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EOTECH (clone) - Use Lithium batteries to Increase the Brightness of Reticules


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Old February 15th, 2011, 23:11   #1
a.k.a. az29okg
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EOTECH (clone) - Use Lithium batteries to Increase the Brightness of Reticules

I recently purchased a clone EOTECH 552 (with EOLAD) for $99 from Toronto Airsoft and tried to use it at the Frozen Sniper 2 game (Petawawa Airsoft, 2011-Feb-12). Much to my disappointment, I could not see the green reticule and the red was barely visable (very sunny day with a the ground all covered with white snow). So, I essentially tried to play without any sights....this and my magazine misfeeding caused me to get killed a few times (plus glasses/goggles fogging up - so I was essentially blind and the sights wouldn't have helped anyways ).

So, I started looking for reviews and I found that a lot of people were complaining that the reticules on the clone EOTECH (with the exception of the Hurricane brand) were very dim when used outside.

It turns out that the problem was with the batteries, as I was using a set of AA rechargable batteries (Duracell NiMH, 2300 mAh, freshly recharged). I retested the EOTECH today with a set of Duracell Alkaline batteries (bright and sunny) and I could easily see the reticules. The green was even more visible than the red.

So, I checked the voltage (for two AA in series):
  • Rechargeable - 3.0 volts
  • Duracell Alkaline - 3.24 volts
  • Energizer Lithium - 3.6 volts

I haven't tried the Lithium batteries, but since the Alkaline was good, I am assuming that the Lithium will allow the reticules to be even brighter.

So, for everybody out there with EOTECH clones that are very dim outdoors, try with a set of Lithium batteries (hopefully the 3.6 volts won't fry the EOTECH, if it does, then you can try to take advantage of the Energizer guarantee "We will repair or replace, at our option, any device damaged by these Energizer batteries.").

P.S. I have no way of measuring the amps drawn by the EOTECH, so I don't know the difference in the power output from these batteries.

Last edited by Cokeman; February 15th, 2011 at 23:13..
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Old February 15th, 2011, 23:17   #2
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Ok first : the reticle is supposed to be as dim as possible, you must see it just enough, not have a big bright circle all the time.
Second : for snow use Iron Sight, it's perfectly normal that you don't see reticle in the snow.
Third : keep it to Alkaline, it's a Chinese 40$ knock off repacked by G&P and sold 100/120$, don't push it too hard.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 00:37   #3
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
Ok first : the reticle is supposed to be as dim as possible, you must see it just enough, not have a big bright circle all the time.
Although this is true, I have had a few of these G&P re-branded eotechs over the last few years. They are useless on a sunny day. The OP is totally correct in wanting to increase the brightness.

Second : for snow use Iron Sight, it's perfectly normal that you don't see reticle in the snow.
Based on the OPs description, I would say hes rifle didn't have any kind of BUIS system.

@OP - Thanks for the info. Just a heads up, most clone EOtechs are really not that great. I got so fed up with various G&P re-brands that I just ended up buying a real steel EOtech.

If you want to stick with cone optics, I don't blame you. The price difference is huge! I would try and find a HurricanE Eotech clone (Generally ~$150)

Or, if you like the look of a Aimpoint, apparently the G&P Comp M2 clone is really nice.

Best of luck,
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Old February 24th, 2011, 23:35   #4
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Those 36$ 552's from deal extreme works well in snow. i would know cause i own 2 XD
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Old February 25th, 2011, 00:08   #5
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Yeah but DX can't sell them anymore due to trademarks... RIP DX Eotech's !
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