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TF2 Payload


Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi

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Old August 2nd, 2011, 02:53   #1
KwGeek's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Kitchener
TF2 Payload

I know I'm just a chairsofter right now, but I like to think up games Ideas because well I'm a geek.

anyways I was thinking about how to make flesh out the game of Payload from Team fortress 2 so that it could work in airsoft.

Now the rule and ever thing are still rough and could use more work I believe, so what ever creative criticism is welcome.

So this is what I have thought up so far.

Items needed.
  • One 55 gallon barrels
  • One Dolly cart
  • or One wheel Barrel
  • two 50 bags of sand.
  • 75 to 100 feet of rope 3/8 inch, more if needed
  • A vast number of ground stakes
Set up.

First pick the two areas that will act at the teams spawn point for both teams.

Next lay down a path with the rope on the play field, that connects the two spawn points together. making sure that path is not a straight line between the two points. Make an effort to weave the rope path in an indirect path between the two spawn points. Secure the rope down to the ground with the Stakes.

Next load the Barrel with the sandbags and put Barrel on the dolly cart,
Load the sandbags into the wheel barrel.
This will act for the game as the explosive Payload for the game

The payload is to be placed a few feet away from the Attacking teams spawn point.


the group is split into two teams, the Attacking team and the Defending team.


Attacking team: to escort the payload along the path to the Defending teams spawn point, before the clock runs out.

Defending team: to prevent the payload from getting too their spawn point. Run Out the clock.

Unlimited Respawns for both teams, there must be at lest three players in the spawn zone before the players can reenter the game.

The payload must follow the rope path that is laid down. if the attacking team deviates from the path or leaves the path completely, the Attacking team forfeits the match.

The defending team, can lay traps, like claymore mines along the path, but they can not block the path with obstacle that will block the path of the payload. Do so will force the defending team to forfeit the match to the attacking team.

Any player on the attacking team can act as the Payload escort.

The payload escort must have both hands on the handles of the payload and mush move it under his own power.

The escort can not fire their weapon as long as they are moving the payload.

The escort can stop moving the payload at any time to engage the defending team in combat.

The payload can be used as cover by either team.

The payload can not be tipped over by either team.

Optional rule: Any played on the defending team can capture the payload and move it backwards along the path.

Optional rule: the escort get double Hits as long as he is holding onto the handles of the payload.

Optional rule: Riding the Bomb: Another player can ride inside the Barrel or wheel-barrel as long as the escort agrees too the extra weight. The bomb rider get double hits as well and is allow to fire his weapon.

Last edited by KwGeek; August 2nd, 2011 at 13:24..
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