, same spot, same height, and same timing.

Originally Posted by Primus View Post
I load between 32 to 36 rounds (depends if I'm using my loading tube or mag loader) in standard mags and I shortload all my pistol mags to 15 rounds. Yea it can be frustrating to play against mag ticklers but you just adapt. In the end it's tactics (individual & team) that win not how hot your gun is shooting or how many bb's your maracas can hold.

I load my mags the same way. And I've been using the same gun for about 3 years now at 360 FPS, it's consistant and accurate, so why change that for 40 more FPS, so I have to get a little bit closer to my target (read tactics) than I would with a 400 FPS gun.

All in all I beleive 300 round limits will force you to become a better player, when I was new I was the spray-n-pray type and I tell you, when you get a kill because you have out smarted or out manouvered your apponent it's so much more sweet than just spraying until you "happen" to hit your apponent.
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